SO underrated...

As much as I did enjoy Frozen and Tangled, The Princess and the Frog is on a completely different level! There were no pop culture references or cheap laughs in PATF which I found refreshing. The score was beautiful, so much real 20's jazz influence, and not so pop sounding- especially in the lyrics… so why is it probably the least remembered Disney princess movie especially when it's the last true animated film? I never hear anyone talk about this movie, it's always Tangled or Aladdin or TLM… am I wrong? Does anyone else feel this way?


I sure as hell feel this way, too. It's almost like "The Rescuers" in terms of underrated-ness, even though, pathetically, this film is much more recent than that. Have yet to see "Frozen" and "Tangled" may not have been terrible, but it CERTAINLY was no where near on par with this masterpiece by far.


while i wouldn't call it a masterpiece, i really enjoyed the film. good supporting characters, i loved the music, a great villain (i think the voodoo element was great), some good side characters and although tiana was a frog for most of it, her character still came through


To Spamalot or not to Spamalot?



I wasn't so much referring to Tangled as Frozen in re: to the pop culture references. Which there were. A lot of Arrested Development references. Don't get me wrong, I dig 'em. I think they're hysterical and Disney has a way of doing it carefully. I just said that I thought TPATF was refreshing in the way that it didn't have any.

I also did not say that the score to Frozen wasn't good (even though I DO think the music was a little lacky with some exceptions like Let it Go.) I just said that I thought the music in TPATF was better. To expand, I felt like the lyrics were weak in many places and the music wasn't strong enough to make up for it. Too many of the songs were based on cheap laughs.

I'll reiterate that I enjoyed both Tangled and Frozen. I am not "accusing" them of anything... or at least anything that they're not. My original post was in no way a knock to either of the two films... in fact, I don't think I commented on any elements of them. I was just stating how I felt about Princess and the Frog and seeing if others shared my opinion.



I think it depends on where you live and your surroundings. I just went and saw Frozen today and I really enjoyed but TPAF is still my favorite. I


I liked it, but I don't think it's one of Disney's best. They have done much better films.


Just watched Frozen and The Princess and the Frog back to back, and cannot agree more! I was interested in Frozen because i like Disney 'feel-good' musicals, and the trailer made it look very fun, and i was interested in The Princess and the Frog because, well, African American protagonist (I'm white, and non-US, I really wondered if Tiana was going to be a white girl painted black, or a real black character).
Not only the characters in The Princess and the Frog felt more real and evoked more interest and sympathy, the film gave the old Disney animation feel with its music, setting and pace.
Olaf was cute, and obviously very well meaning, but Ray was a much more loveable character with his deep backstory with Evangeline (for a firefly).
I know Anna's naivety was intentional to contrast with Elsa's, but Tiana was a perfect balance between a daydreaming girl and a hardworking woman.
Frozen takes place in some 'fjords' but does anyone care, really? Do people of the fjords look like they have a certain culture of their own? To me, they were only filler, even the trolls who had a musical number all of their own. The Princess and the Frog had backdrop that was vibrant with music, colors, people, animals and food even, you would immediately know where they are even if noone mentioned it, and showing, not telling is very important to me in the art of filmmaking.
I think I can go on for a solid two pages, but you get my drift. I loved The Princess and The Frog and cannot fathom how it scores only a 7.2 where Frozen gets a 8.1 (as of this post). 7.2 is still a lot better than a lot of movies, but independently, i think it deserves more.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I loved reading what you had to say and agree with so many of the points you made. I'd definitely like to see TPATF's score bumped up.


While I do get your point I think your post was incredibly biased. You insinuated that nobody care about the fjords and that the poeple who live there probably does not have any culture, but anyone could tell where TPATF takes place. This is not true. AMERICANS can tell where the movie is situated. I know more about the fjords than I know about the different american cultures.
You seem to have a classic case of "my country is the only country". It is okey, one is often unconscious about their malady.
I still love both movies though. It is hard to choose but I think I would choose The Princess And The Frog. I think.


About the fjords, I didn't mean it in the sense that 'nobody cares about the REAL FJORD fjords' obviously everyone has heard of them, and I'm sure a lot of people (including me) acknowledges their beauty. I meant that in Frozen, it was just a word thrown around to tell the audience 'it's colder'. They could've said 'the mountains', 'the lakeside', 'the glacier' and nothing would have changed in the story. Whereas the setting in The Princess and the Frog provided many elements in storytelling.
Also I mentioned in my previous post that I was non-US (admittedly, I've been there a few times, but never the southern parts). I am actually pretty sure there are more people who know at least 'a little' about the fjords than people who could pinpoint the setting of The Princess and the Frog. But even when you did not know exactly where it was, the idea that people who lived there had a certain cuisine and music of their own was conveyed very clearly.


