MovieChat Forums > The Dark Knight (2008) Discussion > Massively Overrated Movie

Massively Overrated Movie

For following reasons -

1. Bale sucked as Batman - if the titular character makes you laugh at how absurd he sounds every time he opens his mouth, you know there's something wrong

2. Maggie Gyllenhaal - simply not attractive enough to play Batman's love interest and her performance was lousy too

3. Dialogue - some of the dialogue is absolute cringe and clunky as hell. For example - "he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs..." Blah blah blah

4. The score is completely generic and forgettable - I like some of Hans Zimmer's past work but this was such a generic score. Was there even a theme? Could you hum it right now to save your life? Compare this to Batman 89 which had one of the most memorable and iconic themes of all time

5. Visually uninspiring - the movie has a very plain aesthetic to it, like something you'd see in an episode of CSI. There's just nothing to it. It looks like a poor man's Heat (much better movie btw)

6. Heath Ledger - his performance was probably the best thing about the movie but also massively overrated because of his death. It was good don't get me wrong, but he wouldn't have got half the praise (or the Oscar) if he was still alive. Just facts.






I judge good movies on my willingness to rewatch them again. I saw this twice and was done. Once in theater and once at home. It took three days to finish it at home because I didn't care. After that, I wouldn't rewatch it. The Joker is the best part of the movie. Harvey Dent, Rachel, and Batman were not interesting.

The bank robbery and semi flip were well done.


Also the massive amounts of plot holes. The Joker’s plan requires a ridiculous amount of contrivances to even work. The entire segment where he plants a bomb in the police station is just dumb.

Also the entire ending where they blame Batman for Twofaces crimes doesn’t make any sense. It’s like Nolan had an annoying, preachy ending in mind and he wrote the entire movie around that. which makes zero sense at all. There is no logical reason as to why the police would pin the Joker’s crimes on Batman, especially when there are so many holes in such a conspiracy that would in no way connect Batman, and would require a massive cover up that would eventually be found out by any idiot’s estimation, and would further destroy the credibility of the city authorities. It’s just an incredibly out of character moment and relies on everyone being complete morons for the sake of a sanctimonious and poorly written story.

The only good parts of this movie are the opening bank heist and the cinematography.


LiquidOcelot? what the fuk does that mean?


I agree with number one but the movie was still a masterpiece, that easily surpasses the crap made by marvel/disney in value.


I think the movie is absolutely deserving of the hype that it got, but overrated in the sense that....well...majority of the people hyping it have no idea why the movie is so good, and large part of that hype was because of Heath Ledger's death as you pointed out in my opinion. The story is extremely well constructed, but many people overlook that, both ppl who love and ppl who hate the movie.

Yeah the script is cringey and hammy to some, I understand, but that's honestly how I feel about theater myself, but many ppl do enjoy plays, so to each their own.




It got overrated because it was a masterpiece compared to what audiences were used to - CGI shitshows with little or no substance. This film comes along with a smidgen of emotion, and in-camera action, and audiences went wild.

It wasn't even the best film of 2008. Iron Man and Tropic Thunder were much more enjoyable.
