Why the hate?

I don't understand why people don't like this movie. I am not a huge fan of ballet but I found the movie mesmerizing and beautiful. Arronofsky did a wonderful job with this. One of my favorite movies ever (hence the username). But what do people not like about this movie?



I didn't know people hated it?

I am an adult male with no knowledge of ballet at all, and i loved it for the story and characters.

Was actually pleasently surprised as i thought it would be one of those "regular teenage girl achieves her dream despite opposition and low class" kind of movies.


I Hate this film because it ripped-off perfect blue.


I Hate this film because it ripped-off perfect blue.


I've seen both this and Perfect Blue and while the premise is sort of similar, I don't find them that alike. In fact, they were actually remarkably different in some important aspects. The ending of Perfect Blue, for one, is on a completely different note to the ending of Black Swan. Anyway, there have been plenty of films about doppelgängers and fragile psychological states where reality is overrun with delusions and the imagination.


Or because it's a gigantic ripoff of perfect blue.

I like the Farscape display pic though.


I thought this film was awful. Almost amusingly bad, like Mommie Dearest. I had no rapport with the characters and when the feathers appeared on her back.....gimme a break ;/


All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.



Because it made me wanna slit my wrists. Can somebody explain to me why is it that the more dark and depressing a movie is and the more disturbing and bizarre dream sequences a movie has in it, the more it's considered a masterpiece?? It's this liberal pseudo intellectual bullsh-t mentality that it makes you smart and above everybody else if you enjoy this type of movie. And if you didn't enjoy it, these same people say "you didn't get it". So basically people say you're too stupid to understand it and that's why you didn't enjoy it. I got it and I fn' hated it. No offense to all you people that enjoyed it. I put it in my top 5 most despised movies of all time. with Requiem for a dream basically tied with this. If anybody was depressed before watching this movie, I believe they took their own life after watching it.


Because it made me wanna slit my wrists. Can somebody explain to me why is it that the more dark and depressing a movie is and the more disturbing and bizarre dream sequences a movie has in it, the more it's considered a masterpiece?? It's this liberal pseudo intellectual bullsh-t mentality that it makes you smart and above everybody else if you enjoy this type of movie. And if you didn't enjoy it, these same people say "you didn't get it". So basically people say you're too stupid to understand it and that's why you didn't enjoy it. I got it and I fn' hated it. No offense to all you people that enjoyed it. I put it in my top 5 most despised movies of all time. with Requiem for a dream basically tied with this. If anybody was depressed before watching this movie, I believe they took their own life after watching it.

So far every single person I've heard about hating it just haven't got it. One thing is people feeling it failed to deliver, but those truly hating it and considering it a poor film are all people who, in my experience, simply doesn't understand this film.
You claim you understand it, but do you really? Maybe you just think you understand it?


Thanks for going easy on me, I did lay it on a little thick so I expected some serious backlash lol. But I didn't say it was a poor film. I"m sure from a creative and a writing standpoint it's considered very well done and very well written. I just despise those kinds of movies and I just don't get what it is somebody would find enjoyable about something like this is what I was really trying to say.

So it's basically the to each his own type of thing. And I really disagree with the whole notion about "you hated it because you didn't get it". isn't the bottom line of seeing a movie to get enjoyment out of it? I guess your point would be that if you understand it you enjoy it more. I just think either it's your type of movie or it isn't. If you're not enjoying something, you're less likely to give a crap about the things you don't understand in a movie. Same problem I had with Requiem for a Dream. It's not rocket science. There's nothing really that deep that would be difficult to understand. But it's certainly not for everybody and it has it's share of people that hated it.
