Is there any point of the daughter being a lezbo?
shareThanks for letting me know.
Figured the Rainbow Reich had to throw their lot in there somewhere. I don't think there's one female-led show out there in today's woke society that doesn't include lesbians, despite the fact that gays/lesbians make up less than 1.6% of the population.
That's 10% actually, so common enough.
I think you may be confusing the percentage with trans population.
1.6% according to CDC.
That means we should only be seeing one-and-a-half gay/lesbian character(s) per every 100 normal characters in each show, if we're talking about proper representation based on demographics.
Anything more than that is OVER-representation. And according to GLAAD, your kind are already over-represented by 3000%.
I hate how you Leftist keep spilling spaghetti and falsehoods all over the place with nonsense propaganda you've been fed by liars and agitators.
I think you may be confusing the percentage with trans population.
you being an idiot is most definitely verifiable.
shareBRAVO JIM!!! You've SUMMED the situation up for us quite NICELY!!!
And Here's A BRIEF SUMMARY for you of where this topic is heading from this point forwards:
[–] JimR0719 (53) 19 days ago
you being an idiot is most definitely verifiable.
[–] exatera (3425) 19 days ago
You are just a religious nut.
AND, I suspect, a latent homosexual.
[–] exatera (3425) 22 days ago
"Unsettling and disruptive"? 🙄
Newsflash, dude, not everyone is a homophobe like you.
[–] exatera (3425) 22 days ago
you are a homophobe.
Go stew in your self-righteousness somewhere else.
[–] Kowalski (16640) 22 days ago
[–] Kowalski (16640) 22 days ago
[–] joi2049 (3324) 19 days ago
Not wanting to engage in a lifestyle filled with depression, substance abuse, domestic abuse, and emotional abuse
This is a PERFECT DESCRIPTION of an ABUSIVE PATRIARCHAL SYSTEM -- which is also the reason why the US is over run now with so much PERSCRIPTION MEDICINE abuse.
[–] cyguration (962) 19 days ago
My tolerance -- and the tolerance offered by people like me -- is why society is as bad as it is. Had we been more intolerant, perhaps things wouldn't have devolved into the state that it has.
LOL no, 1 in every 10 people isn't a homosexual (or some related thing). Not sure where you got that from.
shareLeft-wing propaganda has forced homosexuals into so much media and ranted so much about "representation" that most idiots now believe that they make up 10 - 20% of the population. If that were the case first-world nations like America would be on a HUGE birthrate decline since homosexuals can't procreate... only indoctrinate.
You are just a religious nut.
AND, I suspect, a latent homosexual.
You are just a religious nut.
AND, I suspect, a latent homosexual.[/b]
BRAVO exatera!!!
NORMAL people definitely don't go around feeling so AFRAID of others who are not like them that they feel the need to CONSTANTLY attack and bash them all of the time unless there's a reason for it.
And that reason usually also has to do with something about the person that they attack reminding them of something about themselves that they don't like being reminded of (hence the reason why the latent homosexuality comment most likely also has validity).
NORMAL people definitely don't go around feeling so AFRAID of others who are not like them that they feel the need to CONSTANTLY attack and bash them all of the time unless there's a reason for it.
I'm selective in what I consume and have no interest
In other words, what you've done is explain how you have a "CLOSED OFF MIND" that isn't willing to watch anything that CHALLENGES YOU or YOUR PATRIARCHAL POINT of VIEW).
So guess that also means you've chosen to REMAIN there inside of your BUBBLE existence-- where all you listen to are ECHOES of other points of view -- that MIRROR and REFLECT back to you your OWN INADEQUATE point of view.
So one also hopes that you'll be HAPPY living there inside of that "ALTERNATIVE REALITY" of yours, or inside of that VERY SILLY "ECHO CHAMBER" of yours while the rest of the COUNTRY continues to CHANGE all around you.
LOL... man you're a trip.
Nothing I said had anything to do with being closed minded or closed off to anything that challenges my views.
