worst superman movie

lets make man of steel like batman lets make him a whiny kid that cries all the time that jerk should of saved his dad at least the in Superman 78 was a victim of a poor diet and not something like a tornado and his own stupidity when he could very easily save him
and they go into hiding all they care about is trying to make superman batman without doing the elseworlds comic Speeding Bullets so you make everyone dislike or hate Superman love Batman like he's better just because he's closer to the comic book they need to do away with the Superman didn't have his powers till like 18 no Superman was a super baby he was a super boy he's Superman


The only great "Superman" to me is the original. The rest are varying degrees of mediocre.


I hate this movie, but I hate "Superman IV" and "Superman Returns" even more!

They really should have stopped making Superman movies after "Superman 2".


well there was no way Superman 4 wasn't going to be cancelled since that was Cannon and they thought a Superman movie would just make a ton of money But Superman 3 was made because...Drugs?


"Superman 3" was made because Richard Pryor was shit-hot box office at the time. Well, it might have worked with a better script, even Pryor at the height of his powers couldn't save that mess!

If any decision was made on drugs, it was "Superman IV" or "Superman Returns". I have deep suspicions about those.


Superman IV The Quest for Money
Superman III I've been doing a lot of drugs with Richard Pryor and that's what people need in Superman III...Dru I mean Richard Pryor


A great Frank Zappa song, apropos of this: Cocaine Decisions.


Never understood the hate. I found this film thoroughly entertaining.


So what did you find more entertaining. The ham fisted preachy melodrama or the hour of people punching thing.


Neither were as entertaining as your lame sarcastic reply. That deserves a slow clap.


Superman: Classic film. Christopher Reeve IS/WAS Superman for an entire generation. Gene Hackman was a very believable Lex Luthor.

Superman 2- 2 words: Terrance-fucking-Stamp. He absolutely stole the film and caused a generation of fans to recite "KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!!" too many times to count.

Superman 3: Yeah Richard Pryor is an absolutely hilarious comic and (as others said) was a big box office draw in those days, but him playing a wise-cracking computer ace wasn't believable to me. I know that Kryptonite had an "unknown" element in its composition, but adding tar to it because it was on a cigarette pack in Gus's hands, AND having that cause the Clark and Superman persona split was...well I can't find a word for it. Add in the computer taking over one of the villains and making her a cyborg (which was horribly pathetic in my opinion) and it makes for one thing...A giant turd of a film.

Superman 4: I can see the Nuclear Man idea being concocted by Luthor and I can under stand his logic behind it, but I don't care for it. Add in Lex's annoying nephew (who was only there for comedic relief) and Mariel Hemingway (who was a hottie but whose only point was to be eye candy and an attempted diversion for Clark from Lois) and this movie is a turd too. I will rank this slightly above 3 because at least the Nuclear Man idea could be pulled from a comic book more legitimately than the "take control of the humans" computer in 3.

Superman Returns: Tried too hard to capture the nostalgic value of the Christopher Reeve films and somehow tie them all together. I watched this movie once and hated it. I watched it a second time a couple years later to see if I found anything likable about it, and I didn't. No desire to ever see it again. Slight props to Kevin Spacey and Parker Posey though.


ONLY the Christopher Reeve Superman movies are ANY good, the rest are shite.


Superman 4 is at least entertaining. In its very cheesy way. Man of Steel is like visiting someone on there death bed. Its long, boring, mostly lifeless and toward the end there a lot of muscles spasms. A superman movie where everyone on earth would be better off without Superman. Is not much of a Superman movie.


I like this and Superman(1978) equally Superman will always be my favorite character this needs a sequel with HC attached also one of the best Origin Movies along with Iron Man(2008) and Deadpool(2016)
