MovieChat Forums > Punisher: War Zone (2008) Discussion > This movie is the real Punisher, Jane an...

This movie is the real Punisher, Jane and previous weren't Punisher .

Some people doesn't like Punisher, but the character is just so.

Comics present a character which kills villains without regret.

Punisher isn't a SUPERHERO, is only a man provided by military training.

Punisher kills villains and villains don't have a second chance to perpetrate crimes.

There aren't other solutions: or you accept this character and his motivation or you hate him.


Except this movie was like any Jason Statham movie, only it lacked even less intelligence.

The Punisher isn't just about over the top violence, and if you're going to leave out all the narrative from Frank himself in the comics, then you're left with an undeveloped character killing nameless villains.

LBJ was the only decent part of the film. The guy playing Frank looked the part, but with mere specks of dialogue, and cheesy cliche scenarios, and friggin' goofy fight scenes... I have to say that I hate all the Punisher movies, including this one.

G. Ennis is a talented writer, and he has a lot of good material that should have been pulled from and used, rather than someone looking at it and saying "This is great, now how can we erase all intellectual validity while simultaneously robbing the lead character of all his tactical prowess? We'll start with him hanging from a chandelier, and we'll change an interesting character with an entire story arch into a methed up gymnast that gets blown up in one of his two thirty-second scenes! We're on a roll now."

Frank Castle gets butt raped every time he's put on the silver screen. They should just give up on making a Punisher movie.


yes it could be improve on tactical activity, but the scenario respects those canons.

Other good ideas on the film are the little scenes about familiar life with micro who helps his mother to eat and the child who tries the toys into the case...

exagerations are present, but punisher is an exagerated idea.


I wouldn't go that far. Ennis took plenty of liberties with his version of the Punisher and prior to the Punisher MAX series, Ennis' version of the Punisher was infinitely goofier and less believable than this film.

I liked this movie. It isn't, strictly speaking, a "good" film. It's a complete B movie. But it does actually follow the comics quite well---as much as any other comic adaptation---and while it's low budget and schlocky, it's at least visually interesting and has a unique feeling to it.

I have read so many tongue-and-cheek Punisher stories, so many unrealistic Punisher stories, and so many over-the-top Punisher stories that my view on who he is isn't quite as narrow as a lot of fans.

Looking for "intellectual validity" in a Punisher film with a 30 million budget is just asking to be disappointed. If you enjoy it for what it is, it's actually a fun, entertaining B movie. It's what stuff like "Machete" tries to be.

And honestly? It is like a LOT of the comics. And Stevenson, while he wasn't given much to work with, was dead on as Castle.

"He is not Judge Judy and executioner!"



This movie was like the comics. The spurting blood we see is because their camera "shooting" the scene is near the dying one(s). Also, we see a lot of killing by the "bad guys" that the Punisher is not near. Cut the deaths in half and you have more the action of the Punisher. His vindictiveness is efficient, not cruel, except when it comes to the main causitive agents of all the illegal mayhem--these unfortunates get the full treatment, the punishment; not just the carrying out of the sentence as do the "tag-alongs". In short, the audience "sees" more than the Punisher does; besides, his eye is towards the next target. Cast selection was good. This is the way the Punisher is supposed to be. I hate to think that the producers lost money on it though.


I agree with MISTER HEAT.

They completly missed an opportunity to make PUNISHER a success with this movie.

Frank Castle deserves better than mindless, over the top gore.

Personal insults have no place in smart discussions.


The second Lexi Alexander or whoever said "Let's hang Punisher from a chandelier and have him shoot everyone" they should have been shot.

Punisher 2004 was a MUCH better movie, and War Zone was a little closer to the character, but man. Can't we get somewhere in between?

Hopefully Marvel hires someone with balls and isn't mentally deficient to direct the next one.


After reading the first post, I am reminded of how our education system has failed us.


I was talking about a movie and a character not about life.

Whole USA system is a failure for yourselves... money and business worth more than life of your people and it's what your system learns to you.

the country where people believes in dreams without knowing that those dreams don't make real life..

So before teaching to me, teach to yourself.


Honestly I think that at some point people need to accept that some comic book adaptations just wont become some masterpiece because on avg the comic isn't that deep(not saying there aren't those jewel of stories) but an average of most of the comic is this film.


it's a good consideration, I think 2 thing:

1) punisher would be made most realistic without a costume, besides the title should be Frank Castle, so to make his life most realistic and normal during action as well the story of his family life and the subsequent tragedy...

2) Frank Castle arise as Punisher without defining him the Punisher (it's not necessary). Another point is that Frank Castle should be able to make traps like Jigsaw (SAW II)... so that the movie could became also a fantastic psyco thriller horror in which a man fight against evil-men.

