MovieChat Forums > 30 Rock (2006) Discussion > Whats your favorite 30 rock line?

Whats your favorite 30 rock line?

Theres too many for me to pick an absolute favorite, but the ones that are popping out in my head at the moment are;

Tracy: "Hello, good Sweatshirt. How are you sweatshirting this sweatshirt?"

Liz: "What is she, an Egyptian crocodile? cos she is in da Nile!"

Tracy: "I love you LL Dad Liz Dad!"

Jenna: "You know what they say, 'If you can't stand the heat, get off of Mickey Rourke's sex grill'"

Jack: "Yes..... Hornburger.."

Tracy: "N-O-E. No! ... E!"

Tracy: "F-U-LL! .. Spells full! cos you're full of B-S Liz Lemon!"

Hazel: "It started that way..... but then I fell in love with you"

Tracy: 'I am a stabbing robot'

special mention for when Jenna glides like a witch across the floor up to Kenneth with her hair blowing slightly. Reminded me of when Homer emerges from the bushes to speak to Flanders.

What about the forests?...... NOPE!


So many.

Liz "If you don't get me another sandwich I'm going to cut your face up so bad you'll have a chin... YOU'LL ALL HAVE CHINS!"

The old tv star: "I didn't run into another single living soul. Except one gigantic lesbian. Who is Conan O'brien and why is she so sad?"

Liz: "Hey, guys, guess who has two thumbs, speaks limited French, and hasn't cried once today? This moi!"

Liz: "Look at him sitting there all depressed and sad. He's like me yesterday. I hate him."

Dennis "It's a fancy briefcase because you're classy and important like a dude."

Jenna: "Yeah, we're all models west of the Allegheny."

Jack "If the whole world moved to their favorite vacation spots the whole world would live in Hawaii, Italy and Cleveland."

Tracy: "I need you to go to my house and pretend you're doing a survey for the Ranford Group. Then ask my wife if she's sleeping with DL Hughley."

Colleen: "Tell him his mother's here and she loves him. But not in a queer way!"

Angie: "Ham!"

I don't want to profile but most ghosts are white.


So many great lines... but this one is so weird and clever:

"Hi, Beverly!"

"It's just Bev, my mother died while naming me."


Liz Lemon: "Creativity to me is like a bird .. a friendly bird that embraces all .. ideas and shoots... out of its eyes, all kinds of beauty!"



You dumb moon. Don't you know it's day?!?!

Didn't run into a soul. Except a gigantic lesbian.Who is Conan O'Brien and why is she so sad?


Jack- Quiet, chalk-hands. A real man is talking.


everyone knows that rich 50 is the same as middle class 35 - Jack
Do I know him? Well I know him like the back of my stepdad's hand - Kenneth
I like to walk around my house naked so my sons know who has the biggest ding dong - Tracy
I developed mercury poisoning from taking my rectal temperature too often - Jenna


Liz: "One time at summer camp I kissed a girl on a dare, but then she drowned!"

"I'm doing good in the game, so I'm doing good in life!" - Charlie Kelly


Pete: "This is America, none of us are supposed to be here."


Jack to Kenneth- yes, because only two of us work for the company!


K- Sir you have to let go. At least that's what my nana is telling me from that tunnel of light behind you..
J- Kenneth, I've told you this before. Your nana is an idiot.

K- My wife and I have disparate levels of attractiveness, because I am a successful inventor.
N- Well, I've got to be honest. I was wondering.

S- You're a joke. David is taking us all out to Outback Steakhouse and we're getting appetizers, cause David can afford them.
R- Well of course he can, Mr. Bigshot Pet Photographer!

J- I never heard back about my audition for Everybody Loves Raymond. I'd wondered if you'd made a decision.
P- Yeah, fifteen years ago. We went with Doris Roberts. But thank you for tying your head shot around a brick and throwing it through my window.

J- Howdy, Jack! It's me, Janis Joplin and I want to audition for my sheinhardt-universal biopic so bad that I came here dressed as me. Actually, I am me so, well, I dressed normal. But my friend, Jenna Maroney, she should be my understudy. I mean, she should audition for me. But I'm me now actually.
J- Ongoing train wreck aside, I love this idea.

-How many times do you have to make the same mistake?
-Till I get it right.


"Your mother exploded."

"Shirt on or off Sean? On!"

"Our basketball net was a rib cage. A RIB CAGE!!"

"Son of a ding bat!"

"Remember that kid in school that bullied you? Well I ate that goat."

"Go jump back up your mother, Liddy."

And on and on....

Surrender Dorothy!


"Thank you Kermit for explaining the afterlife to us."

"My father didn't kill dozens of germans to have his daughter taken away in a van."
"But he wasn't even in the war!"

Surrender Dorothy!
