MovieChat Forums > This Is England (2007) Discussion > How do Americans generally perceive Brit...

How do Americans generally perceive Britain?

With the heavy influx of immigrants from the four corners of the earth, the rising crime rate and the fact that London as a city is barely 50% white British any more I thought that the American myth of Britain being a homogenous, immigrant free, prim and proper, rural country of little country villages with friendly vicars and church spires had been firmly put to rest.

Admittedly, I haven't spoken to many Americans about this topic, but of the 70% I have, most of them have held the view of Britain that is a very homogenous society of low crime rates, low immigration, high reverence in the royal family, have the lowest crime rates in Europe, are patriotic and in some cases are very religious.

As a British person, this image of Britain being a conservative, low-crime, homogenous country just doesn't sit with me. We're one of the most multicultural countries in Europe - even in the smallest towns in the UK people of races other than white are visibly represented and in the bigger cities they often number more than whites - and I'm not even getting onto the fact there's quite possibly getting on for a million Eastern Europeans living in the UK.

As for low crime rates, statisics often suggest we have some of the highest crime rates in Europe, which is quite plausible, there's some nasty bits of work in the UK. Patriotism and reverence for the royal family is long gone, quite often there have been cases of being putting a flag out on their house only for the local council to request it's removal. Flags create a massive stur in the UK, there is the constant fear they will offtend foreigers and upset the multi-cultural balance. As for the royal family, they are of no consequence to the UK anymore, you've got to remember even countries like Sweden and Holland have royal families.

As for religion, if you find a less religious country, let me know.



Wrong on both final points. Both Australia and the UK have higher all around crime rates than the US. US crime rates, across all states, have nose dived since the mid 90's. And, the US isn't the most obese. Not even in the top 5 countries in terms of obesity. And, the UK is just barely behind the US in that regard.


American news media makes a lot of money scaring people. (If it bleeds, it leads) So many Americans have no ides that crime rates have been dropping for a while now.

Fact, that may horrify you

Of everything that changed in the U.S. in the last few decades, one of the strongest correlations to decreased crime is the availability of legal abortion. Allow abortion, and a generation later crime drops.

When people who do not want children are not forced to have them, the number of unwanted (and therefore generally less well raised) children goes down. And there is a correlation between those children and future criminals.


This is a very good point.


there is absolutely NO way you can prove that correlaiton,there are so many variables that come into play it is impossible to find any trend...also despite a drop overall in crimes, certain areas have still went up and we still easily have the highest crime rates, especially violent crimes...


The correlation is easy to prove; all you need do is look at the statistics. What is harder to prove is causation.


you can look at all the statistics you want-there is no direct line b/t drop of crime rate and legality of abortion bcus there are way too many other can never definitively say, this is what caused it...and what statistic have you seen that shows if a child is unwanted?...the second claim is completely unfounded and baseless, last time i saw when my mother got a cencus there was no box for "hey did you want your children" so where are those "stats" he said coming from?-there are none


sorry,but u r completely wrong...



The problem with comparing crime rates in each country is that policing is much more heavily tied to politics in the US. You generally don't see politicians on TV promising x% in crime reduction, and the pressuring the police to duke the stats to make it happen. It's be surprised, personally, if the UK had a higher crime rate. Especially when serious crimes are looked at.


Believe me, not all Americans think the UK is like some episode of Downton Abbey.

I've never been there but I've pretty much it's sorta like some parts of the northern U.S. Similar weather, crime rates, post industrial, the town I live in (Springfield Massachusetts) is probably not all that different from some places in northern England.


Both Australia and the UK have higher all around crime rates than the US.

You've got to be kidding me. Per population, the US has higher crime rates than both the UK AND Australia combined. It's 4.7, while Australia's is 1.1 and the UK is 1.0. Tiny, compared to the USA. That is a huge difference.

Stop trying to portray America as a crime-free utopia. It isn't and you only have to view these figures to see how much of a problem it has with violence:


I'm American and I've had a romance with UK, especially England, since childhood. I've visited and traveled several times since the '80s, and I've witnessed the changes you describe. It's pretty much the same in the US (save the flag waving, which remains wildly popular). While I might miss some of my romantic notions of England (informed, no doubt, by Victorian lit), the underlying Englishness (whatever that means) is still evident, especially in North Yorkshire. London is just like any other major city - New York, Hong Kong, etc. - but with better architecture, politer people, and crazier, impossible to memorize (for non-natives) secondary and tertiary streets.

