MovieChat Forums > The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010) Discussion > Hollywood pairs hot women with plain guy...

Hollywood pairs hot women with plain guys again and again

Let's see, thin and dorky Jay Baruchel this year has gotten hooked up with hot, thin blonde women in She's Out of My League and The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

John C. Reilly got paired with Marissa Tomei in Cyrus.

Jesse Eisenberg hooked up with Emma Stone in Zombieland.

Seth Rogen got Katherine Heigel in Knocked Up.

Jack Black romanced Kate Winslet in The Holiday.

Would any of these couples exist in real life? Probably not.

Do you ever see a plain or overweight woman end up with a stud? Nope.

Is this because most of the producers/writers/directors are men and these men might be overweight or nerdy and have fantasies about hooking up with thin and beautiful women? I'm guessing yes!


Close, but not quite right about the motive. The motive is to appeal to that part of a young man's mind that is afraid that he is not good enough, which all young men (and most adult men have). It's been a successful formula and pulls in viewers.

Not saying it's a good thing, but the real reasons is, as usual, money.




if he wasnt a movie star...just some shmo off the street...would they still date him?


"Is this because most of the producers/writers/directors are men and these men might be overweight or nerdy and have fantasies about hooking up with thin and beautiful women?"

Yep, more or less...

...cyclops overlook optic options...



Women only find him attractive because he is on the big screen. Trust me, if he approached them on the street as someone unknown he would be ignored by most women.


Not quiet true. He seems* my type.

Remember, remember the 5th of November - V


I think he means attractive women not ugly/fat chicks that have to settle for guys like that, move along tubby.


xD believe that ain't true... UNDERWEARbandit. *beep*

Remember, remember the 5th of November - V



I know what you mean: Ugly guys can pair with hot women. I am very very sick of the beauty and the beast thing

But unfortunately thats becoz women can love ugly men.
Ugly and old men:: have hot women XD

But that will never happens with ugly women..
Natural fact unfortunately thats why movies NEVER portray love stories with ugly women pairing with hot men...

If they do, it will not be successful at least in male audience..

Do you recognize my voice...?



Actually this is true, but I can think of a few cases. I *loved* the ending of Hellsing manga because it pretty much concludes with Alucard/Integra in an unusual way. He's is a hot, super attractive vampire stud and the other has become a 52-years old woman who lost an eye in war and wears a patch. Integra's beautiful for her age, but it's obviously bothering her that she has aged from her hot, early twenties self he's used to, during the period she waited for him during 30 years.

"I've become an old woman."
"That's fine with me."

Those lines made me tear up a little.

I wish there were movies with this inversion too. :/


My friends and I were discussing the same thing, but with a different point of view. We were saying that the "clumpsy and dorky" guy who conquers the world at the end (and the girl) is the in topic. This guy is not necessarily ugly.

Spiderman (classic)
How to Train your Dragon (Jay Baruchel again)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget


I'm guessing you're correct.


J. Baruchel with Teresa Palmer in Sorcerer Apprentice: dude, the boy is a friggin sorcerer that has a steel eagle as a ride. tell me what hot babe aint gonna be attracted

John C. Reilly got paired with Marissa Tomei in Cyrus: dunno,havent watched that movie

Jesse Eisenberg hooked up with Emma Stone in Zombieland: Emma stone is pretty much freshed out of option with human race extinct

Seth Rogen got Katherine Heigel in Knocked Up: the girl was drunk and got pregnant

Jack Black romanced Kate Winslet in The Holiday: he is a music producer, and we all know that's what turn on ladies.

see? logical explanation for every one. on the serious side, one can look from a good perspective and say that what hollywood is actually doing is delivering the message that even the dorkiest dork can get babe if he work hard on something. which naturally happens because in every movie the lead role achieve something, which if otherwise would be unacceptable as a movie
