Worst Movie of 2008

This was by Far the worst movie of 08....Keanu and Forest together were awful. This movie was a complete rip off of the shield and in some ways training day. Total predicable ending and I love the "bad guys" tell Keanu their whole plan before killing him! Did they forget he was shot in the leg before his fight with Forest....The best part of this movie was Mohr Mustache.


the director of this movie wrote Training Day. How is this a rip-off?

now go home and get your fuckin shine box!


Its was written in the Early 90's....I guess it could be a rip off if they had a time machine?


^LOL! yeah. I don't agree that this is the worst movie of 2008.

Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty


this movie was pretty decent

Im pretty sure '08 had worse sh!t




Hey, Mackrel Pudding aka Mr. Original, if this is the worst, what's the best according to you???

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


Worst movie in recent memory. We had the misfortune of watching the directors' cut. After four hours we put ourselves out of our misery we punched reject and retired it to the end of the DVD pile. I'll get those four houts back.


i think there were alot of bad movies in 2008... this was definitely NOT the worst...


Just the fact that you have no ability to read between the lines doesn't make it a bad movie. Perhaps you're just too f#$%@#$ stupid to understand what the movie was REALLY about.

All in all, like George Clooney said one time: It's a matter of opinion and I don't give a f#$% about yours.


Just the fact that you have no ability to read between the lines doesn't make it a bad movie. Perhaps you're just too f#$%@#$ stupid to understand what the movie was REALLY about.
OK I'll bite. What IS "between the lines?" What was this movie REALLY about (other than a lame excuse to slide in the "N" word as often as possible)?

Get lost in the world. Destiny Calls.



What the hell do you mean slide the "N" word in as much as possible? The Koreans at the beginning of the movie are pretty much the only people that say it. I'm pretty sure you haven't watched this movie and just assumed that they said what you refer to as "the N word" all the time because there happen to be a few notable black people in the film. If you're offended then contact the MPAA if you even know what that is. It's their fault that you were so DAMAGED FOR LIFE. Or you could just stop crying about it and watch a movie for what it is. And for future reference lets stop tip-toeing around the "N word" and just call it what it is. Who are you? Oprah?


Dude. Are you really plugging an airline on a movie site forum?
You know that we are commenting on movies here, right? Not looking to make a flight booking.


by - daallen on Mon Jul 26 2010 15:46:47
Dude. Are you really plugging an airline on a movie site forum?...

It's so ironic that you use the term "dude." That airline is one featured in "Lost", dude. Their slogan is "Get lost in the world." It's a promo site created by the studio and was current when I posted so very long ago.

Sorry, the gag went over your head so to speak.

"It's supposed to be hard... The 'hard' is what makes it great."


You're right, it did go over my head. I apologize.


I was pleased and impressed that you were neither abusive nor insulting as seems too common with the anonymity of the Web. Kudos, fellow movie buff.

Apology graciously accepted.

"It's supposed to be hard... The 'hard' is what makes it great."


WHOAH! What happened here! Splendid manners to both you guys!


Yer too late! They already "got a room" and are 'making up' as we type! L0L


This movies is what it is. It was just entertainment, nothing more nothing less.Anyone turning up their noses to movies such as this have no business watching these kind of movies. Go watch Ghandi or chariots of fire.


NO movie ever made is just entertainment.


If I spend time and money watching a stupid film such as this I believe I have every right to state my opinion. If this was written prior to Training day or the shield then why make it? The plot is almost identical to TD only "bad guy" is more polished than Denzel Washington. The acting in this movie makes it almost unwatchable and I love action movie with bad acting (i.e commando, raw deal etc.) as long as its entertaining. I think they should take Forest Whitaker's oscar back for his Sh*t performance in this. Anyhow, any fool who defends this movie should go watch spy kids or the power rangers movie which have about the same level of acting/plot.


"If I spend time and money watching a stupid film such as this I believe I have every right to state my opinion. If this was written prior to Training day or the shield then why make it? The plot is almost identical to TD only "bad guy" is more polished than Denzel Washington. The acting in this movie makes it almost unwatchable and I love action movie with bad acting (i.e commando, raw deal etc.) as long as its entertaining. I think they should take Forest Whitaker's oscar back for his Sh*t performance in this. Anyhow, any fool who defends this movie should go watch spy kids or the power rangers movie which have about the same level of acting/plot."

I elect you idiot of the century award.
First, He made it because he wanted to make it. That's a simple answer to that.

Second, the only real similarity in plot to training day is "they have corrupt cops".

Third, the acting isn't bad at all. It's just idiots like yourself who just looks at someone like Whittaker playing a part they dont usually play. It's nigh on impossible to find a film that Whittaker acts bad in, he deserves more oscars than he's got, not any taken away.

To just turn your thing. Any fool who attacks this movie should just never watch films again.


I agree. He's an idiot, and there isn't any sense in arguing further with him, he won't ever get it. Forest is an incredible talent and he was fantastic in this and every other film he's in. Period.


You hated this film but LOVE Raw Deal, lmao! You must have sniffed too much glue as a child or somethin.

My body's a cage, it's been used and abused...and I...LIKE IT!! [Evil2]


i wouldnt go that far


I agree with BillCarson. Disappointment





THE worst movie? i think you're over-doin it a bit there


Opinions are like *beep* my friend. And honestly.. I don't need every one's *beep* shoved in my face because someone thinks they should be able to.

Get your facts straight. Comparing this to The Shield and Training Day..
