This Movie SUCKED

MY god what a piece of junk this thing was.

I tried to watch it one night, and in the 1st 15 minutes i couldn't handle it anymore, i had to turn it off...and i kept saying out loud "wow what a piece of chit that was"

So then 2 days later im like...ok i'll give it another shot
thinking maybe i just wasn't in the mood for it, and no sucked hardcore.

My parents own a movie theatre and in the last 7 years i have seen A LOT of movies...and quite honestly, none have come even close to being this bad.

Maybe it's because of cast expectations, but still this movie was awful
and to see ANYONE post messages about oscar awards and best performances, just confirms my thoughts on how incredibly moronic the everage, every day person is.


It truly is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I'm not sure why Hollywood is so fascinated with itself, and so desperate to paint itself in the worst light possible, but this wasn't even interesting. According to this movie, producers, agents, studio execs, directors - all do basically nothing but phone each other and worry. No one is shown actually doing a damn thing. Why they thought audiences would care about this self-obsessed garbage is beyond me.

"Now let's have an intelligent conversation. I'll talk and you listen."


WHAT JUST HAPPENED was a total flatliner.
This so-called "biting satire of the movie industry" had less teeth than a 100-year old great-grandmother. The actors, writer and and director were WAYYY too comfortable to really bite the hand that feeds them.

It not only plodded listlessly from one scene to another, trying to make fun of what it was-- a bad movie about a bad movie, but the plot and characters were a total rip-off of ACTION!, the hilariously funny TV series with Jay Mohr. That series really did have teeth--and very sharp ones at that.


I'm sorry there wasn't enough violence and explosions for you.
This was a great, funny film.




You people are all morons. I liked it.

Art Linson produced a ton of movies, and wrote a couple very interesting books about the process.

The movie takes a few true stories from his book (it was Alec Baldwin, not Bruce Willis, who didn't want to shave his beard) and adds some other story lines (not sure if they're from his real life).

I thought it was entertaining and interesting. It's not The Player, it's not trying to be.

If you're not interested in movies about movie making, then don't watch them in the first place. Jeez.

If you think you know so much about movies then come out here and make one your damn self, natch.


I wish my husband would read these before renting a movie. I told him it would be dumb just by watching the trailer. I do have a short attention span and I wasn't pulled in at all by the trailer. He rented it because he figured De Niro and Willis would be great performers. I guess he figured it would be simular to their previous action films. Maybe he'll listen to me more often lol. He hasn't watched it yet, who knows maybe he will like it.


This movie did suck and the fact it was a satire of crappy Hollywood was even worse haha. The whole killing the dog thing is just a sign of how bad some films go to try and be edgy without any kind of intelligent factors and yet this film fell into the same trap.

I also could not really decide if they were trying to defend hollywood's ridiculousness or commentate on it?

"Back door eh? Good idea..."


This Movie had two very funny scenes. The one was at the Nail Salon. I forget what the other one was.


This Movie had two very funny scenes. The one was at the Nail Salon. I forget what the other one was.


living and working in Hollywood I found it very funny; my son lives and works in another industry in London and he found it very funny too; however he might not be in this industry but he likes good movies and never looks at the IMDB.

So he never makes comments on here like the majority of movie fans and why I'm bothering to make a comment to people who seems to have the attention span of a goldfish is beyond me - the only guy who seemed to have watched it all the way through is the guy who started the thread whose parents own a cinema.

But not one of you have said what was unfunny or bad about it or what you would have done in either Barry Levinson's or Art Linson's place. I mean what kind of movies do you like and do you prefer De Niro in the Focker's movies or Midnight Run? All I'm asking you to do is qualify what you are saying. . . . . please!


I honestly cannot believe that I watched the whole thing.

I honestly sat there thinking that it would get better soon, or now, or now ... And then the credits roled.

I honestly thought that with such a brilliant cast (From the senior De Niro, to the newcomer Stewart) that it would get better and turn out to be a really great movie. But it just sucked, thoroughly sucked.


In your opinion it did!
