MovieChat Forums > Breaking Bad (2008) Discussion > Is the whole premise of this show that W...

Is the whole premise of this show that Walter is magic just because he knows a tiny bit of chemistry?

Never really got into this so called "smart entertainment" stuff, if anything it tends to be further from reality than fantasy stuff is. But it really seems like the entire premise is that Walter can do anything just because of a tiny bit of chemistry knowledge and the watcher is expected to be a moron who goes "derr, he knows chemistry so it makes sense... like derr duhh dumb."

It wouldn't matter if Walter was Stephen Hawking (without the ALS), the premise only works if you're stupid enough to believe that all criminals are idiots. You'd find that in reality many meth cookers are well experienced with chemistry, you have to be in order to get around the issues of acquiring chemicals from common everyday items since buying pure chemicals always raises red flags.

Chemistry is also a very broad field, so it really should be emphasized that no one knows all of chemistry and thus lets writers conjure a magical chemical to magically excuse the massive plot hole of one man army just because he knows a TINY bit of chemistry. It's not just the knowledge here, fabricating some of this stuff requires a fair bit more than you'd find in a high school chemistry lab.

It really is a constant crutch isn't it? He knows chemistry so he's smarter than everyone else, like chemistry DURR I'm too stupid to understand chemistry so like TV make me feel smart. DERR.


So, to some extent, I think it's always going to be true that TV doesn't function like real life. Tony Stark couldn't exist. He parties every day, but is a beyond-genius across multiple fields of scientific and engineering achievement? He can read up on any subject overnight and just be a master of it? No. Whether it's the nerds on the Big Bang Theory, Walter White's vast intellect (and the over-applicability of chemistry to all situations), there will always be one foot in the implausible or impossible, because frankly, they have to make entertainment.

Some shows try harder, and from what I've read, Walter's stuff is grounded (somewhat), certainly comparatively next to other TV shows.

The show gives Walter an abundance of intellect, but it isn't confined to chemistry. I'd actually argue that his wasted potential is a big motivator for his character and a large part of the show.

As to the idiot criminals, they largely go away as the show goes on. When Walter and Jesse start out, as small-fries, they encounter similar "entry-level" criminals. They have very few meth cooks they meet. As they try to expand, they run afoul of bigger fish, and those criminals (like Gus) are anything but stupid.

He's smarter than everyone else (or, most of them), and knows chemistry, but I can't recall the show saying that his chemistry knowledge was what made him smarter.


You say that Walter's character becomes a magical / fantast figure ... do you have examples of when / how he goes well beyond chemistry? All his impressive acts (cooking 99% meth, poisoning people with ricin / lillies of the valley) have a basis in science.

He does make mistakes when he dips out of his element. See when he and Jesse rob the factory for a barrell; Hank and Steve laugh at how sloppy the robbery was. So the show doesn't make Walt out as this never-do-wrong kind of figure. He's just an excellent scientist


There are two kinds of people in the world when it comes to entertainment, I have observed. The ones who are willing to suspend their disbelief for something more important - suspense, thrills, comedy, adventure, etc., and the ones who simply won't or cannot. I suspect the former (the group I happen to belong to) enjoy life a lot more.


I do suspend my disbelief, because I enjoy movies and television much too much not to.


If you think Walt only know a "tiny bit of chemistry" you weren't paying attention. Go back and do that. Maybe actually learn something before you pretend you know what you're talking.

Thank you.


He did help start a multi billion dollar company He was one of the top chemists in the country.


He knew more than a tiny bit of chemistry. He had a genius intellect and helped started a multi-million dollar company but his ego fucked him over and he ended up as a high school teacher.


No, the whole thing is really just Hal from Malcolm in the Middle having a nightmare. That’s it. So there, you is smarter and betta than this after all! Now back to ya preferred legit smart and realistic non-entertainment.
