Why the hate?

I don't understand why people don't like this movie. I am not a huge fan of ballet but I found the movie mesmerizing and beautiful. Arronofsky did a wonderful job with this. One of my favorite movies ever (hence the username). But what do people not like about this movie?


I can't speak for everyone. But I do tire of watching self centered, egotistical, nasty people. And this film is full of them. That's what I didn't like about this film. As far as appreciating the art, I've also always felt that anything that involves demolishing part of your body (toes) for other people's entertainment (When it's not necessary) is completely asinine. How anyone can watch that and think to themselves, 'Oh, it's so beautiful!' is beyond comprehension. Would they feel the same way if it involved someone scratching their corneas with sandpaper? No, probably not. I just don't enjoy watching people doing purely stupid things. And no, I don't like watching horror movies where the people poke the monster with a stick, either, or dumb and dumber movies. Stupidity and being a bitch is not entertaining.


Short answer: because people are stupid.



Short answer: because different people have different opinions and they are all entitled to them.

Seriously, some of the pretentious nonsense sprouted by some posters like "I feel sorry for people who didn't like this movie" is pathetic. Why feel sorry for people just because they don't share your taste in movies? What a sad and narrow minded view of life.

And no, not everyone who hated this movie is stupid. They. Just. Didn't. Like. It. End of story.

"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy


I don't understand why people don't like this movie. I am not a huge fan of ballet but I found the movie mesmerizing and beautiful. Arronofsky did a wonderful job with this. One of my favorite movies ever (hence the username). But what do people not like about this movie?

I'm not really sure, I haven't heard a lot of people say they don't like it - maybe people who only like Transformers films and stuff wouldn't enjoy it.

I thought it was great, though.



I guess I expected too much from it and ended up dissapointed.

I'm pretty sure I "got it", but I just couldn't care for it. Everything felt...empty.

The film never really got me into caring about Nina. In fact, she never seemed like a "good" person to me. Her turning to the "dark" side didn't really come as a surprise, but more like something that was bound to happen eventually.

All the drama felt boring and empty. The most interesting dramatic scenes were the ones she had with her mother, but these only last for brief moments.

Her transformation felt empty. It felt as if they had to flesh it out more, even though her transformation happens during 90% of the movie.

Her mental illness is...weird and never explained. That would have been fine if it wasn't present during most of her scenes. I'm fine with her thinking she's turning into a swan for the symbolism, and the parts where she sees face as another person, but how come she keeps seeing Mila Kunis when she's not there?

I feel like they could have handled the "sexual" part of the movie much, much better (talking about the part in which Mila Kunis invites her to go out). It really dragged on for me from that point until the morning. Everything felt empty and it just didn't seem believable to me. The scene where Thomas shows her how to seduce someone was great. It really conveyed everything nicely and it was incredibly short.

I did like her Black Swan performance but that's it.
