Ok discuss, which one was funnier???
Honestly I didn't like Hangover that much , mainly because i didn't laugh, not once I saw Hall Pass last night and I nearly died but overall I do think the Hangover is a better overall film Hall Pass is way funnier but the characters were a bit bland, The Hangover really wasn't to my taste but I can see the appeal in the movie and I can understand why Hall Pass would put people off.
"The stuff that dreams are made of."
THE HANGOVER movies don't hold a candle to Hall Pass.
I can relate to Hall Pass even without ever being married, but whenever I've had a hangover, not even my mother better talk to me in anything more than a whisper. Am I wrong? Anyone ever had a real hangover?! Under the circumstances, yeah, they had to go on, but they never really looked like they were truly suffering from a severe hangover. Only amnesia.
Hall Pass on the other hand, shows the realistic way people deal with a hangover. SLEEPING ALL DAMN DAY. (the entire day 4) That was pretty realistic to me. The uncomfortable way Rick was sleeping with a plate of food by his side, so true. I laughed with tears during that short but real segment when the Law and Order sound dinged, priceless. They could have left out the Darth Vador sounds though, it was funny enough. But still hilarious.
As far as horrible bosses go, I've had a few. And yes, I have had very creative ways they should meet their demise. Throwing the boss out of the window onto a car was awesome. Better than the deleted scene by far.
Yes Hall Pass has some images of male genitalia that I could have done without, but it created a priceless look from Owen, Plus it didn't come in the form of an in-your-face-annoying Mr. Chow.
By the way, I wouldn't consider the penis scene graphic. It was just a big penis, not a boner. And the obviously digitally manipulated micro penis was too obvious I thought. It was fake people. But enough about that scene.
Horrible Bosses had an incredible cast. I am not a fan of FRIENDS. Never liked shows that have a laugh track. But, Jennifer Aniston is over-the-top wonderfully funny. Charlie Day is himself (as in his part in It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia) which I enjoy. Also Jason Bateman is his usual Arrested Development self which I also find amusing. And while we're at it, Jason Sudeikis is also his usual self. But that's awesome because it works. Colin Farrell on the other hand is NOT his usual character which is great.
The ladies? They are OK. Wish they had a smaller part in the movie to make it more of a man's movie but they were funny in a scene or two. Chewing the guys out for the large-mouth vagina speech was priceless. I cried tears of uncontrollable laughter during that whole scene.
I am not ashamed to say I teared up by the way. Good comedies are supposed to do that to you. Many times I cried tears of uncontrollable laughter during Hall Pass. Example? When the chick that looked like Chief from the Cuckoos Nest and the seemingly hot girl that eventually sneezed poop were talking about walking into a UFO willingly and asked Fred if he would ever do that, he says, "I would if one came right now, sure."
Holy *beep* almost wet myself when heard that. Not joking. I have been in that similar situation many times as most people have. So funny are the parts you sometimes miss the first time you see it.
Bottom line, Hall Pass may be only slightly less funny as Horrible Bosses. But that's still debatable in my mind.
For me, Horrible Bosses wins out though, I think, because there are more consistent laughter comic moments. Every time I watch them though, I find something more funny than the last time whether it's the same thing I've seen or something I may have missed before.
As for the Hangover 2, not sure I could have missed anything. But maybe I did. Maybe I should watch it with a hangover next time. Then I might like it more? Most likely be more annoyed by it I think.
Horrible Bosses hadn't any boobs strangely enough. And as for the subject matter, seems a bit wrong. And I might be wrong, it happens, but I think it should have had some boobs to make it truly over the top. Aniston's boobs more to the point. She let me down. She let us all down. Big time
As for the music, much better than The Hangover movies. Not anything I persoaly like but more fitting I think.
Bottom line, Hall Pass is great, Horrible Bosses is slightly greater and The Hangover one and two can suck it. I mean, they were not as good. At least in my opinion.
Whoa, didn't mean to write a book.. I hope it was worth it to someone deciding what is what.
This was surprisingly hilarious. I do, however, prefer The Hangover.
I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.
FOR ME IT IS HALL PASS DEFINITELY!!!!!! TWICE FUNNIER THAN HANGOVER.... I laughed my ass of at that bathtub scene... :)))
Hate to say it, but The Hangover was funny but the two horrible sequels lowered it IMO. Hall Pass is my choice.