I think establishing a national identity is really challenging for England right now, but that's just a natural growing pain that many countries are experiencing during this era of globalization.


Have to slightly nitpick with Politer People Point re: London. The people there may be politer than other major cities (sans Toronto, where everyone seems very nice), but by-and-large they're bloody rude compared to the rest of the country. Sorry Londoners, but most of ye are right grumpy gets.


well obviously thats in the world cup but other than that how often do you see british people waving the flag ?




When Americans say, "we want our country back", I think it's unfair to play the race card and an easy trick for the socialist left, who want to change the way we live here,in the U.S.. Race is always a good tool for fear mongering because there's hardly anything else the left have. Surely, there are select whites or organizations, who do not like our president because of his race, but, it's not about race for the majority of us, even blacks are at the Tea Party rallies and are leaning towards conservatism, so the liberal race baiting, because(horrors)whites don't approve of Obama is a tired argument. A lot of it has fears about America heading towards hard line Socialism or a possible Socialst/Communist dictatorship or going further, even, World Government.Hiliary Clinton, trying to get N.A.T.O. to come down on Arizona, didn't help either and neither did Anita Dunn, with her loony proclamation of love for Mao, when she spoke to those students, or the liberal left, constantly getting in the way of securing of our borders against illegal immigration or undermining the military in it's pursuit of punishing terrorists(I firmly believe it should be done by a military court, not in our city halls) along with Cap N'Trade and Global Warming/Climate Change and what other hippie drivel they come up with. Damn right, I want my country back and I sure as hell, am not going to sit with more hippie model socialism, or loony leftists trying to show Marx, had the perfect model for leadership, and I'll have my toy with my Happy Meal thankyou.



"Now I'm not saying EVERY anti-Obama person is a racist but to say prejudice and ignorant fear isn't there is apologizing for the racism that thrives and isn't decried enough amongst conservatives."

There are fringe groups in the right that claim these things, but no established conservative group has advocated racism. If you want to understand what non-racial criticisms the vast majority of conservatives have against Obama, then read National Review or something. Race is simply not a factor. Ideology and policy are far LARGER factors. You are buying into a false stereotype of conservatives created by the left. Put your thinking cap on and try again.

"Every time I ask that I get no answer from conservatives. You call him a socialist but can't think of any socialist policies"

It's not solely what he's done, it's what he wants to do. Look through Obama's personal relationships throughout his youth and adult life. There are a lot of self-declared socialists that he himself claims shaped his world-views. If a Republican had these ties to self-declared fascists (though one can argue that fascism is merely an ideological extension of socialism), you better believe that liberals would be up in arms. Socialism is the process of using government to "solve problems", yet this process almost always involves regulatory measures that reduce choice and individual assessment. Healthcare, cap & trade, nationalizing 2 of the three largest private auto-makers in the world, limited what salaries employees at private enterprises (banks) can earn, etc. All of his reforms almost always involve increasing the size and intrusiveness of the government, which is essentially what socialism does. He may not be a socialist in the truest ideological sense of the term, but when it comes to domestic policies, you can't miss it's influences.

As for foreign policy, he's largely continuing Bush's policies because (all of the rhetoric aside) they were largely effective.


Cap and trade was originally Bush (H, not W)'s idea. It's not socialist, it has its roots in the ideas of Milton Friedman who's as enthusiastic a defender of capitalism as there ever was.
His healthcare plan was almost exactly the same as the one proposed by Richard Nixon, and the one that Mitt Romney supported and passed in Massachusetts.

He "nationalized" 2 of the 3 largest auto-makers in the world, because the alternative was them going bankrupt. As with banks, the plan is to "sell" them back to private investors when it becomes profitable. This is what he recently did with citigroup, which is now a private company again and netted the government a 12 billion dollar profit. This is certainly preferable to having raised that same amount of money through income tax increases while letting citigroup fail and leaving investors and pensions out in the cold.

As for his foreign policy, I disagree that he's continuing Bush's policies because they were effective, but rather because he had no choice. Obama didn't think we should have been in Iraq in the first place, but he was smart enough to realize that he couldn't just pull the troops out once he got into office.