Yes, my son and I watched this movie for like a week straight when it came to dvd. We saw it in the theaters, twice, loved it. We're both from New Orleans so to see Disney paint our city and make it look as beautiful as it did was awesome. Not to mention the Saints had just won the Superbowl. We were happy being New Orleanians all the way around. The songs in this movie was classic as well. 'Going down da Bayou' is my favorite one. I wish it would have been longer, but the scenery in that song with the fireflies going through the logs, the way it was lit up, the son and I just loved that part!! 'We gon take ya, we gon take ya, we gon take ya all the way down!!! We gon take ya down, we gon take ya down, we gon take ya all the waaaay!! GOING DOWN DA BAYOU!!!' Masterpiece!!! 'OH GRANDMAWMAWWWW YOUR LIGHT OUT!!!!' *grandma is flying with a walker, then does the clap on*. Priceless.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson
R.I.P. Heath Ledger


Well said selin1005.


I feel like a crapload of heart and work was put into this movie where Frozen, Tangled and Brave are just a bunch of sloppy, thrown together cliches and CGI overload. Entertaining with diverting bubbly animation and catchy songs, but not very imaginative or deep. Fast-paced, wide-eyed wonderment to amuse everyone, especially kids, but still not the best story. Too sugary and perfectly catered to younger viewers and mainstream sounding songs and looks to the characters. The detail and micromanaging there seems to have been with The Princess and the Frog seems so much more. It's a work of art.

It is not only hand drawn and beautifully done, it really developed its story and characters with great balance of heart and humor, and paid close attention and to the jazz-era New Orleans it was capturing which was unique. The songs were great, the villain wonderfully sinister and the humor was original and funny. Tiana and Naveen are very human characters, not cliche or bland, the lightning bug and crocodile are funny and some of the more significant animal sidekicks of any Disney film. Not just there to look cute and provide cheap laughs but they had a place in the story and helped keep it going.

It doesn't feel like any of the classic Disney movies, it feels like its own unique creation and it's all the better for that. Though the hardcore Disney fan crowd would probably not see that as a positive thing.


I have to agree that this is rather underrated. I just rewatched it for the 2nd time since I saw it in theaters and was rather impressed. Unfortunately I fell asleep for a bit (worked all day, can't help it, I get tired). Anyway, I thought both Tiana and Naveen were original Disney characters. I loved that we had a heroine who wasn't fantasizing all day about a boy, but had dreams of her own and making her own business. Of course other Disney heroines have their own dreams, but it was nice to see a blue-collar, hard working girl. We actually saw her waitressing multiple jobs and saving money! I also like how Naveen is basically a playboy at first, arrogant and spoiled, but changes during the film. It's also great that we see the prince trying to make Tiana's dream come true and helping her start her business. The two seem like a great pairing, and have more going on than just an initial attraction.

The villain was also great. He is really creepy and I loved all the voodoo stuff. He kind of reminded me of Rasputin from Anastasia, but it works. I enjoy the Rasputin character as well (historical inaccuracies aside lol). Also the music is very good overall. I know there aren't really any standout or standalone songs, but the songs fit the film perfectly. And the side characters are great! Ray and Louis are very likable, and Mama Odie is very entertaining. When Ray dies it is so sad, but then so sweet when he joins Evangeline in the sky. It was nice getting another genuinely sad moment in a Disney film.

I think TPATF definitely holds up against Tangled and Frozen. I enjoy Tangled, but I've realized some fans really overrate it. It also doesn't have any real standout/standalone songs, and I don't even think the songs fit that film as well. I do enjoy Flynn and Rapunzel though, but I think Tiana is a better heroine. Also I love Mandy Moore's voice, but I actually think Tiana's singing voice is fantastic for a Disney heroine. For some reason I am not sure I think Moore's fits as well (although it may also just be the style they were going with for the music in that film). I just think TPATF has more substance.

Frozen I do admit I really liked. However, it is getting massively overrated. Personally the only standout song to me is Let it Go (which is phenomenal). I consider most of the other songs in the film complete fluff. I get the Broadway vibe, but I really just think they lack substance and are silly (though I do laugh at Olaf's song a lot). Also the trolls are a huge detractor from the film. They definitely bring the film down. Elsa is a really great Disney character though, so the film gets a lot of props for her. Anna is more a standard Disney character, and Kristoph doesn't stand out compared to other Disney men (Flynn probably stands out more to me even though I rank Tangled below Frozen). Anyway, I do have many issues with Frozen but at the end of the day I still love it. I just can admit that it is far from perfect. My point with the critique of Tangled/Frozen though, is that TPATF is just as good as them. It's a shame it is kind of ignored.

Heck I even watched Pocahontas again recently and it really went down for me. It definitely is lacking. I rank Hercules above it (definitely not the greatest, but has heart and is more enjoyable). But Pocahontas always seems to get a ton of love. I'll admit it has some good songs, but the film overall lacks for me (although I love the Savages scene).



I appreciate your input… even if I don't agree 100% ;)

I do love Let it Go. And I'm kind of a language freak so I love listening to it in other languages. I'm trying to learn לעזוב (the Hebrew version) :)
