Whats your favorite 30 rock line?
Theres too many for me to pick an absolute favorite, but the ones that are popping out in my head at the moment are;
Tracy: "Hello, good Sweatshirt. How are you sweatshirting this sweatshirt?"
Liz: "What is she, an Egyptian crocodile? cos she is in da Nile!"
Tracy: "I love you LL Dad Liz Dad!"
Jenna: "You know what they say, 'If you can't stand the heat, get off of Mickey Rourke's sex grill'"
Jack: "Yes..... Hornburger.."
Tracy: "N-O-E. No! ... E!"
Tracy: "F-U-LL! .. Spells full! cos you're full of B-S Liz Lemon!"
Hazel: "It started that way..... but then I fell in love with you"
Tracy: 'I am a stabbing robot'
special mention for when Jenna glides like a witch across the floor up to Kenneth with her hair blowing slightly. Reminded me of when Homer emerges from the bushes to speak to Flanders.
What about the forests?...... NOPE!