OK, many of these posters are taking off on you for a number of reasons, so let's set this up:
1. "Great anti war movie, powerful ending." The movie certainly shows the horror of war close-up, which should lead rational minds to be repulsed by war. After all the carnage, however, the ending was anti-climactic.
2. 'American 'heroes' wiping out VC/instead the contrary." The tenor of this sentence is provocative, and seemingly anti-US. Of course, you are entitled to your opinion, however biased and uninformed. FACT IS, most soldiers in Vietnam simply wanted to get their term in and get home. You, my friend, have the advantage of 20-20 hindsight regarding the war, the lies, the devisiveness and its consequences. At the time, the majority of the guys who served were "doing their duty" - something you may get to experience when the Mainland decides to re-annex Taiwan.
As far as the body count in the film, it was fairly even - pretty unusual, since it is a fact that NVA/VC casualties far exceeded US casualties in almost every battle.
3. "The movie depicts tunnel warfare, seldom portrayed in Vietnam War films, etc." I couldn't agree more. Compared to dropping bombs from 30,000 feet, tunnel warfare is unbelievably personal and terrifying.
4. "Common fate of humanity"... Yeah, you have a point.
5. "Americans need to see this movie." Again, your anti-US bias undermines the credibility of your correct statements.
First, its ironic that, as you post from Taiwan, you owe your freedom and safety to the threat of US nuclear deterrance against the Mainland should it decide to invade Taiwan.
Second, you and most of your countrymen would be speaking Japanese right now were it not for the US of A in WWII. Think about it.
Third, do you really think you would be better off today if the USA did not exist and you had to rely all this time on the good treatment and human rights you would have been afforded by Communist China or the USSR?