MovieChat Forums > Tunnel Rats (2009) Discussion > Why Americans don't like this movie but ...

Why Americans don't like this movie but really need to see it

Great (anti-)war movie with a very powerful ending.

In this movie you don't see American heroes wipe out all the Vietcong; instead, you see the contrary.

Yes, Americans are defeated in this war. But the purpose of this movie is not to remind you that fact. It depicts one type of warfare (that is, the tunnel warfare) seldom portrayed in the representation of Vietnam war but more fascinating and brutal than the traditional warfare.

In the end, the movie is not about who won the war, but the common fate of humanity if we continue to fight each other.

Boy, Americans really need to see this movie.

from Taiwan china


Well first off, don't speak for all Americans if you choose to look knowledgeable in retrospect. Second, maybe you should start a "French should see this movie" thread since they were in Vietnam before we were. And come to think of it, visit prior to shutting the *beep* up.



Just another whiney foreigner criticizing the USA while at the same time being too chicken $hit to say what weak ass country he crawled from.


pretty sure he said he was from Taiwan... I'm from Canada and while i don't agree that only Americans should be aware of that message (we're perpetuating things in Afghanistan after all) the op has a point; though I'm not sure that this movie is the medium to get that message across seeing as its a little obscure (i only stumbled across it recently).




There are actually about a billion movies, made in America no less, that depict American involvement in Vietnam as wrong/ill-conceived/futile/a losing situation. Actually, probably more than those general "American heroes wipe out Vietcong" movies that the original poster just made up to make an ignorant comment.


There are, in fact, not very many 'Yanks kill the Cong' Nam films out there. Even The Green Berets, which is a pro-war propaganda piece, tries to be balanced now and then. 97% of Nam movies take the 'Nam was hell' line. I am not interested in arguing about whether the US involvement in the war was right or not...what would it achieve? I think even those who are or were 100% behind the effort now believe it was a horrible mistake. All war is an atrocity, and the only truly just war of the past century was WW2, so I can't understand why anyone would say "Yayy! Vietnam was a good idea!" anyway! And most of the people who made those mistakes are now dead - Lyndon Johnson, Nixon etc. McNamara has sort of admitted the whole thing was a disaster. Kind of.

And yes, I also wish people would stop slamming the US for Nam as if it were entirely their fault. Had the French given Vietnam independence in 1946, as they should have, none of the crap that came after it would have happened. In all probability, DIFFERENT crap would have happened, but it would probably not have sucked an over-confident America into a war they could not win.


If I recall, the last two dozen Vietnam War movies I've seen depict Americans getting slaughtered and/or strung-out. I have no idea what movies you've been watching? I think U.S and its citizens has made it pretty clear that Vietnam was a huge mistake. You seem like you're trying to open old wounds that have already healed. I have no idea what your post is trying to prove or state, you say "Americans should watch this film" like we all think the Vietnam War was a grand victory? Why don't you talk to some Americans and study our history before stating or hinting that we're all ignorant slobs.

Check out my videos!


Americans don't like this movie because it's inaccurate as hell and it's creator clearly didn't give a damn about doing his research.


It was directed by the German director Uwe Boll.

Boll drinks the same America Haterade as most of the world does, especially since hes from Europe. Euro's cant get over the fact the United States was founded by Europeans who couldnt stand Europe and its lack of Economic opportunity, and its pro-Big Government stances that limit personnal freedoms and they have insanely high taxe rates on the middle class.

If you watch enough Boll movies you will catch his anti-American sentiment.


"Yes, Americans are defeated in this war."

You could say both sides were defeated in the war. The Vietnamese more so because they took far more casualties and had to suffer under communism for another 30+ years. Some "victory" eh?


"A powerful Ending?" ARE YOU FRIEKING Kiddin ME? What a joke. Whoever the OP is, please stop trying to sell this piece of garbage. Try watching a REAL movie about Vietnam, there are a bunch of them that are excellent, including "Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, & Apocolypse Now" just to name a couple. How dare this even be considered a movie is pathetic & Uwe Boll needs to be stopped, and hopefully now that all the tax breaks he used to get through Germany have been canceled, maybe it will be tougher for him to make his garbage or maybe he will actually try getting a good script, even though w/an Oscar winning script he still would make a poor joke of a film. Whatever you do, don't watch this piece of trash.


Drew23, did you even see the movie? You don't reference anything about it, just say it sucks. I haven't seen it but because so many of the opposing comments about this movie are like yours (in other words, just being whiny/angry and vague), I am wondering if this movie is worth giving a chance after all...


Yep I saw it, I didn't reference because it's a waste of time. Seriously skip this and anything that has Uwe's name anywhere near it.


Well, Uwe Boll or not, I did give the movie a chance and I'm happy I did. I was pleasantly surprised and yet greatly saddened by the movie.