I've probably watched WAY more films and read way more books that challenges views than you have in your lifetime. I venture across the isle when it comes to philosophical, political, and theocratic thought.
What I don't do is seek out Left-wing agitprop and then indulge it for the sake of accommodating the whims of the brainwashed sheep and their agenda-pushers.
So now you want to have a contest to compare and see which one of us has the LONGEST penis (so to speak)???
Is that it???
Do you have a DEGREE???
If so, what subject is it in???
Because guess who has a couple of them and also GRADUATED with HONORS getting them.
And since one of them is also in LITERATURE, I'm also betting that means you've neither "READ WAY more" books nor watched MORE FILMS either.
But if BRAGGING that you have (even when you MOST LIKELY have not) is helpful for you, then by all means go ahead and try to convince your VERY FRAGILE EGO (that also can't stop FLINGING FORTH HATE FILLED SPEECH all of the time) that this is the case when it obviously is NOT.
Because usually people who are "WELL READ" would also understand what having COMPASSION for other people means, which is also something that you're completely CLUELESS about.
There's no way anyone with a literature degree would misinterpret simple facts for "hate speech".
So you don't have a DEGREE do you.
Otherwise you'd continue on with your pissing contesting by telling me how you've also got one as well. But instead of doing that you continue to live there inside of your "ALTERNATIVE REALITY" BUBBLE and try to DENY that I have one, because that way you can also PRETEND as if you've READ more BOOKS when you have NOT.
And that's also ABUNDANTLY CLEAR for anyone who is WELL READ and isn't just PRETENDING to be like you are.
And as the other poster already previously pointed out, Your POTTY MOUTH has also done nothing but ATTACK and BASH GAY people, prior to doing the same thing in reference to anyone who holds political views that are in opposition to your views.
And all one needs to do is READ what you've posted here to see that.
And one can also see that you're nothing more than a SANCTIMONIOUS SELF RIGHTEOUS BORE as well.
try to DENY that I have one, because that way you can also PRETEND as if you've READ more BOOKS when you have NOT.
And one can also see that you're nothing more than a SANCTIMONIOUS SELF RIGHTEOUS BORE as well.
I didn't say that I MAJORED in BRITISH LIT.
I've studied all of the LITERARY TIME FRAMES, including the stories of Ancient Greece back at a time when BRITIAN didn't even exist.
And I've also studied the works of American writers like William Faulkner, who used the "stream of consciousness technique" (which is probably also something that you don't comprehend-- which would also explain the SILLY "prolix" comment that you've made).
But since WOOLF and JOYCE also used that same technique as well, down the drain goes what you've said about that matter in regards to the BRITS.
And up goes my assessment of you being INTELLECTUALLY BANKRUPT, or someone who can only repeat and regurgitate back up again a bunch of BS about CULTURE WARS, stuff that you've probably heard from listening to too much of the crap that is spewed forth on the PROPAGANDA CHANNEL that's run by that BRIT MURDOCH.
I've mostly also studied the CLASSICS, but we also had a SCI FI course (during which we also didn't READ whatever you describe as being a WELLS HORROR story).
But here's a link for you which probably also LIST the short story that you're talking about while also explaining how WELLS didn't write a SHORT STORY that fits into the OUTSTANDING MASTERPIECE CATEGORY:
Wells’ stories are of such a consistent caliber – well above average but with few outstanding masterpieces
And We also read and studied T. S. ELIOT'S WASTELAND and his other poems, and we also spent an entire SUMMER carefully reading and discussing TOLSTOY'S "WAR and PEACE," where Prince Andrew described his meeting NAPOLEON as being like "the BUZZING of a FLY" (which is also the same way as one feels about meeting you).
And Since you also seem to be CLUELESS as to what "SANCTIMONIOUS" means here's the definition of it for you:
making a show of being MORALLY SUPERIOR to other people.
And here's QUOTE from YOU:
>>My tolerance -- and the tolerance offered by people like me -- is why society is as bad as it is.