I think that this is the right way to make great Frank Castle.


check out the bullseye hunt for frank
he is almost in love with him
calls him a force of nature


Aaron is actually writing better Punisher stories than ennis was.

That being said, Stevenson IS the Punisher (lightyears better than Jane, and Dolph). I wish that he could come back for another one.


I disagree.

Aaron was better at writing Punisher stories that are part of the broader Marvel Universe, with the whacky comic book characters that exist therein, eg Kingpin, Bullseye, Electra whilst still remaining somewhat realistic.

However, Ennis's 60 issue Punisher MAX run is still the definitive collection of Punisher stories, largely because they were all about the Punisher and not about the other characters. Even the most recognisable villain, Barracuda, only existed as a dark mirror of what Punisher could have been, similar to how Sabretooth is the dark mirror of Wolverine.

I think Aaron did a great job of writing the inevitable end and death of Frank Castle, but even then it only worked because it was following on from the work of Ennis. (Unlike the rubbish that was issues 61-75 of Punisher MAX)


Take your own advice, teach yourself to make somewhat coherent posts, not just random babble no one is going to understand without reading it twenty seven times.


I'm with you thornugc, sadly I think it's only you and I on this particular thread who know what you actually meant. I'd extend that to the second poster too though, but hey, what do I know? I spend all together too much time with my head in a dictionary, and not enough locking and loading and increasulating my vocabularizers! (sic)


I've got some distressing news for you: none of the actors where the "real Punisher"... they're all just actors. OK, sorry for that crude sarcasm, but I felt its use very apt in the face of such posts.

At the end of the day, all we have are opinions! on who we like best... and that's OK people. It's called mature, rational debate. Personally, I think Jane was the best, but that maybe due to the quality of the 2004 script - he's obviously the best actor though.

I'm sure some people hate his performance... and that's OK too. So grow up and stop talking about truth and lies when it comes to personal preference. My opinion maybe your lie, but it certainly isn't mine.

"Charlie don't surf!"


i talked about character not actors. I am not a fan of gods.


Punisher isn't a SUPERHERO, is only a man provided by militar training.
The others movie on the Punisher were misrapresentations.

Not a superhero? I don't recall Tom Jane or even Dolph Lundgren punching through a man's head. War Zone isn't a bad movie, but it's a live-action cartoon.

"Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it?"



Thomas Jane Punisher because he is more cunning and the way he OWNED John Travolta and his minions was priceless.

Exactly. The way Tom Jane dealt with the bad guys was great. Anyone can just shoot their enemy, but toying with him, and even tricking him into killing the people he cares about? That's priceless. Stevenson, and Lundgren, for all their good points, didn't have that kind of finesse.

"Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it?"


It may have seemed clever at first glance, but to me that entire subplot feels like it was set up just to provide the means for Punisher to take revenge on Livia Saint, without actually killing her directly.

In short, the filmmakers were pussies and were afraid to depict their "hero" killing a woman in cold blood. The entire 2004 film is FULL of examples of this kind of reservation against gritty vigilantism. That's why Thomas Jane spends the majority of the movie pussyfooting around instead of actually punishing criminals as he should be.

In Punisher: Warzone, Frank kills a woman with his bare hands within the first 5-10 minutes and doesn't even think twice about it.

THAT'S Punisher.



"The Dig"



now this is acting:


^^I hated that too. Jane's Punisher was the best. Stevenson was awesome too. But WarZone was too over the top. Lundgren is a real badass though.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


But WarZone was too over the top. Lundgren is a real badass though.

It was suppose to be over the top, that's why it's so entertaining.

2004 movie, while technically a good film (production-wise) is nowhere near as entertaining as WarZone. Too much cliche melodrama and winks at the camera and not enough "punishment".

WarZone on the other hand knows what it is. It's a OTT action movie where Punisher is supposed to shoot criminals in the face, then shoot them some more in the face, then shoot them some more and movie never forgets that. It's well paced, never a dull moment and it has plenty of "Punisher shooting other people in the face" moments.

Yes, it's not a "good" movie overall, but it's entertaining. Ray Stevenson was also terrific, he looks the part, he looks like a man who had nothing to lose and cares about nothing except shooting criminals in the face. xD



Except a man with military training wouldn't hang upside down from a chandelier.

"Hey, Hicks. Man, you look just like I feel."



the movie's kinda follows the punisher max comic series, dark and violent, but it lacks gripping story and good action.
if you're a fan of punisher, i suggest you read the punisher max and punisher born, those are great "modern" punisher comics
