This Movie SUCKED

MY god what a piece of junk this thing was.

I tried to watch it one night, and in the 1st 15 minutes i couldn't handle it anymore, i had to turn it off...and i kept saying out loud "wow what a piece of chit that was"

So then 2 days later im like...ok i'll give it another shot
thinking maybe i just wasn't in the mood for it, and no sucked hardcore.

My parents own a movie theatre and in the last 7 years i have seen A LOT of movies...and quite honestly, none have come even close to being this bad.

Maybe it's because of cast expectations, but still this movie was awful
and to see ANYONE post messages about oscar awards and best performances, just confirms my thoughts on how incredibly moronic the everage, every day person is.


I love Robert de Niro and this is the only reason I kept watching the movie till the end.

It has 4 stars from me.


The good news is I was able to knock out most of the reading material I had printed off the internet while the movie was going...I would say I multitasked but that would be too generous to the amount of attention I was giving the movie after the first half hour or so; it was more like defensive driving where the videos are on but you are only vaguely aware of them.


i dont think the movie sucked, it was more documentary than movie.
this movie showed the inside of the hollywood business. showed the life of a big producer, job and family.

i think those who can really appreciate this movie are the industry people who understand what happens here. unfortunately, there is not enough audience to this movie.


The best thing about this Thread is that it's the irony of critisising the movie for what it is

[Excuse my english im not Canadian/American/English/Australien/whatever...]


i think those who can really appreciate this movie are the industry people who understand what happens here
Probably so. But speaking as a boring old Midwesterner, the movie sucked...



maybe just go and watch batman vs super man.. If you guys are not getting the movie it doesn't mean it suck, Okay?