And this PATHETIC "SELF-AGGRANDIZING" quote is also just a small sample of how each and every single message that you've posted here is PROOF of this "SANCTIMONIOUS or MORALLY SUPERIOR" kind of an attitude that you have.
Because First you begin with an attempt to convince others that you were SUPERIOR to people who are Gay.
Then comes your other BORING LECTURES about how SUPERIOR you feel you are to others with more progressive views.
And then several others here have also posted several other messages back to you again, telling you over and over, again and again, the reasons why what you've said is WRONG.
Thus the reason why nothing whatsoever that you've said has been RIGHT, much less even interesting enough to do anything else but SKIM one's way past and through it.
Man ouch you burned him.
shareWar and Peace - Book Three: 1805 - Chapter XIX
On the Pratzen Heights, where he had fallen with the flagstaff in his hand, lay Prince Andrew Bolkonski bleeding profusely and unconsciously uttering a gentle, piteous, and childlike moan.
Toward evening he ceased moaning and became quite still. He did not know how long his unconsciousness lasted. Suddenly he again felt that he was alive and suffering from a burning, lacerating pain in his head.
He listened and heard the sound of approaching horses, and voices speaking French. He opened his eyes.
"That's a fine death!" said Napoleon as he gazed at Bolkonski. Prince Andrew understood that this was said of him and that it was Napoleon who said it. He heard the speaker addressed as Sire. But he heard the words as he might have heard the "BUZZING of a FLY." Not only did they not interest him, but he took no notice of them and at once forgot them.
His head was burning, he felt himself bleeding to death
at that moment Napoleon seemed to him such a small, insignificant creature
Whoa, looks like I completely missed this reply, but you're wrong on a couple of fronts.
First of all, I was referring to H.G. Wells' Valley of the Spiders. It's a fantastic and highly underrated piece that would make for a great horror-monster flick. If you actually studied literature, especially classic literature, you would have known this.
I mentioned Troyes and a tale that most Liberal Progressives wouldn't like because it's steeped in traditional gender roles, and if you were clearly as educated about the subject matter as you claim, you would have caught that I was referring to Érec et Énide. One of the most iconic tales that fits into Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey before the Hero's Journey became popular.
I also said you would reference the wrong Eliot and you did. Everyone talks about T.S. Eliot and trite poems like The Hollow Man.
I was actually referring to a great literary mind that most Liberals are unfamiliar with -- George Eliot -- who would be a poster child for the Liberal Progressive "non-binary" movement of today. You probably didn't even know George isn't even a male. But I digress.
Thus the reason why nothing whatsoever that you've said has been RIGHT, much less even interesting enough to do anything else but SKIM one's way past and through it.
For some reason You're HELLBENT on TRYING to DENY the REALITY of the DEGREES that I have.
So If living there inside of your ALTERNATIVE REALITY (where you think they don't EXIST) helps you to feel SUPERIOR, so be it.
Me, I'll remain here in THIS WORLD.
Since he's a SCI FI writer and his stories deal with Time Travel or with a FUTURE Time (like in THE TIME MACHINE), imo, WELLS novels don't fit into the "CLASSIC" category. If you have a "CLASSIC" car show, for instance, a car that looks like it's something from the JETSON's and can FLY would also not be appropriate enough to fit into the "CLASSIC" category either.
Poe and HAWTHORNE, yes.
Wells, no.
And Of course I also already know that George Eliot is a FEMALE.
And The FACT that you SPEW OUT "OBSCURE references" without providing more SPECIFIC information about which ELIOT it was that you mean also PROVES NOTHING, except the fact that you can't be DIRECT enough to communicate effectively enough what it is that you mean, and prefer instead to PLAY "VERY SILLY MIND GAMES" in an effort to try to DENY that I've got a DEGREE in LIT (simply because you DO NOT have one).
BREVITY and POISE also PROVES NOTHING (which you'd also know if you've read FALUKNER, JOYCE, and WOOLF who use the STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS technique in their stories).
