MovieChat Forums > Day Zero (2007) Discussion > Is military service considered THAT bad?...

Is military service considered THAT bad? (SPOILERS!!!)

Elijah Wood finds jumping off the top of a building a better choice than being drafted? I can't figure out why the film's writer would consider such a thing realistic.

Suddenly I realized he jumped for another reason. Elijah realized no matter how many tattoes, head shavings, piercings, or other forms of self mutilation he subjects himself to, he would still be a 30 year old hobbit look alike.

Now it makes sense.

Sorry Hollywood writers, but serving your country isn't a bad thing. If not for the military the terrorists would put you at the front of the beheading line.

Shame on Elijah for jumping over "serving honorably."


No military service is an honor. But the liberal media and hollywoods are all full of pussies.


Yes. That bad. Try it sometime. Oh, that's right, you don't HAVE TO any more.


Blind patriotism.. you'd fit in well in Germany in the 1930s.