I agree with you that many people oppose Obama for ideological reasons, and not those of prejudice. But the conservative intellectual establishment, in my opinion, has not sufficiently distanced itself from the racist, lunatic fringe. 20% of people in this country believe Obama is a Muslim, and the response of most intelligent conservatives I know is to say "oh of course that's not true, but I understand why they think that, because his father is from Kenya and his middle name is Hussein, etc." The fact is, the number of people who think Obama is a Muslims has more than doubled in the last two years even though no evidence has come to light in that time. The Republican establishment, both political and intellectual, could put this to bed any time they want, but it's more convenient for them not to do so. That's why you have people like Mitch McConnel resorting to intellectual and moral cowardice by saying things like "I don't think he's a Muslim, but I'm not sure." McCain had the decency and honesty to correct people who spouted that sort of nonsense when he was running in '08, but it seems like he was the last man of integrity in the GOP.


I never liked Bush. I have read, interesting conspiracy theories about Bush setting up the guidelines for Obama to follow. I sure as hell don't like the Clinton's either. Who knows? There's cheats on both sides. I don't trust any politician as far as I can throw em'.


....Look up the % of Republicans who believe Obama is 1) a Muslim 2) an immigrant and tell me that race isn't playing a significant factor in his opposition. Now I'm not saying EVERY anti-Obama person is a racist but to say prejudice and ignorant fear isn't there is apologizing for the racism that thrives and isn't decried enough amongst conservatives....

Now you are cordially invited to removed your head from your ass. Obama, by his own admission, IS a muslim. If he isn't an immigrant then why does he have a Kenyan birth certificate? Why are his birth records sealed? One does not seal records unless there is something to hide. The DOJ, under Obamas thumb, refused to prosecute the BLACK panthers who engaged in WHITE-voter intimidation. He claimed, without checking the FACTS, a WHITE officer "acted stupidly" when doing the job he is paid to do because another whiney black man whined and cried "racism". His entire presidential career is dotted with incidents like this and you have the temerity to call Republicans "racist"? The democrats are the ones that still tell blacks they are inferior by supporting Affirmative Action. They encourage slave labor by keeping our borders wide open. All dems are good for is decrying racism out one side of their mouths yet encouraging racism with their pandering social policies. Friggin' hypocrites all.



Seriously, you're a stunted-brain *beep* idiot, and practically EVERYTHING you're said has been disproved over the past year----apparently you're one of there right-wing nuts who can't think for themselves and believe everything they see on FOX News. These are ALL FOX News talking points, and they're ALL bull****. Especially the Black Panther case,which was basically overblown by a government Republican lawyer who just wanted something to throw at Obama and possibly make a name for himself. The case was never really pursued because no one ever made a complaint FOR the case to be pursued, because the Panthers in this case never actually harmed anyone. YOU'RE the one who needs to check YOUR facts next time you want to throw up some bulls*** like these so-called facts you threw out there!


holy f'cking sh't. bombs are not the only thing you've been sniffing.


Yeah and Schwarzenegger is an Austrian immigrant and a Hitler admirer. So people are bothered by Obama's alleged birth place,and his religion. Islam, is getting more of a foothold in this country as the days go on while Christianity is getting to be more of a no no. I bet those leftists, would have a field day if Regan's family were Nazi sympathizers along with being Xstian.


Lets see, proposing to close down a couple of military bases here, in the U.S. kissing ass of every country he has visited. Why should he aplogize for the bad ol' U.S.A.? Now he backs off on closing Guatanamo, remember when he promised that one? Cracking down on Arizona, for cracking down on illegal immigration, Hiliary whining to the U.N. and the Lawsuits on Arizona? Not only is he socialist minded he's an ass. Mao on the White House XMAS tree?Socialist gits in his cabinet and staff? Anita(I LOVE MAO) Dunn, ring a bell? Tongue wagging twit. Don't go thinking that I adored Bush, either.Just because I don't worship Obama, I'm no fan of Bush. I DIDN'T VOTE FOR HIM.Regardless of who is responsible for the cap n' trade, and carbon credits. I think it's stupid.Still the same, money for those in power, while the little guy gets it through the a s s. Also, I don't place much stock in either party, I'm more about the individual. You sound like one of those socialists who needs to take his or her blinders off.If you rooted for Obama you got just what you deserved. My problem wasn't that he was elected, pal. It was all that "HOPE N' CHANGE", drivel. I didn't believe for a second that the middle east war, would be over. We're still there, just like I knew, we would be. I'm not surprised that Obama, is sending drones at suspected terrorists. Health Care option? HA HA! Remember, "we won't know, what's in this bill, until it's passed!"? Now, you tell me, why on earth I should support a statement like that? Health Care option, my ass.Affordable Health Care? Take a look at California,San Francisco, in particular.They're broke.Pelosi is nuts.All that Botox, is making her nuts.She broke California, She can't trust her face, so why should I trust her? Yeah, she's a minor power now, but I still think she is in, no matter what. If you don't think Obama and his cronies aren't socialist(Marxist) then you need to look again.Yes, I see socialism as Marxist. I don't care what the hippies call it.From the regulating or all together banning certain foods, and offending condiments, to going after FOX NEWS, to educaton, union thuggery, climate change, to our daily lives. It is socialism, and it's going to get worse.