And TOLSTOY with his 1500 page novel was also not a writer who fits into that kind of a category either.
Simply put, You're a FAKE... An EXTREMELY BORING "Full of yourself" PHONY who likes SPITTING OUT STATS about gay people in an effort to try to convince us that YOU'RE SUPERIOR to them (the same way as you're now trying to convince me that you're SUPERIOR because you think that you've READ more BOOKS).
But since 2 of the writers that you've chosen are also MINOR LEAGUE players, and only one of them (TOLSTOY) is in the MAJOR LEAGUE, that also indicates how you probably also haven't read very many of what I consider to be "CLASSIC" stories.
And that's why meeting you is like PRINCE ANDREW meeting NAPOLEON who he describes as being "LIKE the BUZZING of a FLY" in Tolstoy's "WAR and PEACE."
In other words, Nothing whatsoever about you is SUPERIOR to anything -- no matter how much "BUZZING NOISE" you make here -- as a way to be deliberately ANNOYING -- with the obsessive way that you can't STOP "BAD MOUTHING" and PESTERING the rest of us here -- with your INSECT like behavior and your TROLLING ways.
If you were sitting here next to me now I'd also use my CAN of INSECT SPRAY as a way to get rid of you.
But here's a chance to PROVE how SUPERIOR you think you are by giving us an ANALYSIS of this SHORT STORY and telling us what it is that you think is going on between the younger writer and the older one:
Instead of being OBSCURE again, Please also quote "SPECIFIC passages" from the story as a way to prove whatever point it is that you're making.
FYI: This book of stories -- which is called "LAST EVENINGS on EARTH" -- is also being read now by the SHRINK in HBO's other NEW episodes of a show called "IN TREATMENT."
dude, it's the internet. everyone here is a master scholar in whatever subject is being discussed oh and they also probably train in MMA and have never lost a fight if the topic comes up.
shareLOL... you're so right about that. It seems like everyone is a BJJ expert and has a degree in topical convenience.
shareYour ENVY keeps showing each time that you to try to DENY how JEALOUS you are that someone else has a DEGREE and YOU DO NOT.
And using Your SILLY SOCK PUPPET account also does nothing but further confirm that's the case.
So called FIRST WORLD NATIONS are already dealing with a HUGE DECLINE in BIRTHRATES.
And the reasons why The US, RUSSIA, EUROPE, JAPAN, etc. are all dealing with DECLINES in BIRTHRATES is also due to the kinds of SUPERIORITY ATTITUDES that come from ABUSIVE PATRIARCHAL SYSTEMS (which is also a part of the reason why WOMEN who are ABUSED by them chose to use BIRTH CONTROL which has lead to the decline).
So let's wait and see how YOU FEEL once the MINORITY babies come of age and they also begin to constantly BAD MOUTH others like you on social media platforms the same way that you bad mouth others now.
Shall we???
Perhaps then you'll also feel SUICIDAL as well -- once you also have people constantly attacking you -- and what they'll see as being your INFERIOR kind of lifestyle???
And the reasons why The US, RUSSIA, EUROPE, JAPAN, etc. are all dealing with DECLINES in BIRTHRATES is also due to the kinds of SUPERIORITY ATTITUDES that come from ABUSIVE PATRIARCHAL SYSTEMS (which is also a part of the reason why WOMEN who are ABUSED by them chose to use BIRTH CONTROL which has lead to the decline).
So let's wait and see how YOU FEEL once the MINORITY babies come of age and they also begin to constantly BAD MOUTH others like you on social media platforms the same way that you bad mouth others now.
Perhaps then you'll also feel SUICIDAL as well -- once you also have people constantly attacking you -- and what they'll see as being your INFERIOR kind of lifestyle???
Are you aware of how MORE MINORITY BABIES are now being born in the US than MAJORITY babies??? Part of the reason for that is because MINORITY groups can't afford the BIRTH CONTROL that other groups have access to, and RIGHT WING NUTS have also attacked the funding of Planned Parenthood which distributes Birth control pills to LOW INCOME groups. And low income groups in the other countries that you mention also can't afford to purchase birth control either.
