Set in 1995?

I had been wondering for a while when this game was set, and I only recently noticed while playing one of the arcade games that there is fine print at the very bottom of the "GAME OVER" screen that says "(C) 1995 Rockstar Games Inc." or something along those lines. And now that I look back, it seems to make sense. None of the cars seem to be newer than the mid-'90s, a lot of the outfits worn by characters are not up-to-date, and the haircuts are quite dated themselves (the "Hollywood" one especially, in the context of its own name).

What do you guys make of this?



Here is a video that tries to explore this:


I remember reading that the original pitch for the game, and maybe even some unreleased betas, took place in the early 60’s and took heavy inspiration from movies like Grease, High School Confidential, Rebel Without a Cause, and American Graffiti. This would explain the greasers and snobby preppies with posh accents, both of which i found ridiculous. I mean, in 2005, any kid who dressed like a preppy would be the bullied one, not the bully. Also, the carnival always felt out of place and it seems like a leftover from when the game was set in the 60’s.

I subconsciously always set the game in the early 2000’s, like 2002. Some technology would still be outdated, especially at a crappy school like Bulworth, which explains video games from 1995. I mean in 2024, we still see tech from 2017 all over the place. I don’t figure most teens would have cellphones in 2002. I did that get my first for a couple years later.

If the 60’s thing is true I would’ve liked to have seen it. It would’ve been cool exploring a 50’s town with intentionally hammy 50’s stereotypes, instead of retro references that come off as cheesy.
