Superman: Classic film. Christopher Reeve IS/WAS Superman for an entire generation. Gene Hackman was a very believable Lex Luthor.
Superman 2- 2 words: Terrance-fucking-Stamp. He absolutely stole the film and caused a generation of fans to recite "KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!!" too many times to count.
Superman 3: Yeah Richard Pryor is an absolutely hilarious comic and (as others said) was a big box office draw in those days, but him playing a wise-cracking computer ace wasn't believable to me. I know that Kryptonite had an "unknown" element in its composition, but adding tar to it because it was on a cigarette pack in Gus's hands, AND having that cause the Clark and Superman persona split was...well I can't find a word for it. Add in the computer taking over one of the villains and making her a cyborg (which was horribly pathetic in my opinion) and it makes for one thing...A giant turd of a film.
Superman 4: I can see the Nuclear Man idea being concocted by Luthor and I can under stand his logic behind it, but I don't care for it. Add in Lex's annoying nephew (who was only there for comedic relief) and Mariel Hemingway (who was a hottie but whose only point was to be eye candy and an attempted diversion for Clark from Lois) and this movie is a turd too. I will rank this slightly above 3 because at least the Nuclear Man idea could be pulled from a comic book more legitimately than the "take control of the humans" computer in 3.
Superman Returns: Tried too hard to capture the nostalgic value of the Christopher Reeve films and somehow tie them all together. I watched this movie once and hated it. I watched it a second time a couple years later to see if I found anything likable about it, and I didn't. No desire to ever see it again. Slight props to Kevin Spacey and Parker Posey though.