Rambo? Is the dad's name really Rambo Rambo? I know it's not unusual in arabic countries to have the same surname as last name, so maybe Rambo is of arabic heretic. Was that the twist of the movie?
- 40�04'56''N 86�33'47''W I shoot when I see the whites of the eyes.
It can't be Richard Rambo because people would go around calling him Dick. Dick Rambo.
I have it on good authority that his father's name is actually Rolo Rambo. Or was it Rasputin Rambo? Rutabaga Rambo!! That's it. He father is from Arkansas and he is named Rutabaga Rambo!!
Ronald! In the sequel he's going to get that Ronald McDonald burger bastard.
Old MacDonald Had A Farm, E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had Rambo, E-I-E-I-O With a BAM BAM here and a BAM BAM there Here a BAM, there a BOOM, everywhere a KA-BOOM Everyone's dead on old MacDonald Farm, E-I-E-I-fvcking-O