Why is it higher rated than 2001 when it borrows so much from it?
The fact that when it borrows so much from 2001 but is higeher rated is just stupid in my opinion, I know that it was much easier to understand and that 2001 isn't for everyone and I know that it was probably just paying homage to 2001: a space odyssey but it is just a bit much with the the same long openening without words and the villian basically being exactly the same as HAl. But I just think that imdb voters seem to have a preference towards pixar movies over other movies. I know they are quite enjoyable but they are not amazing movies with the odd exception. This is also the worst pixar movie I have seen in my opinion so I do not understand the rave reviews it gets.
No time for the old in-out, love. I've just come to read the meter!