This movie sucks so bad
Thank goodness the rights have reverted back to Marvel so we never have to worry about Lionsgate making more of this C Movie trash. How dare they make this filth after The Punisher 2004 was so awesome.
shareThank goodness the rights have reverted back to Marvel so we never have to worry about Lionsgate making more of this C Movie trash. How dare they make this filth after The Punisher 2004 was so awesome.
shareI loved the 2004 version but I found War Zone to be enjoyable. My main problem with War Zone is that everyone of the actors that try to have an accent fail so miserably and it comes off as unintentionally hilarious but Ray Stevenson did a very good job as The Punisher and the action was pretty kick ass especially when The Punisher blew up that one guy with the rocket launcher.
shareNow we can add Spider-Man to the mix of studio butcher jobs. ASM2 is almost as bad as this thing. Who would have ever thought that?
sharePunisher 2004 was great. Everything about it was good. The only complaints are from some Punisher fans who say he didn't kill enough people. But what I say is that you can't make a movie exactly like the comics. Unless you want to end-up with a piece of garbage like Punisher: War Zone 2008. Punisher 2004 was the perfect first installment. Too bad they didn't continue from there.
The Punisher (2004) aka Jane movie (I don't call The Punisher 2004 a Punisher movie thanks to Thomas Jane and his annoying fan base but I will to avoid confusion) is overrated and isn't any better then this movie when it comes to epically failing to get the character right and following a serious storyline of The Punisher that people could appreciate and pay to see. The Punisher 2004 along with the other Punisher movies have been rated as one of the many worst comic book movies all of time and rightfully so. If The Punisher 2004 is so great, how come it failed with general moviegoers, critics and hell even with Marvel fans when it first came out? There is a reason why The Punisher 2004 failed and flopped at the box office when it was out in the movies along with the other Punisher movies. The only credit I will give to Jane's little Punisher movie is that it at least tried to be serious and throw in some Punisher movements that is it. After that his movie flatlines completely like the other Punisher movies.
Plus you're wrong, the reason why this movie failed isn't because it followed the comic books (It failed in that department too regardless of what hardcore Punisher War Zone fans have to say about it). It failed because the movie was just horrible in general. The silly neon lights, the bad acting, the same silly stupid campiness from the previous two Punisher movies being put in this movie, the bad special effects and stupid fake NYC accents, and just mindless violence you don't even see in The Punisher comics to begin with. The Punisher comic books have deeper and darker elements in it then the Nolan Batman films had in them. Such elements should have been explored in the movies but that never happened which was a missed opportunity. There was nothing in this movie that could be taken seriously at all and it destroyed this movie in the end. I could go all day ripping this awful movie apart along with the other Punisher movies but I won't because its a waste of time and pisses me. How the hell does Hollywood screw up such awesome character like The Punisher is beyond me.
It was as if the people that made Punisher War Zone did not even want to try in remotely making a good movie or a faithful serious Punisher adaptation that people could enjoy and would pay to see. It is like they purposely wanted to make an awful movie that would flop worse then the previous two Punisher movies before it and make it as awful as Batman and Robin (1997) and AVP:R (2007). Who the hell would pay to see a movie like that? I know I don't. I saw this movie online for free when it first came out in 2008 and I'm glad I did. Punisher: War Zone should have been a Direct to DVD movie and not a big screen movie if it wasn't going to take itself serious or try too at least. Hell better yet, it should have never been made at all along with The Punisher movie back in the 80s and Jane's Punisher movie.
The only good thing that came out of all three of The Punisher movies failing miserly is the fact that Marvel Studios now owns the movie rights to The Punisher now. This gives Marvel Studios the ability to make their own live adaptation to the character as they have said multiple times now to redeem The Punisher franchise. I have complete faith that Marvel Studios will deliver an awesome Punisher movie or Netflix tv series which they have hinted in their own subtle ways, regardless of what naysayers have to say about Marvel Studios own approach to the character. If Marvel Studios can make The Avengers movies series and Guardians of the Galaxy a massive huge success...they can do the same thing for The Punisher despite all the abuse the character had to endure thanks to the failure of the previous three Punisher movies.
I thought Punisher 2004 was good for a number of reasons. Jane had the look and the natural charisma. It had excellent dialog. So many good lines. "I'm not what you're looking for." "He's gonna F your life up....He already F'ed my life up." "Would you like to try on some panties today....Go F yourself." "God's gonna sit this one out." Travolta was good. So many good scenes. The family reunion shootout. "Dad..." The 2 chase scenes. I love short, realistic chase scenes. And short fight scenes. I HATE the long, choreographed, fake looking crap. I even liked the theme music (Harry Heck). I could go on, but I thought it was an excellent movie. Gets better with each viewing.
I don't care what company craps the bed. When something is bad, something is BAD.
shareI find it hilarious that people pan a movie for the simple reason that it doesn't "follow" the COMIC books they are based on.
Seriously? Comic books are the vehicle for children to go from not reading to "big kid" BOOKS, with real words and content.
If you're under the age of, oh let's say 10, and want to complain that the movie doesn't "follow" the COMIC, then exercise your debate skills.
If you're older than 10, especially if you're older than 20, and are making that argument then you must have too much time on your hands or you're at Starbucks while you're mom cleans out your basement room in her house.
Is obvious.
Wow you burned me!
I bet when you become an adult and you can't make a rational defense of your positions you'll just scream "racist".