MovieChat Forums > Unthinkable (2010) Discussion > How did this crap-ola movie get a 7.1 ra...

How did this crap-ola movie get a 7.1 rating?

OK, I will qualify that. Completely unrealistic behaviour by all the main characters -
1. professional army personnel and other interrogators bickering in front of the prisoner,
2.a specialist torturer who can hit an army guy with a metal bar and not be reprimanded - who answers to no one.
3.The top military guy on the scene refuses to be present in the gymnasium for most of the movie.
4. A terrorist who wants to be caught and tortured.
5. The torturer's wife who admires his work because she lived through atrocities in Albania.
6.The torturers side kick who is cold as ice, except for children who he lovingly protects.
7. a terrorist who is about to decimate the USA claiming to be a loyal American

A pile of rubbish. Get real people.


agreed. It is a total crap.


ive seen lots of bad movies but this is one of the worst ive ever seen, not in an entertaining way either. the script and dialogue were horrible and unbelievable, the acting was overdone and not very good, Carrie Ann Moss was the worst. the bomb explosion in the mall looked really fake and low budget, i cant fathom how this film is getting such praise. little kids could have written a better story, i found myself wishing the nukes would just go off and kill all the horribly written charachters so the movie would be over.



Let me tell you, to make a film, you got to add a bit of unreal things here and there. That is why, my friend, is called as a MOVIE.

Well, the torturer is not criticized maybe for the fact he has some advantage over the CIA (through some kinda of experience / external support.) You get to see few individuals getting certain advantage via certain background.

I respect your views but this one is a classic movie and have given a rating of 9.. Totally deserving in my prospect..!!



1. Who cares its a movie.
2. Chances are his rank supercedes theirs somehow.
3. I seem to recall he was in an area related to communications? I could be wrong as I havnt seen the flim in a while.
4. Not so unlikely, there are Buddhist who have lit themselves on fire to call attention to atrocities and it seems to have worked.
5. Admiration I don't think was for his work so much as for his taking a stand and doing what he felt he had to too get the government to do what needed doing.
6. Your right.
7. People who are patriots do all sorts of destructive things to get attention for their cause.

David Caruso "Worst actor ever!"


I have no idea how it got that high a rating.

It was a decent enough concept with a terrible script. They then spent their entire budget on a couple of stars who had to somehow inhabit a pair of awfully drawn characters. The blocking was utterly bland, the cinematography rushed and the editing can only have been done for free.

As far as I can see it was a very poor film.


I still managed to fap to it so it's not all bad.

What kind of rat bastard psychotic would play that song, right now, at this moment?


Agree. This is one of the most grossly overrated movies on IMDB.

While the film's general crap-ness was in many places laughable, its amusements do not even begin to compensate me for the time I took out of my life to watch it. Samuel L. Jackson & Co will now be forever in my debt.

So as not to come off as overly hyperbolic or disdainful, let me say this:
it would take a true idiot to 'like' this film.


Not to come off as badly educated or hypocritical, let me say this:

You're an idiot.

The film is good.



You're an idiot, this movie is awesome.


I agree with you 100%

This so called 'terrorists' plan made literally no sense, along with the fact that he kept contradicting himself made for one sloppy movie!

Still, at least the acting was solid throughout the film...

Royale with Cheese! - Pulp Fiction


I have to agree with the OP, I was expecting a top notch movie but found myself criticising this every 2 minutes.
Disappointed with SLJ in this.
Michael Sheen also sucked in my opinion. (Reminded me a bit of Law Abiding Citizen with the crap accent and how he wanted to get caught).
Bad choice for a Friday night movie.
Too many negatives, I won't waste your time highlighting them all.


The film was a morality play. In fact it could easily be a stage play. It was there to be provocative and made you think.

Its that man again!!


Very true. Unfortunately, self reflection is not a trait we strive to develop. Most will not try and understand and of those who do few will accept the inevitable direction it takes them.


Agreed---the film is may safely know now that online-feedback is equally empty/value-less to the ludicrous plot and forced/hollow acting in the film.-G.
