MovieChat Forums > Dexter (2006) Discussion > What ruined the show....

What ruined the show....

Ok... Let's admit even though Dexter is one of the best TV series ever IMO....The last season sucked...
Even though there may be lots of reasons why it's sited....I really think deb finding out Dexter secret was what led to its ruin..
I have to admit it had a lot of shock value like Rita s death... But after the intial shocking and interesting moments....It grew Luke warm...It seemed like her sucking the life Outta him
Plus it had only one way to end...

What do you think ruined the show???


What ruined the show for me was how badly they wanted us to sympathize with Dexter. He's a serial killer who kills other serial killers, so somehow that makes it okay? No, that's not how it works.


Debra falling in love with Dexter. So unnecessary.


I completely agree with you. In a show about a mass murder, that single thing was more creepy.


I agree with you on Deb finding out that Dexter was a killer. That really ruined it for me. It took away the whole point of the show. The element of suspense was just no longer there after she found out.

But for me, personally, I think Dexter moving in with Rita, having a kid, and becoming a family man ruined it. And I know, I know...a lot of fans liked that. But I didn't! I didn't have a problem with Dexter being in a relationship with Rita and all. I just hated it when he finally 'settled down'. It made everything he did from that point on super unrealistic. You're not going to convince me that a psycho like Dexter could juggle between having a family and killing people. I don't care how cool or edgy that aspect seemed to the fans. I just didn't like it. It was unfitting and eventually turned the show into a soap opera.

Well, that bothered me...among many others things.


ok so I just rewatched Dexter from start to Episode 11 of Season 8...(I'll never watched The Finale again in my life, to me It truly doesnt even exist, I've thought of my own ending for the show and thats how I'll remember it )

this was my 4th time watching the series , but the first time in about 4 years...

like always, I love and enjoy it...

But with this viewing, for me it became clear exactly where the show made its biggest mistakes.

Biggest Mistake #1 that completely changed the mood of the show, was when Deb got promoted to LT. and her character started being deeply depressed and hates her job...from that point on Deb's character takes a Drastic downward side that is not fun to watch...before this she always let things get to her, but she was out in the field, always solving crimes and always fun to watch.

Her character ark Literally took such a drastic depressing turn, It changed the mood of the show and literally took the fun out of watching the show...

Biggest Mistake #2-Dexter constantly making awful decisions, waiting to long to Kill his target...for me it really hit me hard half way through the 4th(and Man I love the 4th season) but the constant delays and Mistakes he makes simply just are NOT what his character would do...

overall though for me it 1000% comes down to Deb.

she was every bit as important to the show as Dexter, and her character's simply became something you didnt want to watch...

Season rankings after a 4th viewing-


PS I hope whomever wrote the finale and the execs that Okayed it die horrible deaths....unforgivable what they did in the finale(and most of season 8)
