Worst story lines?

I love this show. It's genius. But I can't help but admit there were some bad story decisions.

For one I could not stand the entire Avery storyline throughout season six. After two seasons of proving to the audience how perfect Avery was for Jack to end it on "We're only together cuz we're pregnant!" seemed like a big flip flop of a story. I know Elizabeth Banks would have been spotty throughout the show but I think just keeping her in America and just used as a guest spot for a few episodes would have been a lot smoother than the entire Korea storyline and divorce.

Any other stories you think were underwhelming?


Maybe it's me but I couldn't stand the live episode or the Queen Of Jordan episodes. Otherwise that's about it really.


"That's what friends are for" said in an office to a boss.
Excuse me?
Sooooooo naiiiiiveeeeeee


Tracy leaving TGS. Those episodes just seem "off" to me.

Avery in Korea. That just destroyed everything since Jack should not have had that kid, the Korea stuff wasn't funny, the abrupt divorce was terrible, and the fling with her mother was even worse. I also wasn't crazy about the whole Nancy/Avery/Jack love triangle. Considering how great Avery is for Jack, they somehow managed to screw up everything involving her.

Kenneth leaving/fired from TGS, Hazel's existence and then Kenneth being re-hired. I hated Hazel and I was never crazy about Kenneth but his storylines in the later seasons were really bad.

I always wanted more Pete - he was under-used!

My film reviews site: www.FilmGateReviews.com


Pete wasn't really under-used. The character of Pete was poorly defined from the start and never worked.


I always wanted more Pete - he was under-used!

I wholeheartedly agree. Pete was awesome.

Good movies make you care, make you believe in possibilities again.
-- Pauline Kael.


The Jack and Avery divorce was absolutely terrible. I had waited for months for her to come back from Korea, was excited when they finally said she was coming home, and then they just got divorced on a whim. What an awful decision.


Jack could never end up married at the end. That was the whole point of the captain-of-my-fate theme for him in the series finale. Having him and Avery divorce was the pollyanna way to wrap him up as a character. It was yet another of the overarching flaws introduced due to Tina's silly insistence on giving all the main characters conventionally happy endings.

I would have left her in North Korea.


Everything involving Nancy.

To me this was where the show seriously jumped the shark/nuked the fridge.

5 minute cameo would have been fine... 10 episodes of that awful accent and melodrama was... awful.


This isnt the worst storyline but it is one of the weirdest resolutions to a problem:

Tracy's sense of smell is restored by taking out something wedged up his nose
- he thinks liz's hair product makes her smell like his dad
- he wants to please her/get daddy's approval and so behaves much better
- Tracy's vulnerable, etc.
- the solution they come up with TO JAM SOMETHING UP HIS NOSE!!!!!???? and take away his sense of smell.

That's just plain insanity!


The only two story lines on this show that rubbed me the wrong way:

1) When all of the cast members had accidents of some kind, and they all went on TV looking like they had just been in car wrecks. I suppose it could have been a satire of how TV actors normally look the opposite of that, but it had a justification problem. Why would ANY TV producer allow their actors to go on camera looking that bad? If TGS had been a real show, the producers would have ordered a re-run to be run instead, in that case.

2) That episode where many of the cast and crew got sick, and Liz kept encountering people who looked like the walking dead. If the entire episode had been set up as a parody of horror flicks, it might have worked, but in this context, it was merely creepy.

With that said, I actually think 30 Rock is one of the best TV shows ever!


The only storyline I seriously can't stand and makes me want to FF on rewatch is Hazel. The character was a total misfire. I get the point. That she's the total opposite of Kenneth. He was purely good and she was purely selfish and evil. But it was just annoying. And they already had the foil to Kenneth's pure goodness in EVERY OTHER CHARACTER. And the other selfish characters at least have some heart.

Other stories I don't like but can stomach was definitely the Nancy/Avery/Jack triangle. It went on sooo long with so few laughs. And everything about Kenneth after leaving the page program. Becoming a janitor. I think his gradually rising through the ranks would have worked well.

I don't want to profile but most ghosts are white.


^Totally agree with everything you said, I love this show but could absolutely have done without Hazel, she was awful.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it is empirically not good.-Tina Fey
