MovieChat Forums > nickatnoon61

nickatnoon61 (66)


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DITTO! NO movie ever made is just entertainment. Yer too late! They already "got a room" and are 'making up' as we type! L0L "The Dude" also had that 'disease' in "The BIG Lebowski". lol MnFan, everybody is addicted to something! If you don't believe that, try going without anything sweet just for a few hours! I did that as an experiment and I am a vegan health expert! That's why I haven't been sick in 38 years. Chocolate used to give me SEVERE headaches, but if I eat it now, I drink a LOT of water, and the next day I don't have any 'hangover'. MY best friend got addicted to methadone from a clinic and ODed (DEAD) in 1993! Liken, More people are addicted to 'legal' drugs from 'doctors' than all of the other drugs combined! I notice that NOBODY here has mentioned "God" except me. That's a HUGE SOTT! (sign of the times). I'm also aware of those addicted to AA, addicted to religion, etc. I know the answers and I LIVE the solutions...I'm 9 years sober. I've had a few beers now and again, but never more than two. I don't even drink near beers now. I've lost my desire for the taste of it, bcuz I drink kombucha with fruit juices as a replacement for beer. Fermented foods are healthy. I pray regularly to thank God for my sobriety, and ask Him for guidance on a regular basis. So far so good... Recommending switching one addictive drug for another is not the answer! Having faith in Creator worked for me. That's why so many recovered addicts in 12 Step programs swear by the "Higher Power". (not to be confused with religion) I actually had a spiritual experience at a treatment center after a sincere prayer! God is REAL, and God is LOVE! L0L "There's never any leftover doughnuts at the police station either!" BINGO Clyburn, my best friend from Grade 3 (1961) until adulthood (1993) died from an OD from methadone which he got from a 'clinic' in Vancouver. He got mixed up with a wanna-be Hells Angels crowd, and I drifted away from him. I'm an alcoholic, and it's tough to feel good bcuz I burned off a lot of endorphins, and I have to work-out vigorously to get the feel-goods back again. I tried some CBD oil but to me that is cheating, and I realize I have to WORK at it (physically) every day to feel happy. There's no shortcuts! View all replies >