over rated?

Any one else think this is over rated, people always telling me oh you must see Pan's Labyrinth, its got high rate on here and rotten.

There was just nothing in it, a *beep* father and a kid, woop de do


You must have fallen asleep during it. Because there is so much in it. Not nothing.



you serious ? then how the way you look into a film is wrong. this movie has "one of the best cinematography ever made". lighting, atmosphere, and color, its extraordinary. and it is really inspiring for other fantasy director.

my directors of all time : charlie chaplin, alfred hitchcock, stanley kubrick, billy wilder


From a storytelling standpoint, I can see why people wouldn't love this. But in terms of film making it's one of my favorites of all time.


yep, people nowadays have a bad taste of movies. everybody want a shallow and mainstream plot which freaking easy to understanding.

yet, seriously i swear it, this movie really amaze me. it stuned me with a magnificent and splendid cinematography, make-up, and art-direction. never i got a such sensation in fantasy-genre before.

my directors of all time : charlie chaplin, alfred hitchcock, stanley kubrick, billy wilder


The plot in this movie isn't hard to understand. Now whether someone likes the plot or not is a different kettle of fish.

America isnt ready for a gay mexican chicken sandwich - Poultrygeist




Well clearly a question posed by a stupid poster:

"there was nothing in it, a *beep* father and a kid, woop de do"

but as a serious answer: no, it's not over-rated. For me it remains one of the most impressive films I've ever seen. I can't think of another film that was as as surprisingly good as Pan's Labyrinth. Original, visually inventive, beautiful, profound, moving, superbly acted - it's film that is wildly ambitious & multi-layered &, amazingly, actually succeeds on every level.


I gave this movie an 8, so it's roughly the same to the overall score on IMDB. So it's not overrated to me.



"The girl dies?! I hate dis mooovie MOOOOOM!"

"It would be extremely painful...for you."


over-rated???? NO WAY, it was a true masterpiece of a film. You maybe to lazy to read subtitles, go watch your Transformers films.

The film was just beautiful, the acting was fantastic, the charcters were great and the story was very emotional, we get so emotional attached to the sweet young girl Ofelia.

This reminds me when some guy who said 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time' was over-rated and wasn't that good, maybe your the same guy??


Dude why are you yelling at me?

"It would be extremely painful...for you."


He probably replied to the wrong person. It happens. A lot.

Strip away the phony tinsel of Hollywood and you find the real tinsel underneath.


while the OP sounds very adolescent I somewhat have to agree with the "overrated" statement, although that word has been used so often it has lost all meaning and might as well be gibberish.

I wasn't really impressed by any of del Toro's movies which is a shame because visually and stylistically they look like flicks I would enjoy, being a fan of Gilliam, Jeunet, early Burton, Svankmaier, Cronenberg, Tsukamoto. You know, directors with a strong personal style that elevates its source material and brings you into a different world. I don't find del Toro's work bad in any way but I don't find it as exceptional, clever or creative as everyone keeps telling me.
Before anyone vomits his highly original "if you don't like it, watch transformers you idiot!" on my sandals: I'd rather have del Toro than Michael Bay, but at least the latter can live up to his reputation.
