Emily , April or Summer
Who would you have picked. Peronally i think ending up with April was the right choice.
shareWho would you have picked. Peronally i think ending up with April was the right choice.
shareMe too. I liked her best
Excuse me, very important person coming through-the man himself
I think summer, he seemed ot be the most in love with her and the most "unattainable", but that is probably silly to think that way so I think after that emily...
#51"That's right, one can make all kinds of explosives using simple household items"
In real life, man, chicks like Summer don't end up with guys like him. She was too loopy.
shareAgreed. She's beautiful, though she was more stunning in About a Boy!
shareApril for sure
Emily cheated on him
and Summer was just pretentious and annoying
I fell for April the second I saw her, she's cute.
Summer is not the settling type, thats why she was with the older man.
As for Emily, I hate cheaters, they never stop, and whether you forgive or not, it's impossible to fully trust them.
Wasn't me
April, cum she will
When streets are ripe and swelled with rain
May, she will stay, resting in my arms again
June she'll change her tune
In restless walk she'll prowl the night
July she will fly and leave no warning to her flight
August, die she must
The autumn winds blow chilly and cold
September I remember
A love once new has now grown old.
I'm not a woman much less Deanna Durbin, but the old-time glam-shot appeals to me.
April, cum she will
When streets are ripe and swelled with rain
May, she will stay, resting in my arms again
June she'll change her tune
In restless walk she'll prowl the night
July she will fly and leave no warning to her flight
August, die she must
The autumn winds blow chilly and cold
September I remember
A love once new has now grown old.
I'm not a woman much less Deanna Durbin, but the old-time glam-shot appeals to me.
shareNot too sure, either Summer or April...hmmm, probably April actually...and it would have been nice to have put a spoiler warning on the post, you know, just incase somebody who hasn't seen it reads this thread :S, but meh, np!
"You got a jacked up notion of fair play pal, and it's beginning to piss me off!"
Yeah I agree that April was the right choice.
That's a hard choice. Can't be Emily, since she slept with my roommate, but April was sort of phony to me. Summer's just so quirky it's hard to even judge. On sheer attractiveness, probably April, and on personality, probably her too.
But I'm being picky, since that's such a tough choice.
My review:
If it were ME, I'd go with Summer/Rachel Weisz, but I have to admit that April would probably end up being a better long-term partner.
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." - Moulin Rouge
Definitley Summer, she was pretty cool and really nice. Emily was boring, and April was good as a friend I think.
shareI was crushed that April wasn't Maya's mother. But I was pacified by the fact that he ended up with April towards the end. I will say that I feel that the story with Elisabeth was the least developed and completely out of left field. Especially since most of the storyline was developed towards Summer/Will and later April/Will. There was very little emphasis put on Elisabeth as a character and her reintroduction and sudden reapperance was jarring and quite hapahazard story telling in my opinon. Not to say it can't happen but there should have been more development into the character and the Will/Elisabeth relationship.
I agree that Summer was a very interesting character and I thought she was kind of a "tough but kind" love interest for Will. There was poginance and tenderness to their relationship but ultimately I think she was to work-centric to really sacrifice for another person and perhaps at that point in her life she shouldn't have had to.
But April to me was Will's real match. They matched perfectly with one another and they were the couple that was most invested. Will's need for her toward the middle of the story was palable and ultimately their seperation bothered him. I still think April should have been the mother personally. She looks alot more like Maya then Elisabeth does.
I was crushed that April wasn't Maya's mother. But I was pacified by the fact that he ended up with April towards the end. I will say that I feel that the story with Elisabeth was the least developed and completely out of left field. Especially since most of the storyline was developed towards Summer/Will and later April/Will. There was very little emphasis put on Elisabeth as a character and her reintroduction and sudden reapperance was jarring and quite hapahazard story telling in my opinon. Not to say it can't happen but there should have been more development into the character and the Will/Elisabeth relationship
Definitely April. She seemed a bit of a stoner though which I think is REALLY sexy. No I'm not saying she smokes pot, but she doesn't have sound like she's into that sort of thing.
While at first I was hoping he would reconcile with his wife, the actual ending was a better story line. When he walked out with the book, my wife asked me, "Why didn't he leave it for her?" When we hear the reason at the end, we realize that she was the true love of his life--and the daughter, despite her efforts to reconcile her parents, realized it too. As for Summer--she cost him his career by writing the expose. I couldn't imagine him winding up with her. Incidentally, I know someone who claims that he actually had the experience of losing a book with a dedication from his father and later finding it in a used book store.
I know someone who claims that he actually had the experience of losing a book with a dedication from his father and later finding it in a used book store.
April was more of my type while I've always had a thing for Rachel Weisz, so it's a tie.
April. I liked her personality the best...witty and free-spirited.
"Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying." ~Baba Ram Dass
April of course. Women like her are rare, and she never did anything to hurt Will. She is truly a piece of Heaven.
-The General has spoken.
Ditto. I liked her.
I'm quite a lovely person - apart from my terrible taste in pie.
Rachel Weisz was by far the best, in looks and personality. The only wrong thing she did was do her job - which didn't really bother me at all. Isla Fisher seemed to be all over the place and a real drama queen.
share" ItsEnricoPalazzo ยป
Rachel Weisz was by far the best, in looks and personality. The only wrong thing she did was do her job - which didn't really bother me at all. Isla Fisher seemed to be all over the place and a real drama queen."
You didn't watch the same movie I did. April is A LOT more attractive than Summer. And there was no drama with April, she just lived her life.
You should stop attempting to review movies. You're not very good at it.
April every time.. did you see her in wedding crashers lol... I want a peice of that!
shareAPRIL!!!! I LOVED her charecter and I love her in real life too :o)
**I want a Notebook romance...**