Oh.please---you sound like a damn loon and one of these paranoid right-wing nuts who really dosen't understand what socialism is---look it up online, please. You don't speak for ALL Americans either, so don't act like you do, because you damn sure as hell don't represent me. Also, I have some issues and problems with Obama too, but to sit there and claim that all these harangues against him by the right have nothing to do with his being black is total BS---since when has ANY sitting U.S. president EVER being asked to show his birth certificate to prove that he's a citizen? I mean, get real---the reality is you just don't know how to deal with CHANGE, and your rants sound like they're coming from someone who's old,bitter and decrepit and going insane after they got drunk as hell one night. So go scream this nonsense to other nuts like you who actually give a damn about what BS you're spouting!


Well said evanmang87. I am English, living in Australia. George Orwell (I know it's a long time ago, but still valid) argued that Flag Waving was un-English and feel this is still the case. Yeah I know during sporting events (like The World Cup and the Euro's) the old flags come out, but otherwise all that overt flag waving, hand on heart national anthem singing in schools just isn't part of the culture. While John Howard was the prime minister of Australia there was a revolting rise in 'Nationalism' in Australia which is still around. Seems to be wearing off a bit now, but still there. Aussie flags outside houses for example - what's up? Can't you remember where you live or something? It appears to me that when there is insecurity about national identity, out come the flags and with it fear of 'foreigners' who are 'invading' - oh the irony. White fellas whose ancestors invaded this continent with a flag flying, talk about being 'invaded'!!



Most educated, worldly Americans understand Britain has descended in to near third world status. The people that still think of it as jolly old England are the types who don't travel or care much about anything outside America and similarly think most Dutch wear wooden shoes and that Germans goose step around in lederhosen.


But of course, those types of people exist in ALL countries, and America is as victimized by stereotyping as much as, if not more than, any other country in the world.



I can understand that to a certain extent, but at the same time, I hardly think that we as a society can be held responsible for the particular aspects of our culture that other countries *choose* to embrace. It's true that we do hold something of a monopoly on pop culture, such as it is, but at the same time, I'm not so sure that we can be held responsible for residents of other countries thinking "hey, that's cool" and voluntarily hopping on the bandwagon. Especially today, when anything and everything entertainment-related is readily available with a few mouse-clicks and a PayPal account (or completely free, as the case may be), people have the freedom to be as discriminating as they want to be.

Likewise, I can count on probably one hand the number of authentic depictions of Americans I've seen in foreign films; more often that not, if you're American, you're a gun-totin', cowboy-hat-wearin', drawl-slurrin' good ol' boy riding his horse to the supermarket, a greasy, cutthroat Wall Street type or an Italian-American mafioso. Not 100% of the time, of course, but I honestly think it would be disingenuous to say that we're the stereotypers more often than the stereotypees. ;)



Most educated, worldly Americans understand Britain has descended in to near third world status.

Probably not accurate to describe Britain as 'near third world status'. For eg, most third world countries don't have problems stemming from wipespread personal debt, or over-inflated house prices. They don't have funding problems on their national health services because they don't have national health services. They don't have Britain's problems with schools because they don't take education as a 'right' as we do here. They don't have the same issues with immigration because no-one emigrates to a third world country. People emigrate to countries like Britain because they are nothing like third-world countries.


to jump in on this, i'm from america (half jordanian) i lived in england. a small village of 300. i never noticed any huge problems, people treated me right. i guess it's an economic class thing all in all...with all countries. but to me, an american who's been around the world, it shocks the hell outa me about the flag. in america we would never EVER put up with government telling us to not raise our flag because it would not be PC. i figure i like a lot of things about america, and one thing is how we accept different people but at same time we have basic rights we never give up, like our flag and our history. we defend freedom of speech more than a lot of places i've been. idk details about uk and freedom of speech though.


in america we would never EVER put up with government telling us to not raise our flag because it would not be PC. i figure i like a lot of things about america, and one thing is how we accept different people but at same time we have basic rights we never give up, like our flag and our history. we defend freedom of speech more than a lot of places i've been. idk details about uk and freedom of speech though.