So you are WRONG to say this is FALSE, because just like here in the US where the MAJORITY race is on DECLINE now, it's the same case with RUSSIA, EUROPE, JAPAN, etc. where their BIRTH RATES are also in DECLINE (even with Japan also mostly composed of the SAME RACE).
And By 2040 (less than 20 years from now) the so called MAJORITY RACE will also be a MINORITY in the US.
And there are also NO BLUE STATES or RED STATES, because MOST STATES are PURPLE STATES (with a combination of both points of view).
And that's also the reason why you have QUACKS like the members of the Q CONSPIRACY now trying to RECOUNT the VOTES again in AZ for the THIRD TIME.
Because they're DESPERATE to try to REMAIN in POWER and CONTROL of something that's already OUT of CONTROL as far as them being able to remain in POWER for much longer.
So keep on DREAMING and FOOLING yourself about how it's OTHER PEOPLE who have problems instead of WAKING UP to realize it's YOUR LIFESTYLE that's being rejected by others who are TIRED of having been REJECTED by YOU and the ABUSIVE kind of a LIFESTYLE that you chose to CHAMPION.
In other words, KEEP ON SLEEPING and PRETENDING as if your way of life is SUPERIOR, while others CONTINUE to keep on WAKING UP to the reasons why it is NOT.
And that's also the reason why you have QUACKS like the members of the Q CONSPIRACY now trying to RECOUNT the VOTES again in AZ for the THIRD TIME.
In other words, KEEP ON SLEEPING and PRETENDING as if your way of life is SUPERIOR, while others CONTINUE to keep on WAKING UP to the reasons why it is NOT.
The lesbian thing is dumb and sadly predictable today, but the show is actually still pretty good. I was reluctant to try it, but then did, and I'm into it.
I mean... why not? It's not like Sense8 where every other character is gay or trans, which for me wasn't relatable at all. 🙄
In this series she is the only one, so I don't see the problem.
You don't see the problem because you're already brainwashed.
For normal people, throwing in lesbian propaganda to make it seem okay (newsflash, it's not) is unsettling and disruptive, especially if it's not an integral part of the storytelling.
"Unsettling and disruptive"? 🙄
Newsflash, dude, not everyone is a homophobe like you. I personally couldn't care less.
Not wanting to engage in a lifestyle filled with depression, substance abuse, domestic abuse, and emotional abuse is not being "homophobic", it's called common sense. Common sense used to be the prevailing neurological impetus for most people, but it's been replaced with indoctrination and brainwashing to avoid being cancelled by a cult of Left-wing tyrants.
It's one thing if you want to engage in a specific fetish in your own personal life. Great. Fine. You do you. But broadcasting the fetish of 1.6% of the population to the rest of the nation by an overwhelming degree is not only disruptive but socially corrosive, and one of the underpinning elements destroying the fabric of civil society.
Well, basically, all of the data you cite is incorrect.
And you are a homophobe.
Go stew in your self-righteousness somewhere else.
Well, basically, all of the data you cite is incorrect.
“Gay and bisexual men represent about 2 percent of the U.S. population, but accounted for about 67 percent of all people diagnosed with HIV in 2014”
That’s one disease, not all STDs, that’s also a single year.
A comparative study about homosexual vs heterosexual men for the most common STDs shows infection rates vary by disease.
“ The study compared prevalence rates of most common sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in heterosexual and homosexual men who made respectively 12,201 and 5324 visits to an STD clinic over 18 months. Overall, homosexual men were significantly (p < 0.001) more likely than heterosexual men to have gonorrhea (30.31% vs. 19.83%), early syphilis (1.08% vs. 0.34%) and anal warts (2.90% vs. 0.26%) but less likely to have nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) (14.63% vs. 36.40%, p < 0.001), herpes genitalis (0.93% vs. 3.65%, p < 0.001), pediculosis pubis (4.30% vs. 5.35%, p < 0.005), scabies (0.42% vs. 0.76%, p < 0.02), and genital warts (1.68% vs. 6.69%, p < 0.001).”
