Ha, ha, ha... Great win for DC, yeah! ha, ha, ha... I am pretty sure a Major League team sending them to play against a College Level team won't be celebrating that kind of win. But hey, some fans are stupid that way. This is the lowest OW take for any DCEU movie, and all you have to celebrate the "win" is that the movie cost little, ha, ha, ha... All these movies make back their budget and are profitable, again I couldn't care less how much Disney or WB make on profit, this is about popularity. Budget has nothing to do with popularity or how good the OW is, this opening week is bad whatever the budget is. Ask Deadpool, 58M budget with 132M OW domestic, now that's a win. But again you want Shazam be compared with the low, low end of CBM, well yes, that's where it belongs.