Is the whole premise of this show that Walter is magic just because he knows a tiny bit of chemistry?
Never really got into this so called "smart entertainment" stuff, if anything it tends to be further from reality than fantasy stuff is. But it really seems like the entire premise is that Walter can do anything just because of a tiny bit of chemistry knowledge and the watcher is expected to be a moron who goes "derr, he knows chemistry so it makes sense... like derr duhh dumb."
It wouldn't matter if Walter was Stephen Hawking (without the ALS), the premise only works if you're stupid enough to believe that all criminals are idiots. You'd find that in reality many meth cookers are well experienced with chemistry, you have to be in order to get around the issues of acquiring chemicals from common everyday items since buying pure chemicals always raises red flags.
Chemistry is also a very broad field, so it really should be emphasized that no one knows all of chemistry and thus lets writers conjure a magical chemical to magically excuse the massive plot hole of one man army just because he knows a TINY bit of chemistry. It's not just the knowledge here, fabricating some of this stuff requires a fair bit more than you'd find in a high school chemistry lab.
It really is a constant crutch isn't it? He knows chemistry so he's smarter than everyone else, like chemistry DURR I'm too stupid to understand chemistry so like TV make me feel smart. DERR.