One if five Americans have an STI and almost half of them are under the age of twenty four. Age also has to do with the level of domestic abuse.
“The higher level of domestic abuse amongst lesbians/gays or bisexuals may be due, at least in part, to the younger age profile of individuals identifying themselves as in this group. Nearly two-fifths (37%) of those reporting to be lesbian/gay or bisexual were aged 16 to 24 compared to just over one-fifth (21%) who identified as heterosexual/straight (data not shown). Previous analysis has shown that risk of intimate violence is higher amongst 16 to 24 year olds compared with older age groups.”
Why only talk about domestic abuse between lesbian couples? Why not look at the the higher rates of more domestic abuse against LGBT from family? Doesn’t fit your narrative?
Why only talk about domestic abuse between lesbian couples? Why not look at the the higher rates of more domestic abuse against LGBT from family? Doesn’t fit your narrative?
Not wanting to engage in a lifestyle filled with depression, substance abuse, domestic abuse, and emotional abuse
Except that description embodies what's commonly found in the LGBTQIA+ community.
There's a serious problem in those communities when it comes to mental health, and it haws nothing to do with the patriarchy.
PERHAPS we'll also DISCOVER something in this story that reveals how there are also PLENTY of MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES involved with a system of PARTRIARCHY???
Also NOTE the way MARE told RICHARD last week how she's a DETECTIVE because her father was one, and that if he'd SHOVELD SHIT then she'd also have done that for a living.
Also NOTE the way the mother of her GRANDCHILD also told her how much her SON had HATED HER.
And NOTE the way she also said she doesn't GET ALONG with her MOTHER (because she mostly adored her FATHER).
So PAY ATTENTION, because you also might learn something VERY IMPORTANT TONIGHT during her THERAPY SESSION with the SHRINK.
But since one also just found the other message you POSTED here (where you explain how you have a "CLOSED OFF MIND" that isn't willing to watch anything that CHALLENGES YOU or YOUR PATRIARCHAL POINT of VIEW), guess that also means you've chosen to REMAIN there inside of your BUBBLE existence-- where all you listen to are ECHOES of other points of view -- that MIRROR and REFLECT back to you your OWN INADEQUATE point of view.
So hope you'll be HAPPY living there inside of that "ALTERNATIVE REALITY" or that VERY SILLY "ECHO CHAMBER" of yours while the rest of the COUNTRY continues to CHANGE all around you.
Meh, I'm willing to pass up a show if it's pushing the sort of propaganda I absolutely hate.
My tolerance -- and the tolerance offered by people like me -- is why society is as bad as it is. Had we been more intolerant, perhaps things wouldn't have devolved into the state that it has.
LGBT people exist, deal with it , bigot.
shareI am so very tired of hearing righties moan, whine and complain about ‘woke’ shit. The only people I ever hear say that stupid word are conservatives. Get over it. The world is diverse and that should be celebrated not condemned.
shareBRAVO Jinx!!!
Isn't it also IRONIC how this group also SPEWS FORTH other very SILLY slogans like "CANCEL CULTURE" -- while complaining how those with OPPOSITE views to their view are GUILTY of this other "INVENTED" term that they use --- and then we also watch the 2 FACED HYPOCRITES "CANCEL" the CAREER of one of their OWN LEADERS today -- who refuses to SUPPORT their "The Election was STOLEN LIE."
And they also had a SECRET VOICE VOTE and refused to TALLY UP the SCORE or the RESULTS of that vote (which also means they may have LIED about VOTING her out of her position).
So what's probably going to happen is this party who CANCELLED her CAREER is going to end up SPLIT UP into 2 parties now (with the CANCELLED WOMAN the head of one of them).
