Worst. Movie. Ever.
Need I say more?
You are the Duke! You are A Number 1!
Really? Worst movie EVER made? It probably isn't the worst movie ever made and it's certainly not the best movie ever made but it's not the worst movie ever made.
It's all a deep end.
Hasn't seen
Mission impossible 2
Silent hill 2
Mad max
Ironman 3
The Happening
Who's the girl
Star Trek 5
Pirates 4
Sucker Punch
Halloween 2 ( rob zombies )
I'll stop there.
Not. Even. Close.
I'm not so full of myself as to claim to have authority on what the Worst.Movie.Ever. is but the first movie that comes to my mind as the worst movie TO ME, is "Inside". A lot of people liked it though which just goes to prove that "art" is subjective. Anyone that says otherwise, needs to grow up.
I give this one a 6.5
I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
Hahah just look at your profile picture, hmmn I wonder why you hate it so much?
Could it be that you're a little biased?
Nope, I really don't ever need to see you say anything ever again since you've already proven that you're a total *beep* idiot in three little words.
sharesuch an original thread
Star Wars is like pizza, even when it's bad it's still pretty good.