MovieChat Forums > 30 Rock (2006) Discussion > Whats your favorite 30 rock line?

Whats your favorite 30 rock line?

Theres too many for me to pick an absolute favorite, but the ones that are popping out in my head at the moment are;

Tracy: "Hello, good Sweatshirt. How are you sweatshirting this sweatshirt?"

Liz: "What is she, an Egyptian crocodile? cos she is in da Nile!"

Tracy: "I love you LL Dad Liz Dad!"

Jenna: "You know what they say, 'If you can't stand the heat, get off of Mickey Rourke's sex grill'"

Jack: "Yes..... Hornburger.."

Tracy: "N-O-E. No! ... E!"

Tracy: "F-U-LL! .. Spells full! cos you're full of B-S Liz Lemon!"

Hazel: "It started that way..... but then I fell in love with you"

Tracy: 'I am a stabbing robot'

special mention for when Jenna glides like a witch across the floor up to Kenneth with her hair blowing slightly. Reminded me of when Homer emerges from the bushes to speak to Flanders.

What about the forests?...... NOPE!


Liz as SB: I sure do like dem french-fried potaters.

Jenna: No you don't, Oprah.


All you have to do is look down at my sig to get the answer...I've had it on all my posts for a long time.

Never follow a hippie to a secondary location, Lemon.
-Jack Donaghy


“I wolfed my Teamster sub for you!”


"would you like a coffee or an absinthe enema".


Liz: "You coming downstairs?"

Jack: "And stand outside in a crowd like some Italian? I don't think so."


instead of just taking out forks as needed, like I do.

She's hilarious.


Tracy: Why do you think Catholics eat fish on Friday? Because the Pope owns Long John Silver!


Like, every line of dialogue in the show is a joke so I can't think of just one, lol. But one that isn't dialogue is the creepy/weird sounds or laughs that Kennth makes whenever he walks into Jerry Seinfeld in Seinfeldvision. It's like not true laughter, but awkward creepy laugh sounds, lol.

