Disney Animation went through several golden ages. They had a run of classic movies from 1937-1949, then saw a decline in quality until the second golden age in the late eighties to the mid-nineties. The films Disney are currently producing suggests a return to quality animation (Planes doesn't count; that was made by DisneyToons, not Walt Disney Feature Animation.).
So what does that mean for Pixar? Pixar is still relatively new, compared to Disney Animation. They had a stretch of quality films from the mid-90s (after Disney's second Golden Age) and now are in a bit of a slump. Interestingly enough, while Pixar is suffering, Disney Animation is starting to thrive again. Pixar may have another streak in them, and it may be The Good Dinosaur that ignites it. They are having some problems, delaying it a year and firing the director, but maybe that extra time will be used to produce a better film. If not, maybe Inside Out will. Pixar set the bar high, and it may be hard to recapture it, but Disney did it twice.
So, maybe the 1995-2010 Golden Era is over, but I wouldn't give up. They might have something great up their sleeves.