And they also claim they have "FAMILY VALUES," yet are perfectly willing to ELECT some SCUM BAG who BRAGS about grabbing the VAGINAS of WOMEN.
And they also support this other CHILD MOLESTER as well (who his pal says he paid an underage girl for SEX), and then he also BRAGS to other members of his party about his SEXUAL CONQUESTS ( by showing them NAKED PHOTOS of the females he had sex with).
Thus also making that claim about having FAMILY VALUES a HYPOCRITICAL one as well.
Yet they still have no problem whatsoever pointing out to others why they don't like their lifestyles???
It's way past time that they took a GOOD LONG LOOK in the MIRROR at themselves before slinging MUD at others.
gas $5 a gal.....you happy now?
share"I am so very tired of hearing righties moan, whine and complain about ‘woke’ shit"
You’re definitely not alone.
I don’t see how a little "wokeness" in a movie or show affects its quality.
It affects its quality by being a lesser show. And this is coming from someone who tunes in every Sunday.
The lesbian sub-plot is clearly shoe-horned in, cuz, you know, gay people are where it's at.
The word was literally invented by Leftists so one must conclude you simply are disconnected from both politics and pop culture.
Does "woke" really sound like a word that conservatives would come up with?
If it's a 'leftist' word why are there so many post by conservatives on this site that use it . . .relentlessly.
shareIt's a fact that it's a Leftist word. People on the Left were encouraging people to "get woke" or "stay woke," i.e. become aware of social justice issues and do something about it.
Conservatives do now use it more or less mockingly, but conservatives certainly didn't invent the term.
What is the history of the word ‘woke’ and its modern uses ...
Jan 22, 2021 · Origin of the word ‘woke’ The phrase “woke” and to “stay woke” is not new — it began appearing in the 1940s and was first used by African Americans
The TERM "WOKE" is in reference to a "CORRUPTED ABUSIVE PATRIARCHAL SYSTEM" that's existed for THOUSANDS of years.
Since a US CIVIL WAR was fought over the ABUSES of that SYSTEM (AKA: SLAVERY), and WOMEN in the US still had the same LEGAL STATUS of that of a child (couldn't VOTE or HOLD PROPERTY) just 100 YEARS ago, the suggestion that people are just now "WAKING UP" to what's been going on is ABSURD to say the least.
Because people have been "FULLY AWAKE" to what's been going on for FAR LONGER than that VERY SILLY SOUNDING word began getting FLUNG AROUND online in message board forums and elsewhere.
And each time that one hears it being used over and over -- again and again and again and again -- it also sounds that much more RIDUCULOUS the next time than the last time -- (very much the same way as hearing "HAVE a NICE DAY" by someone who checks out your groceries for you also sounds just as INSINCERE and as EMPTY of meaning as it did the first time that one ever heard it used way back about 20 YEARS ago).
It also reminds one of hearing other expressions like "FAR OUT" or "GROOVY" about 60 YEARS ago and makes whoever uses the WORD "WOKE" sound just as DATED or OUT of DATE or UN-GROOVY."
fashionable and exciting.
"CHEUGY" (which means OUT of DATE) is also a good word to describe those who use the word "WOKE."
HBO has been shoving the woke alphabet mafia agenda down our throats for a while now.
shoving the woke alphabet "MAFIA AGENDA" down our throats
Nope because there's a purpose to the gay activity going on in Oz and Sopranos. When it's gay to be gay and adds nothing to the show or characters, that's a LGBTQ woke agenda.
shareNo one is talking about the GAY ACTIVITY taking place in OZ which was MOSTLY a bunch of WHITE SUPREMIST TOUGH GUYS RAPING other guys who were WEAKER and YOUNGER than they were.
That's NOT being GAY. That's being a PSYCHOPATHIC BULLY to others who can't fight back.
YOU are the ONE who ACTUALLY BROUGHT UP the GAY woke AGENDA on oz. Jesus, it's exhausting typing like the way you do. Oh and that is absolutely gay rape sex. It's prison gay not streets gay.
shareREAD it again. One definitely didn't have anything GAY on one's mind:
>>shoving the woke alphabet "MAFIA AGENDA" down our throats
What about when they aired OZ???