Well, you have to bear in mind that alot of the time what you hear is a hysterical over-reaction from people who are wrongly convinced they are being maligned. The UK government would never tell a UK citizen not to raise the Union flag, and as someone else pointed out when there's an international rugby or football tournament the St George Cross is everywhere.

So when people say "You can't even raise the flag in this country anymore" what they mean is "You can raise the flag, but if you do people might assume certain things about you". Which is fair enough, in my opinion, because raising the flag is a symbolic gesture - the only reason you would want to do it is to demonstrate something. Throughout history the flag has been associated with some seriously questionable acts and therefore its symbolism has developed. All that happens if someone raises the flag is that people are like... "What's your point with that?". So there's an engagement there with what the flag means (inevitably as I say, because a flag is a symbol) and frequently what it 'means' is not always pleasant. As well as being a symbol of unity and defiance, the Union flag has been used by violent racists, jingoistic armies, amoral businesses among throughout its history and these uses are what taint its display for some people.

If someone complains that they can't raise the flag because of political correctness, then they're wrong. If they feel uncomfortable raising the flag, its because of violent racists who used the flag as a rallying symbol. Either way, the Government's not going to stop you. The only thing stopping you is that somewhere deep in your heart you know that it might make some people uncomfortable, and that's probably not what you want.


"The Union flag has been used by violent racists, jingoistic armies, amoral businesses throughout its history and these uses are what taint its display for some people."

This can be said of all flags throughout the globe. Many more so than the Union Jack.


"Most educated, worldly Americans understand Britain has descended in to near third world status."

yeah, i thought that was a pretty dumb ass statement too!

as a brit that grew up in the states and travel between the two countries often, i find most people from both countries have no great understanding of either culture. most americans do think that england is a great ally and friend to america. they do have this romantic view of english culture complete with rolling green country side, tea and crumpets and overly polite, conservative people dedicated to their queen and royal family. in a word i think most americans perceive englad to be "quaint". that being said, i find when i am in conversation about english culture, americans tend to be interested and engaged and eager to learn about the culture. i especially like to drop into my yorkshire accent and really twist their minds. unfortunately i can't say the same for many of my countrymen. i have found many english to be stubbornly set in their opinions and stereotypical perceptions of american culture. i believe the difference stems from geography. while i agree that most americans aren't very wordly, the shear size and diversity of the US (and believe it or not, america is way more diverse than england) enables many of them to understand a broader view when it is pointed out to them. on the english side i believe geography works against them. because of the size of the country much of the culture is the same. yes there are regional differences but when compared to american regional differences they are quite small. cultural differences between leeds and london are minimal compared to anchorage and miami. alaska and florida may as well be two different countries. also, leeds or london or manchester or whitby are all under the same tax structure, laws, and social services, where as, each US state has it's own laws and taxes and social programs that can differ completely from the state next door and in most cases even differ from the county down the street.

i hope i don't offend anyone with my thoughts except for the idiot that lumped england in with 3rd world countries. i'm trying not to generalize. i realize that when speaking of a combined population of 400 million or so, not everyone is going to represent what i have experienced. before i am completely attacked, know that i love both cultures and have close wonderful family in both countries.


"Most educated, worldly Americans understand Britain has descended in to near third world status"

Well that's the most uneducated, idiotic statement I've ever read about the UK in my life.


"Most educated, worldly Americans understand Britain has descended in to near third world status."

I'm sorry, I've been able to sit and read the rest of the comments in this thread, but that "third world status" comment is complete and utter bullsh*t. Go spend a week in a genuine third world country and you'd realize that, bad as some areas of England may be, it has NOTHING on areas like the Soweto or Khayelitsha townships in South Africa, and they're in one of the wealthier countries on that continent. The United Kingdom was ranked the 2nd richest country in Europe, and the 8th richest country by GDP in the world in 2010 by the International Monetary Fund. Like any wealthy country, we have cities with large poor areas and a hefty number of immigrant families, admittedly ours being bigger than most due to our more relaxed immigration policies. But even UK-standard "poor" would be considered relatively well-off compared to your average Khayelitsha family.

