Just stupid!

i think it just copies 28 days later ,which was the best horror film ever!The rage is a just-like-american stupid horror movie and has no ,own, plot!
Get ur *beep* own story and line!!


Clearly October was 'National Dick Month'. You havent seen it. Save you small minded bollocks for after the 28th Feb. Ask your mom, she'll buy it for you.


Because 28 Days Later was entirely original!


Just watched the unrated version and it's one of the best movies I've seen, probably ever. Hugely entertaining and not like 28DL in any way shape or form. It's a bit cheesy, very funny and very gory indeed. Shows you don't need a big budget to make a great movie.

If you like stuff like Re-animator, Bad Taste, Dr. Giggles, Brain Damage plus the odd Full Moon title then this is kind of a mix of that kind of style and spirit. Not at all what I was expecting, and very much better!


give a 14 yr old an inch...

Why are there so many stupid little kids out there? So many references in this movie, I had fun from beginning to end. To the original poster, you may want to watch a lot more horror movies before commenting on horror movies, believe it or not they have been making them since before 1999.


Hey bro, 8 years later, I totally agree! *beep* rad movie! Sh*tty acting (after the opening scene, Divoff was great), but I welcome such things in b-horror. Lots of fun if you're not a dickhole who compares every horror movie EVER to 28 Days Later (GFY whoever you are)


I don't concider 28 days the best horror movie ever, I seen it at the theatre when it was released and never bothered with it ever again. I understand the lone surviver romance but once the army comes into the 28 days story, it turns into a damsel in distress film in which the alpha male is obviously never going to be in any real peril while he saves the day. I found it really stupid. I was hoping the whole time that a zombie would eat the lead guy so I could go home.



If it was decent, but derivative of 28 Days, maybe the comparison would be useful in condemning the movie. This movie succeeds in being completely moronic all on its own, however. It's got a horrible script, as if the actors could have done anything with a decent script anyway. It has alot of gore, but half of that is incredibly bad looking CGI gore. And those birds and explosions, good grief. Maybe good entertainment for lowest common denominator types, but that's about it.


I completely agree with you, bawybiz! This movie was the worst thing I've had the displeasure of seeing for a long, long time. For anyone to even mention 28 Days Later in comparison to this trash must have zero IQ. I just wrote a scathing review of it on Netflix. It had puppet vultures on strings, putrid acting, cliches galore, nothing original to show, and some of the worst and unecessary CGI ever! Rotten. Horrible. Waste of time. You'll want to gouge out your eyes and burn the dvd when you're through.


Well, I haven't seen 28 Days Later but I have seen this and I must say it sucked!!!

"Welcome To Prime Time, B*tch!"


It was stupid at times, but that midget mutant was dang hilarious. It was fairly gory too.

R.I.P. Uncle Steve