Was that show (that also EXPOSED the reasons why 98% of those in prison were PSYCHOPATHS) also WOKE as well???
And what about The "MAFIA FILLED" SOPRANOS???
The problem here is the SILLY kind of "JIVE TALK" that was used where it isn't CLEAR what "MAFIA AGENDA" is suppose to refer to.
Trying to apply his STATUS as a COLD BLOODED PSYCHOPATHC KILLER to other groups is ABSURD to say the least.
So it's this kind of RIDICULOUSLY IRRATIONAL "JIVE TALK" that got the conversation all TWISTED AROUND like a PRETZEL to where neither one of us comprehends what the other one is talking about.
You've written an entire book because you misinterpreted "woke alphabet mafia agenda" LMAO well done.
shareYou are aware of how WOKE means MANY DIFFERENT things to many different people aren't you???
And of how the word "WOKE" also originated in the BLACK community who also borrowed it from the CHRISTIAN community???
What is the history of the word ‘woke’ and its modern uses ...
>>Jan 22, 2021 · Origin of the word ‘woke’ The phrase “woke” and to “stay woke” is not new — it began appearing in the 1940s and was first used by African Americans
I don't remember asking.
shareThe reason you were reminded of something that's already been posted AND discussed here is to ILLUSTRATE why the concept that you have for what the TERM means may DIFFER from what others think it means.
And before one can have a RATIONAL discussion about ANY SUBJECT it also helps to FIRST DEFINE what it means.
Aristotle also points that out to us SEVERAL CENTURIES ago in his work called "POETICS." where he advised us to FIRST DEFINE the TOPIC at hand before attempting to discuss it.
Poetics (Aristotle) - Wikipedia
>>Aristotle's Poetics (Greek: Περὶ ποιητικῆς Peri poietikês; Latin: De Poetica; c. 335 BC ) is the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and first extant philosophical treatise to focus on literary theory. In this text Aristotle offers an account of ποιητική, which refers to poetry or more literally "the poetic art," deriving from the term for "poet; author; maker," ποιητής.
No one cares.
shareSURE you do.
That's why you CHIMED in and tried to DENY that one has a DEGREE in LIT.
[–] Creamofwheat22 (148) 21 hours ago
>>dude, it's the internet. everyone here is a master scholar in whatever subject is being discussed oh and they also probably train in MMA and have never lost a fight if the topic comes up.
Use more emoji's, you can't.
shareI'll take that as an ADMISSION that you now ACCEPT the FACT that one DOES have the DEGREE that YOU DO NOT???
Fucking fat loser
shareSince the amount that I weigh sits on the BORDER of being what's considered to be "UNDERWEIGHT" ...
(which definitely also means that one is NOT FAT) ...
that probably also means this is "a CASE of PROJECTION" on your part ...
where you've accused someone else of being something that applies more to YOU YOURSELF.
And since one also keeps "WINNING the DEBATES" that one is having with you --
(due to the way that you constantly keep "FLINGING FORTH FALLICIES full of "ARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEM's") --
that probably also means the "LOSER" accusation also applies more to YOU YOURSELF as well.
Because "using FALLACIES is also what LOSERS resort to doing once they've LOST" a DEBATE and have no other LEGIT COUNTER ARGUMENTS to offer their OPPONENT.
So GO AHEAD and KEEP using them and MAKING a BIG FOOL of yourself and see WHO CARES.
Just for the RECORD you might also like to know that you are also one of MOST "SLEEPY PERSONS" that one has ever ENCOUNTERED BEFORE.
And that's also due to the way that you basically (and constantly) keep presenting yourself as being someone who is "INTELLECTUALLY BANKRUPT" and "CORRUPT."
Thanks for having the courage to say what most of us are too smart to say.
shareYes. To convince you everybody is equal.