Anybody with half a brain and a basic knowledge (i.e. the kind of knowledge you can get from reading a newspaper) would know that England is about as far from being a third world country as you can get. We're a fully developed country, with a large population considering our limited amount of landmass, and we have all the flaws and issues that come with that kind of territory. We're also highly multicultural, relatively liberal, and a damned sight safer and more pleasant place to live than a lot of other countries I can think of (and no, I'm not talking about the US here - I've never been, I can't comment).

The flagwaving comments are rubbish as well, a few moronic incidents that the tabloid press, being the tabloid press, chose to completely blow out of proportion. No, we're not as patriotic or religious as the US are but I don't personally see either of those as bad things.

I also wholeheartedly support the claim that anybody wanting to experience England properly should get away from London - it's about as representative of the rest of England as humans are to the rest of the animal kingdom.


Firstly, you've got to remember that the British empire has had it's fair share of raping and pillaging of other countries throughout history, and that in spreading our ancestory across the planet, exporting dominant white populations to America, Africa and Australia, we kind of owe it to the world to open our doors proudly as a multi-culutral society

The trouble is that "flag waving" in the UK has too often been associated with people who constantly complain about immigration, lack of 'cultural identity' and crime-rate statistics (soundbytes often lifted from the trashy tabloids); Basically people who are one step away from just screaming *beep* it, I'm voting BNP!"

It's not that our flag "intimidates foreginers" - far from it - This year I saw more ethnic minorities in Birmingham decorate their cars with patriotic fixtures during the world cup than white - No, the real problem is that "ENGLISH" people (Or 'indigenous' English people, as those idiots in the BNP would say) are actually ashamed of the Flag becuase of it's close association with this hostile minority who have has been using it to rally-up the poor, alienated, uneducated and angry lower classes of this country for the past 30 or 40 years - Not to mention the way British hooligans have been acting abroad for the last 20 years or so, binge drinking and acting like total thugs whilst brandishing the flag like a bunch of morons.

Another problem is that our flag doesn't represent 'freedom', 'hope', 'equality', 'peace' or any of those things this world truly needs right now; it represents dominance and a pride of power. What we really need to do is re-asses it's connotations and what it could mean and embrace our flag in a whole new light


You make it sound like abad thing that there is little religion

"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time"


You make it sound like abad thing that there is little religion
It is.

"Just deal with your girlfriend's cheesy feet. She puts up with your cheesy face." - Jack Dee


You make it sound like abad thing that there is little religion

It is.

It is not. Britain can be proud for not having so many Christian extremists like in the *beep* Bible Belt, with Creationists museums, Darwin being banned from school books and all that *beep* They're heading straight for the middle ages again...



I cant really argue against anything the OP says, but if you travel around Europe you will see some hell holes that make London look like Wonderland. Hell Ive only been mugged once in my life, and that was in Italy (Rome!).

That said, to see a high quality of life in England its worth travelling outside of the two big cities, something Americans AND Londoners don't tend to do.

I once talked to an American couple for half an hour in a bar in Leicester Square, and told them I came from Durham and they said how my accent had changed. I thought it was queer that an American would know the difference between a Durham accent and a London one. I only realised they must have thought I meant Durham, USA (Bull Durham) a couple of hours later!

So yeah, there's some *beep* craic going on in England. There's also some wonderful places to see and visit. Sometimes our own population give our own country a bad name without themselves seeing a tiny percentage of what it offers. this tiny island offers a HELL of a lot outside of London.

As for America, well my last 6 holidays have been to different cities there, and I guess my next 6 will be too. Love the place, love the people, hate their politics and their airport staff, but a small price to pay to enjoy a few weeks in a completely different, yet very familiar environment.

Americans - come to Devon, Durham, Manchester, Newcastle, fact google England destinations before you automatically click on the London hotel link. You will find not all of England is inhospitable, rude, overpopulated, arrogant, expensive (well, not so much!) and dirty. And there ARE some rolling hills and castles left to visit too!

I find that ducks opinion of me is very much influenced over whether or not i have bread.


Well put, it annoys me when people look at London and assume it's the same everywhere.


I have heard SOME Americans say "bad teeth and even worse food"


"How do Americans generally perceive Britain?"
Just like most nostalgia & hindsight, myopically 20/20.


I read the British papers, and other papers from around the world. You can switch 'London' for any major city in the United States, and no one would be the wiser. We have the exact same problems. Not that I want to be accused of wearing a tin foil hat, but kind makes you wonder if all those conspiracy theories about the New World Order aren't real after all...

I must be gone and live, or stay and die...
