Elijah Wood finds jumping off the top of a building a better choice than being drafted? I can't figure out why the film's writer would consider such a thing realistic.
Suddenly I realized he jumped for another reason. Elijah realized no matter how many tattoes, head shavings, piercings, or other forms of self mutilation he subjects himself to, he would still be a 30 year old hobbit look alike.
Now it makes sense.
Sorry Hollywood writers, but serving your country isn't a bad thing. If not for the military the terrorists would put you at the front of the beheading line.
Shame on Elijah for jumping over "serving honorably."
To actually answer your question, it was because Elijah's character felt like he had no control left over his life, especially after being drafted and everything. He wanted to take back control of his life, and if he was going to die, he was going to be the one to do it.
I am very suprised that no one came to this conclusion but immedietly I assumed that he killed himself because he wanted to be in charge of his own life. He didn't want someone else being in charge of if he lived or died with no choice or his own. If he was going to die he wanted to do it his way, and be in control of his own destiny.
Wow! read most of the postings in here. Let me get this right. The character of Elijah Wood jumps of a building instead of going in. MMMmmm! He, whomever wrote this script and whomever approved it ...should be lucky to live in the U.S. Since in most countries in the world military service is mandatory, so even if you were born somewhere else, you would still have close to 50% chance that you would serve somewhere. But "Hey" don't take my word for it ...do the research yourself. I totally agree with those who said military is not bad for you. P.S. then again ...Iam a 4th gen war vet. even my sis have been to war. That would make her tougher than Elijah! MMmmm! *FOOD FOR THOUGHT*
*Food for thought* - perhaps you should see the film first so that you can assess, in context, the character, his choices, and those of the other characters in the film before rushing to judgement?
You are all very stupid. Don't you see it? He jumped because all the drugs he took somehow brought back memories of his previous incarnation: he was THE HOBBIT!! He was a *beep* hero. And now he is being drafted to fight in a war he doesn't believe in and what is worse is that he can't do *beep* against the evil-doers because he can't go on a quest to throw a ring into a pit on account that he does NOT have the ring. So there he stood and said to himself "*beep* it, I can't throw the ring but I sure as hell can throw myself down there and what can you do heh? Maybe it won't accomplish anything but at least it will make a lot of people with nothing to do spend their time arguing about the reasons I jumped, all the while none of them is bright enough to realize that the writer made me jump just to make an impression on the audience. After all, what better way to make people talk about your movie than giving them an ending that they can't *beep* understand?" And he did. Jump. Then he gets up, gets paid, go get laid and laughs about people who are arguing about why he jumped while he is having sex with very stupid but still very *beep* blondes.
The movie is not about personal reflections over the draft. ;P
They are just buttering americans up for the BIG penetration, when they cant get any more idiots for offensive wars around the world to go willingly. Luckily there's another idiot being born every day.
(yes please, give me a scathing remark on how I am one of them, please, it's so witty!)
Consider this. If I were to kill anyone that tries to involuntarily risk my life, am I not protecting my life and liberty? I think I'm gonna turn into one of thoose militia crazies any day now ;P
Personally I look at it this way. I pay taxes here where I live. Thoose taxes pay the salary for the people who WANT to do military service. They are my employees. The whole "people are risking their life for you!" argument does NOT compute. I am paying them. That I should automatically do the same is not valid.
Myself I have no intention or desire to WORK in the military for money. Draft or no draft. Thank flying spaghetti monster that I'm not "United statesian" (Im not allowed to say american, and united states citizen is hard to say all the time).
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Do not invoke the name of he who must not be named. Pastafarians like myself do not like his name being used, particularly by people who can't seem to grasp a simple notion as this: There is no draft in the United States. The only people who have even agitated for a draft are those in Congress who are opposed to the war. Yeah, the idea is that stupid. Look it up, see who introduced a bill, you'll see it was those who are completely opposed to the war introduced legislation to have a draft.
So, we have an all volunteer military. And they serve with honor. What does this have to do with this movie. Nothing, just like most comments.
As a Pastafarian, I am shocked that you find all who think differently then you as somehow defective or inferior. The men and women of the US military are not 'idiots'. That title is reserved for you. They don't do it for the money. You get more working at McDonalds. If you think they aren't doing it to keep you safe, you are an idiot. And fireman run into burning buildings to save peoples lives for a pittance. You don't understand one thing about public service, which is not the same thing at all as being an idiot. You do not have a noble bone in your body and you call those who do idiots.
''And your grammer sucks also.'' Actually, it's 'grammar'.
''They don't do it for the money. You get more working at McDonalds. '' Also, if you believe that working at McDonald's pays more than in the army, then you truly, fully, irreversibly are an idiot. And yes, some of them DO do it for the money because they are too stupid to do anything else except soldiering.
Suddenly I realized he jumped for another reason. Elijah realized no matter how many tattoes, head shavings, piercings, or other forms of self mutilation he subjects himself to, he would still be a 30 year old hobbit look alike.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
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I would have to whole heartedly agree that ANY service is bad when someone is forced into performing it, and I think that this is one point that the movie does an decent job of making. Just look at the three main characters - they all have a different response to being drafted. One says "Hell Yeah! Even though I never took the step to sign myself up, now that I am being forced into it I recognize that it's 'my turn.'" Then you have Klein's character who says "I am not about to let all that I have worked hard to obtain for all of my life be taken from me for what I believe is an unjust cause." And finally Woods' character who was lost already and now finds himself even more out of control, and who decides that it would be better to end his own life than to face the violence and horrors that he hears ever day coming from the war that he would be sent to.
Let's get a few things clear: our military is patently unconstitutional. There was never intended to be a standing army for a period longer than two years. Additionally, when that army was needed for DEFENSE, it was to be a voluntary association of numerous local militias organized into a cohesive force. And finally, (and please understand that the blatant hypocrisy of the ownership of slaves by numerous founding fathers is taken into account here) the founding document of our nation, the same document that all who serve willingly or otherwise, especially those in charge of orchestrating conflicts are sworn to uphold, prohibits involuntary servitude (i.e., slavery). What else is the draft but a form of slavery? When else is it morally acceptable to tell someone that they must perform a certain duty, life threatening or not, or else they face the consequences of losing their freedom or their life? No matter what the final goal is, forcing someone to do something is wrong, and how would a military comprised of draftees show the world that freedom is the ultimate path?
"We are here to free you with our citizens we have forced to be here to show you freedom."
Any way you look at it, there is no sense to the argument.
And for those who would say that the military fights for the freedoms that other citizens enjoy and take for granted, well, all I can say to that is to investigate the last time the United States as a nation declared war, and also to consider how impossible it would be for any nation to execute a conflict for taking over the U.S. Who’s going to roll their tanks in first, Mexico or Canada? Because these are the only “powers” with whom a defensive war could ever be considered. With technology and communications today, not to mention the number of people who own weapons within the U.S., any nation foolish enough to land tanks or other forces on our shores deserves the whupping they will no doubt receive.
So don’t just yammer on about whether military service is a good idea, whether it helps people or is the right thing to do. This is completely subjective and should be decided on an individual basis. The real question is whether or not it is moral to force your beliefs or the beliefs of the majority on someone else, and force them to do something they might not want to do.