MovieChat Forums > Shutter (2008) Discussion > ANyone find this not scary at all?

ANyone find this not scary at all?

I'm not a big watcher of horror films, but mate hontesly, this wasen't scary at all. I get freaked out easily and stuff, which is the reason why I usually avoice horrors but I stayed the night at a mates and thought I'd see but it didn't freak me out one bit. The only part that freaked me out was when that asian chick went on the bed and took her dress thing off to reveal all those scars and maggots and whatever the bloody hell it was on her body.

But I dunno, did it seem not scary to you guys?

Maybe becuase so many things in this film were cliche from japenese horrors, like the generic 'ghost girl with black hair looking, downwards and then looking up at you' that I didn't find it freaky, but I mean still.... I was like eh??


I didn't like this film either.
This is by far one of the worst asian remakes and in my opinion not scary at all.
There was no real tension in this film unlike the original, but the main thing that bugged me about it was the photography. It was like watching a daytime travel show / soap opera, not a 'scary' ghost story.
They also added lots of irrelevant bits like the wedding, which just diluted the film even more.


Now I watched the Asian version of this movie before this remake, and I guess I just expected more from the American version for some reason... I was so very wrong. At least the Asian version has you wondering the entire time, at least they keep the ghost fairly hidden until the end of the movie. In this American remake they throw the ghost out there in the open far too early in the movie... and it doesn't even look like a ghost... just some Asian girl standing there confused. NOT SCARY.

I also found that the storyline in the Asian version, while very similar, was more detailed and wasn't rushed. I knew the story from the Asian version, and in the American version things were happening way too fast. Scenes didn't suck you in, they just happened and moved on to the next scene before your brain could fully take in what was happening. It's as though they were catering to those with a short attention span or something.

What a piece of garbage. If you're looking for a better scare, see the Asian one.. even though it's not that much better, this movie makes it look like gold.


scared me i sleep with a teddy bear.


I thought this was extrememely boring and lacklustre.
I found it hard to keep watching as i found myself loosing interest with a wondering mind.

Nothing was appealing about this film.

**Accio Harry's virginity!**


I loved it. I generally don't like ghost stories. Found this by accident, hadn't even heard of it. I found it extremely engrossing, not nessassarily scary but certainly creepy and the twist was awsome. Like I said, this isn't a genre that particularly interests me. I didn't even like "The Others" with Nicole Kidman, I found THAT predictable. I was genuninely intrigued by this and found it to be an interesting movie. But from reading all the posts, it sounds like I'm in the minority on this one.


Definitely not scary! "The Grudge" scared the crap out of me (still not sure, why,though) so I expected like that. And each time it was clear that supposedly scary was coming I braced myself for a shock and.... nothing. Plus it was soooo slow paced I could leave the room to get a drink without missing anything.

Like someone already said I had to laugh out loud at the end, where he`s in the mental hospital and she`s lying on his back. That was hilarious!So, no, not scary.


this was boring as & not scary at all. it even copied a few parts from the grudge which IMO is one of the scariest movies i've seen.


Yep, I'm in agreement: I didn't find this scary at all. In fact it was pretty boring. I only watched it through because of Josh Jackson.

"Don't do it Wolverine!"




Her on he shoulders at the end scared me or maybe I should say distrubed me.



the japanese actress was to cute, hard to be scared when the ghost is cute
