Tangled vs Megamind

I choose Tangled hands down. Some good references for all ages, a better story, and pretty good script. What do you guys think?


I liked both in different ways. They may be animated, but I think they were too different to compare. They just had different goals in telling their story.

Nathaniel: Sire, do you...like yourself?
Edward: What's not to like?


I liked Tangled better. It just has more happier and friendly scenes. Megamind wasn't really my taste.

I am firin' my lazar!


I'd have to say I enjoyed Megamind more because it's more my kinda thing.

"The cable's out!"
"It's in the Bible. Next comes locusts."


I loved both of them, but I think Tangled is a better movie.


Tangled hands down. Better storytelling, slightly better animation, better characters, even if tangled is a known story is more unpredictable than MM and it's funnier.


I hated Tangled. I had such high expectations for it because it looked like it was going to be great, but it was a let down. It wasn't funny, the message of the movie wasn't so great, and overall I thought the script was terrible.

Megamind lived up to my expectations 100%. Loved it. Great storyline, good script, and it was hilarious.


Just saw Megamind...I was not impressed. Tangled, on the other hand, was GREAT!

The only way to a person's heart is through their chest.


Tangled bored me. If your thing is simplistic kiddie shows,I guess Tangled might be better for you. For me, it was boring, predictable, and not funny. At all. Not only for me, there wasn't a real laugh during the whole movie.

At least Megamind was intelligent and original compared to Tangled. MM all the way !


Just saw "Megamind" today and I was pleasantly surprised. It was better than I expected. "Tangled" was okay but to me it didn't live up to all the hype and I thought the songs were terrible.

I wouldn't consider either film fantastic but I would have to go with "Megamind". It was much more livelier to me.


I love animation but I really disliked Tangled. I have no idea what people saw in that movie. I also thought it was very much for children only and didn't appeal to an older audience at all.

I dunno, I just didn't like it.

My name is Khan... and I am not a terrorist!!!


I agree, Tangled was fun but it seemed way more childish compared to other Disney movies which had some more things for adults.

Megamind had nothing that was too risque but so much that adults could have fun watching. Plus it was more original.