As the previous poster mentioned you're doing nothing but rant (or maybe whine) at the movie. You haven't mentioned anything specific that you disliked about the movie and you make it appear it badly affected you

Why don't people just think of it as a war movie and like any war the people who pay dearly have no choice in the battle. This and other war movies are a homage to brave people like them. If you noticed, the VC AND the Americans died so what's with the anti-American BS? Grow some balls will ya?

And as for folks who haven't yet watched he movie give it a chance I liked it better than the last half-dozed mind numbing garbage Hollywood churned out this summer.

Cogito, ergo sum...


Yeah, it was actually a pretty good movie, and drew23 either hasn't seen the movie or cannot express his opinion in concrete statements.


I think the Marines at Hue or Khe Sahn, or the 173rd at Dak-To or the 101st in the AShau Valley, and any other grunts in Vietnam would tell you tunnel warfare is not more brutal than traditional warfare.

Tunnles were less a fighting position (like trenches/bunkers) than they were operational sectors. They were like big US basecamps--yes they had defenses but they weren't designed as forts. Because the US controlled the air they went underground and kept things secret and away from prying eyes. This would be in contrast to the Japanese in WWII who used caves and bunkers as fighting positions that caused great casualties.

Like WWII the GI's in VIetnam quickly adapted to the tunnel complexes. The largest ones were found in areas controlled by the 25th Infantry Div(ID), 1st ID, and the Australians. All formed crack tunnel teams.

Unlike in WWII, since these were basecamps the tunnel rats were used not to battle VC in tunnels BUT to check the tunnels for intelligence and weapons. When the sweeps were done they pulled out.

Some tunnels were small and could be blown with explosvies. Others required more elaborate demolition.

As for the tunnel complexes as a whole they were knocked out. The US defoliated the jungle from the air and used massive Rome Ploughs to scrape back even more. This exposed all but the most cleverly disguised entrances. Sometimes B52's would come in and bomb the tunnels into oblvivion.

But the fact is the tunnels resulted in fewer American casualties than large land battles. By Tet (1968) the biggest tunnel complexes were gone.

Were they failures or wastes of time for the VC? NO! The VC didn't have alot to work with and worked miracles, but they failed with the big tunnel complexes in South Vietnam. Lots of smaller networks of foritifications were a CONSTANT nightmare for US forces---look at "Hamburger Hill".

But the tunnel stopping operations involved less GI's, less casualties, and less fighting than "Traditional War".

As to your other points--Americans pretty much did wipe out the enemy. All large scale engagments and 80% of small unit actions resulted in US wins. Over 54,000 Americans died in Vietnam---the NVA/VC losses were over one million.

On the battlefield we won, but our graduated escalation resulted in loss of will at home--10 years of victory is still 10 years of war, and the public percieved that we were spinning our wheels (with the help of biased media reporting). So Vietnam was a loss, but only because the politicans gave it away.



There's nothing wrong with showing soldiers without "Rambo" skills. In fact, that humanized the characters. I didn't see this movie as anti-american. Why? Only because there isn't one soldier vanquishing hundreds of vietcongs? Probably most of the soldiers weren't highly trained killing machines, but normal people trying to survive.


First of all, a well made war film, is, in itself, anti-war. If a film tries to be anti-war, that means it misses the truth of the fighting soldier.

Second. there was great heroism in the field by the NVA. Of that there is no question. My siblings who served in the war can attest to fighting the NVA, and how they respected them. But the U.S. forces were not rejects that were drugged out or messed up as the uneducated filmmakers love to spout off.

Historically, the US forces never lost one single battle during the entire conflict in Vietnam. Not one battle. Not half of a battle. Not even a small skirmish. The military forced the north to agree to peace talks in Paris, because the north was utterly destroyed by the U.S. forces. The Tet offensive was a dismal failure, as a majority of the north's forces were killed, many before the offensive actually took place, because of a premature launching of the assault by some of the forces out of contact with HQ. The north was a mess by 1968, and shot their load on Tet.

However, before the meeting took place in Paris, the U.S. Congress convened and rejected funding the war any further, forcing an almost immediate unilateral withdrawal from Vietnam, and the U.S., who had won the ground and air war, were forced by its own government to walk away with it's head hung low while leaving two-million people behind to be brutally murdered by the Khmer rouge, factions of the north as well as the Cong.

By the way, Tunnel Rats was garbage, not because he didn't actually do better than on any other films, but because he has no knowledge of what he was writing. It was like watching porn made by a eunuch.



It's better than "Pearl harbour" and "We were soldiers", and stuff like that. The only problem I had with the movie was the lack of accuracy (they didn't seem to be in 1968), and that Boll's name is in it. If this had been directed by "Alan Smithee", opinions would have been diferent.


Anything is better than We Were Soldiers.

Seriously, a movie where an officer can stand in the middle of the battlefield and not get shot, whereas all his troops were getting massacred in their cover is bound to be garbage.

All signatures should have a boundary as above to make life easier for everyone.


We lost because the war was unwinnable in the first place. The Vietnamese had been fighting foreign invaders since the 1800's (and probably before then). They saw the US and Allies as intruders on their soil and gave their lives for what they believed in.

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