MovieChat Forums > Hall Pass (2011) Discussion > HALL PASS VS THE HANGOVER


Ok discuss, which one was funnier???


Why don't we discuss who would win in a boxing match: Mike Tyson or a crippled 86 year old man.

Because even though I think the Hangover is overrated....comparing the two is idiotic.

I'll kill your *beep* dog for fun so don't push me - Natalie Portman


Sorry Jerry, I was just trying to see if the movie was worth going to see. Every now and then I like to go see a movie that I don't have to think about and just laugh. I was just wondering if it was worth it.


It's not. At all. I saw it for free and actually feel like I got cheated.

My wife and I, literally, chuckled 3 times at best, and didn't laugh once. And the chuckles weren't at the parts that were SUPPOSED to be funny. They were just at subtle conversational jokes.

I'll kill your *beep* dog for fun so don't push me - Natalie Portman


Thanks Jerry, that is what I needed to know!! Someone at work said it was funny but I like to get other peoples opinions before I spend my hard earned money.


Jerrydignan Wrote:

My wife and I, literally, chuckled 3 times at best

Important part emphasized.

This is not a movie you watch with your significant other.

I found myself laughing at bits that I wouldn't have found as enjoyable had I actually watched this with my wife... Which in a way, I think may be the whole point of this film. Married guys think/act/behave differently when their wives are out of the picture/state/country/whatever; and in some way, this film makes you consider how the wives are when the husbands are out of the picture.

Watching this with your SO isn't the ideal atmosphere, in my opinion.


Excellent point. I agree that certain movies just shouldn't be watched with the significant other and this is a good example. Also, I think this movie was very weak and could have been much better. Not the Farrelly Bros. best.


Why shouldn't certain movies be watched with the ol' ball and chain? Single person is curious about this viewpoint. Go on...


Worth your time if you wanna laugh without judging or critiquing or learning. I had a blast watching it with the boys. You probably wont enjoy it if you go with your girlfriend or wife.


Hall Pass > Hangover

Hangover was funny, but overrated.


Hangover - over-rated and for some inexplicable reason 'respected' like it was important.

Hall Pass - given little respect but far funnier than The Hangover.

*btw, I liked The Hangover well enough. I just think it was over-rated and is given some kind of 'special respect' for no good reason I can tell other than maybe because Zach was in it?

Hall Pass > Hangover by a healthy margin imo


In my opinion, Hall Pass is good. It's a funny film, and you should definitely watch it if you enjoyed The Hangover. But I think The Hangover is better and funnier.

Hall Pass 6/10
The Hangover 7/10



I agree. I didn't dislike Hangover, but it just left so much to be desired and I kept waiting for the greatness to come and it never did.

Hangover was just a slightly enjoyable movie that I wouldn't watch again unless it was a group choice thing.

Hall Pass, however, had very memorable scenes that I will never forget and I will most certainly watch this again. But it really comes down to personal taste in my opinion.


"I thought I was gonna laugh myself into a stroke."

Perhaps you enjoyed it due to a previous stroke.

I'll kill your *beep* dog for fun so don't push me - Natalie Portman



Okay, this is coming from a married guy that would love to have a hall pass and I went to see it by myself:

I thought it was absolutely hilarious and so true if you happen to be a guy that would love to get a hall pass. if my wife was to give me hall pass....i could see so many of these things also happening to myself. not to the extreme of course, but my life isn't a movie lol!!

for me, it was the best comedy i've seen in a while. i wouldn't say it was as good as Kick Ass or Scott Pilgrim....but those are 2 very different types of comedies from Hall Pass. Hall Pass is more in the There's Something About Mary or 40 Days and 40 Nights type of category for comedy. If you enjoy movies like that, you should like this one.

Scott Pilgrim: I'm in lesbians with you.


Hangover was more laugh-out-loud kind of funny.

If anything, I think Hall Pass suffered a little by trying to be too much like Hangover. Hall Pass had the potential to be a comedy with deeper meaning. It partly hit that note, especially at the end. But some of the jokes were clearly added to be more "Hangover-like".


I never understood the praise THE HANGOVER got. It really wasn't all that funny.
I play cards with J.D. Shelnut, chief of PO-lice! So kiss my ass, you old bastard!


Hall Pass wins by default. IMHO, Hall Pass is a 4.5, The Hangover is a 3.5. The Hangover is highly overrated. Just about everybody that I know loves the Hangover, but I just didn't think it was good at all or funny at all. Hall Pass isn't that good either, as a lot of the humor is sophomoric and poddy humor. Maybe I would have laughed at it when I was in 5th Grade. However, Hall Pass does have some funny parts. The best part by far was when Coakley was introduced. The way that he shared his insights with the 2 main characters was hilarious. The fact that he was a 60 year old, not very good looking guy made it that much funnier, because I (and I'm sure most people) were expecting a good looking 40 year old guy. Some of the dialogue between Owen's character and Nicky's character is funny, especially during the second half of the movie.
And some of the dialogue between Owen's character and the 20/21 year old girl
who babysat for him is decent too. It has some funny parts, but most of the parts that are supposed to be funny aren't (IMHO). Hence my 4.5/10 rating.

Wedding Crashers is 100 times better than The Hangover and Hall Pass put together.


I thought this was much funnier than the Hangover. Agreed that the Hangover is overrated.

And for those who said that they couldn't laugh at this if they were with their wife or girlfriend, I feel bad for you. I am a woman and loved this movie. I have two women friends who saw it and loved it too, we all agreed it was one of the funniest movies we have ever seen.


HO is way overrated i hope they burn the sequel lol
