Let's see, thin and dorky Jay Baruchel this year has gotten hooked up with hot, thin blonde women in She's Out of My League and The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
John C. Reilly got paired with Marissa Tomei in Cyrus.
Jesse Eisenberg hooked up with Emma Stone in Zombieland.
Seth Rogen got Katherine Heigel in Knocked Up.
Jack Black romanced Kate Winslet in The Holiday.
Would any of these couples exist in real life? Probably not.
Do you ever see a plain or overweight woman end up with a stud? Nope.
Is this because most of the producers/writers/directors are men and these men might be overweight or nerdy and have fantasies about hooking up with thin and beautiful women? I'm guessing yes!
John C. Reilly got paired with Marissa Tomei in Cyrus.
Jesse Eisenberg hooked up with Emma Stone in Zombieland.
Seth Rogen got Katherine Heigel in Knocked Up.
Jack Black romanced Kate Winslet in The Holiday.
the reasons most of those "plain" guys got those girls was because of their personalities not because of the way they looked, which you would think people would think was a good thing but all they do is complain about how unrealistic it is. believe it or not sometimes personality matters more than looks.
I wouldn't lump in Jay with those other guys, he's not a drop dead gorgeous Adonis type but he's still really attractive to me. He just came off like a nerd because of the character he was portraying.
Is this because most of the producers/writers/directors are men and these men might be overweight or nerdy and have fantasies about hooking up with thin and beautiful women? I'm guessing yes!
Wrong! Men look mostly to the looks of a girl or woman, Women on the other hand, find personallity much, much more important.. It's all about attraction, you can be the ugliest dude on the entire planet and still have a very beautiful woman. But as I stated earlier, the possibility of this being the other way around is way smaller because Men finds looks more important than personality, there are ofcourse exceptions, not everyone is the same and love makes blind and whatnot.
What you're having is a very negative look on other people though, just because they hire the actresses this way doesn't make em overweight or nerdy, who would want to watch a whale? Where would the magic be if he fell in love with a whale? Where would the romance for the viewers be? (Don't want to offend anyone, but part of this is that people think: "Man, if he can do that, I can do that aswell, I'm going to get such a girl aswell!")
All in all, it's all about how you (as a guy) show yourself to the world, what would you do if you see a beautiful girl? most guys would stay and watch, thus never having a shot and thus believing that such couples are NEVER EVER possible. Other people give it a go and see where they end... reply share
Men's looks are important to many women. Good looking men are often more confident and more likely to have sex appeal. There have been studies done showing a series of very average, overweight, and short guys applying for a job. Then a guy who looks like Brad Pitt comes in. The overwhelming majority of both women and men respondents said they'd give the job to the good looking guy. The women said they saw him as being "friendlier" even though he read the same script the previous guys had. Men said he was taller, projected more "leadership" ability, would enhance sales, and they'd love to be his wing men. The men also said while they would not admit it openly, they knew when a man was attractive to women and when he was not. Admitting it publicly made them sound "less straight," so they did not do it.
"Good looking men are often more confident and more likely to have sex appeal"
being confident is a huge turnon on woman, and to a certain heights for men, average, overweight, short guys mostly aren't confident because of their limitations, but if they were confident of being who they are, knowing that they are the best for the job and acting like that, their chances of getting hired would be the same as the 'pretty boy'.
Im sick to death of it. It was the same in Scott Pilgrim. Nerdy geeky guy gets the girl. We girls are never given hot guys to look at anymore, the only redeeming feature about this film was Nic Cage, he was gorgeous in this movie.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Haven't we learned that yet? There's like...only 1% of humans whom everyone uniformly finds attractive. A lot of "ugly" guys probably have a lot of female admirers. And many girls I have drooled over my buddies thought were absolutely disgusting or plain janes.
Having said that however, you must realize who this film is targeting...moreoever...who ALL of those films targed: young, pre-teen, teenage nerds who look and act a lot like Jay Baruchel and probably dream of landing a hot chick one day.
It's the fantasy of power and a hot babe. It sells because nerds wanna see it. Why would they pay money to watch some slack-jawed, meathead jock get the hot chick in the end? They already see that everyday in their lives.
Why did Becky end up finding Dave attractive? First, he retrieved her stolen items from the subway mugger. That showed her that there was more to him than she first thought. Then, she met him at the lab to study for her physics midterm. He played the Tesla coil music, which showed her that he was trying to find common ground. He's interested enough in her to put in some real effort. What girl wouldn't appreciate that? Then she sees his distress outside the coffee shop. He helped her out before: now she has a chance to return the favor. He makes her feel special. When she's kidnapped and held hostage, Dave gives up both the Grimhold and the dragon ring to save her. Finally, Dave trusts her enough to tell her the truth, and even gives her a vital part to play in saving the world from Morgana. It's all very exciting for a normal girl, wouldn't you say? I get the impression that she doesn't care all that much about his looks, or even about his brains. Dave makes her feel special. That's all there is to it.
When they were kids, she liked him. So even though he moved and they never had much of a relationship as children, she still already knew and probably liked him at least a little when they met again as adults.
Then when they met in college, and they went to the radio station, he impressed her by fixing the antenna that was broken. So not only was she impressed that he could even do something like that, but that he did it for her and because of him she was able to do her radio show that she loved doing.
He said he would listen to her show, and then he did, which he proved later when he played one of the songs she played on her show on his tesla coils. Since he didn't know that song, and it's played on the radio all the time, he clearly doesn't listen to the radio that much. So he wasn't listening just because he wanted to hear music, he was listening because it was her show and he knew her show was important to her.
In addition to that, when they were in the cage with the tesla coils making the music, that's when she knew that he was really listening to her show. When he first says he listened to it, she didn't have much of a reaction, she might have thought he was just saying he did. This was also when he told her that he discovered the musical capabilities of the tesla coils because of her. So not only was he listening because it meant something to her, but what she did meant something to him as well and it opened up his eyes to something new and allowed him to create something incredible.
I wish they'd do it the other way round to balance it out sometimes! (Not that I need that so to speak but I'm just saying!) HOWEVER, in "The Holiday" with Jack Black, I can actually see why she might go for him. He makes her life, she likes his music and he's kind etc. and lovely to her whereas the ex if I remember rightly was not. But overall, yes I've noticed this trend too.