Emily , April or Summer

Who would you have picked. Peronally i think ending up with April was the right choice.



emily was just...there

april was ok





I was rooting very strongly for April. I agree she could be annoying, and Summer may even have been more likable (the fact that the movie didn't want us to like her as much as we did was a plus), but April was definitely the best match for Will. They were friends and had a real connection, while his relationship with Emily had no real buildup.

Mrs. Lovett! What a charming notion!



I was praying that he didn't end up with Summer

What if this is As Good As It Gets?
(horrified gasps)


April. Without a doubt. Isla Fisher is the hottest redhead on the planet, though I guess that has little to do with the movie itself. Oh well.




Looking at the whole thread it seems like the one that's preferred is April, and I have to agree!! I loved April too, she had such a spunky personality, and you could tell she really cared about him. Also, I love Isla and the fact that she had a scene with "Come As You Are" is the buttery topping on my toast.

'I don't want to be a vampire. I'm a *day* person. '


April? Come on! Yes, she's cute and quirky but there was no long-term relationship there. It's like Ross and Rachel from Friends - their characters don't actually go together. I give it three months from the moment the camera stopped rolling.

Sarah/Emily was definitely the best choice out of a bad bunch. When they divorced, he should have moved to a different city and met someone new.

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass"
"You will suffer me"



I felt as if there was not enough detail. Emily was definitely the 'safe' woman for Will. It seemed at the time that he reunited with her (Summer's party), that Emily would be the ideal route for him, especially because they both were kind of stuck in a standstill in their lives.

So essentially, their marriage was built on familiarity and some assumed sense of security/safety.


Throughout the film, it seemed as if Summer was the woman you had to hate, in some sort of subtle way. Her behavior suggested that she definitely wasn't right for Will, although their relationship was pretty solid.

I think Summer turned to Will after being rejected by Hampton, so in a way, he was rebound material. But as time went on, she did fall in love with him, and this montage of them dancing, fooling around, etc. strongly depicted that. But it's sad that her love for Hampton overcame and was evidently more than her love for Will.

Here are some examples of why Summer is unstable:

1.) She turns to Will as a rebound. You can tell from the way she acts around Hampton at his book signing (or whatever you may call it). I thought she was disappointed and pissed off about the break-up. But we all know she loves Hampton more than Will.

2.) She comes back into Will's life, but this time, is pregnant with another guy's baby. Unfortunately, the guy is long gone, so basically, she's taking care of the baby alone. She says she "never needed a guy," but example 3 proves otherwise.

3.) At the party, she unsuccessfully tries to woo Will back with her undeniable charm, but he knows the usual routine. So, she does need a man in her life. She's not clear about what she wants, and that shouldn't be Will's problem.


I immediately fell for April the first minute she appeared on-screen. Maybe it's because of Fisher's spunky charm or quirkiness, but I'll be damned, she was the "cute" of the bunch.

Everything about her was desirable. Her smile, laugh, views, attitude, etc. I admit that I'm biased because she's the type of girl I'd go for. The only gripe about April was that she was a bit too quirky and emotional. But it's understandable, considering her longtime feelings for Will and his inability to acknowledge those feelings as he just thought them as "just friends" (no pun intended).

It does suck to be in the friend zone, but everybody who has seen this movie realizes that there was always an attraction between Will and April. I'm glad they ended up together.

Overall, I thought all 3 women were gorgeous. They did right in picking the 3 perfect women to portray the characters. Reynolds is a lucky S.O.B. to be in a movie with all 3.


April. Summer was a slutty, horny bitch and Emily was just not right.

Now, Holly, I know it sounds irresponsible, but try to understand... I was drunk.
- Val
