Is Walking Dead a better show?
WD and GOT are both amazing shows; but what's your fav?
shareHmm...familiar post ..
No, it isn't
Walking Dead is terrible compared to GOT. GOT is easily a top 10 all-time show and TWD isn't even top 100.
In comparison, the later seasons of TWD has nothing on GOT, but even TWD's first 3 seasons--which are spectacular, are still a tier less than the epic Game of Thrones. I don't think anything is going to top GOT in this decade.
Game of Thrones weakest episode--if there is such a thing, is still better than TWD's best episode.
I've not read the comics so my knowledge of walking dead is limited apart from the show. The show at times however feels like it doesn't always have a plan. It started of great, but then became about finding a place, trying to keep it and then finding a new place, with the process repeated. For a zombie show I find the zombies boring and it's better when there is a big human threat - e.g. the governor. I found it went a bit downhill after he was killed although it came back a bit with Negan. Apparently the comics have them trying to rebuild the world and work together (with threats appearing obviously).
Game of thrones feels far more complex and planned out - there's a lot going on but a lot of stuff comes together.
I read a few of the earlier graphic novels. The TV show is loosely following them which does go in circles story-wise.
If the show is to improve, they need to find their own way apart from the comics. Don't count on that happening any time soon.
Game of Thrones isn't repetitive because the writer had an ending in mind which he's moving towards. Walking Dead is just trying to prolong the comics/series to make every penny they can.
"WD and GOT are both amazing shows"
What exactly is so "amazing" about TWD?
The incredibly stereotypical, shallow and "just suspend your disbelief a little more!" writing with breathing skeletons and the worst plot armor any characters ever had?
The terrible cliff hangers just so viewers may see a reason to tune in for the next season at all?
The heavy amount of completely dull red-shirt characters that die often to so incredibly stupid reasons?
The drawn out sub-plots, like the whole mayor thing back then, just because they have nothing else to fill the time with?
Ridiculously silly characters like Negan who is just super evil because he's oh-so-evil and for whatever retarded reason has a loyal gang of psychopaths with him despite him being the worst "leader" of all time?
TWD was interesting for season one, maybe season two, but that was it.
While GoT lost a lot of it's quality and appeal in the last three seasons (since they ran out of book material, basically), it is still top notch most of the time and to compare these two is like comparing some kid's school play with Puccini's Tosca.
Agreed. I only made it through a couple of episodes of TWD. GoT is one of my favorites.
shareBy mayor i gather you mean the governor? To me the show was at its best and probably peak with him. The show seems to work much better when there is a human threat such as negan, the governor etc. It may be a zombie show but the zombies are boring in it. Also the characters like negan are based on comic book characters so they can be a bit odd
share"What exactly is so "amazing" about TWD?"
The practical SFX, zombies. Some of the best on screen zombies. Although thats not enough for me to keep watching.
Is Walking Dead a better show?
not in this universe.
Game of Thrones is one of the best shows ever made In my opinion. Walking Dead seasons 1-3 were great but it has being going to shit ever since.
What the hell are you talking about? Seasons 4 and 6 were some of the best if i recall correct.
shareIs Walking Dead a better show?
How can you not have seen it, wtf? It started like 8 years ago.
shareI don't watch that many new TV shows at all. I think there's far too many, and I am usually loathe to invest time in something only for it to be cancelled, there's so much aborted stuff out there it's ridiculous.
Oh I totally agree that there are way too many shows. But TWD is not one of the "new ones". It started back in 2010 when this was nowhere near as much of a problem as it is now. Starting a new show in 2018 though? Forget about it. There's just way too many to choose from, and most of them look pretty average. To start a new show now (made within the last few years), it really needs to look good.
shareI watched three episodes of TWD and gave up. I was hooked on GoT from the beginning. That said, I know a lot of people who love TWD, so it must have something going for it.