This film was completely awful for a horror flick. It was hard to judge the acting considering I don't speak the language, but this just wasn't scary at all. It was interesting, but thinking that their is some invisible force to blind you is just retarded... do you have downs? Would you like to jump from my building? I dunno if you'll have quite the weight on your shoulders, but you might as well try.
thinking that their is some invisible force to blind you is just retarded...
Main Entry: suspension of disbelief Part of Speech: phrase Definition: a willingness to suspend one's critical faculties and believe the unbelievable; sacrifice of realism and logic for the sake of enjoyment
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does a ghost horror have to have blood and guts like your american naff so called horror? no. its a ghost story, and beleive it or not, many of those ghost pictures in the film are real, and i recognised them as i've seen them when i was a kid
Just saw this. Haven't seen many Japanese horror flicks but I'm starting to realize they're just as weak as the American ones (I know half of them are remakes from the Japanese version anyway.) Where everything feels like filler between one quick scary shot and a loud noise after the other. And cliched. They actually did the scary scene ends up being a dream twice in a row.
These ghosts are all show and no action. When I imagine myself in these scenes my reaction is to get angry and confront the damn thing. Like when the girl's climbing up on the guy's bed I wanted him to scream, "%*#& OFF, I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!" All they do is appear, look ugly and disappear. They're pretty weak once you get past the shock of a ghost standing in front of you. Granted, I'd freak like a little girl half the time too but at some point anger overtakes fear and I'd put my foot down. C'mon.
You have never seen a Japanese movie then, that comment is completely false unless you hate asian movies and can't stand their type of horror. And, you don't know how are you going to react to an ethereal situation like the one they put you through in the movie. Just thinking that you're going to react better is already a mistake because you have never been in such situation.
Like somebody said before: suspension of disbelief...
The movie was good but not scary. Its not about asia or america its about scary or not scary this was a good movie but not a scary movie, not because it didnt have decapitations and deads but because it wasnt scary... bad suspense obvious suspense. i watched "a tale of two sisters" slow but scary Premonitions" scary sci fi or something but still had good horror scenes Ringu... horror Infection" freaking horror movie!!!!
Not asian movies The descent" horror movie it really scared me i think the best horror movie nowadays ammm then... hostal 2 not scary at all hostal didnt like it didnt even see gore
and if we talk about gore asian movies are better: Guinea pig...
Anyways i think this was a very good movie but...not scary not very good suspense at all.
I saw "Scary Movie" years ago, and it wasn't even scary either! L0L I keep forgetting that this movie came out 21 years ago! Time flies! BTW, it's Jan./2025 now.
you don't have to understand the language to tell if the acting is good or not; you look at the facial expressions and body language relative to the subtitles. I don't speak Thai and I thought the acting wasn't bad; obviously it's a horror movie, so you don't expect Oscar-caliber performances/dialogue. however, for a horror film, the acting was great. i've noticed that asian actors have the best facial expressions because more is conveyed with the face than with speech (eg TVB mini movies from HK).
I personally didn't find it scary at all and it isn't because I enjoy gory movies either. In fact, I prefer the creepy/disturbing movies much more. The fact is im not scared of many things anymore. Gory movies such as the Saw series and the Hostel series bore me.
However, just because I didn't find it scary does not mean I didn't like it. The acting could have been better, with the exception of Natre, who has extremely creepy. I liked how the scares kept on going and there wasn't this huge gape between each scare. It was like once the scares started it didn't stop. The end twist, while I admit wasn't predictable at all, wasn't that crazy and jaw dropping. I mean her sitting on his shoulders the entire time was pretty cool but it was nothing compared to some of the twists they have come up with. An example of a crazy depressing and utterly helpless ending that stuck with me for days was Tale of Two Sisters.
Overall, enteraining movie and a new twist on the revenge seeking ghost. I like how Natre was different than most of the ghosts such as Kayako.
Total letdown after ready see how many high ratings it had....3-4 jumps at best but overall was just another long haired menace with a grudge...added nothing new.. :(
The flip book scene, although obvious, was handled really well but the whole 'on his shoulders forever' ending seemed more humorous than scary.....i really hoped to like it too...maybe i'll try the that any better?
Shutter is not the best horror movie but it is pretty good. Loved the music, it perfectly sets the tone of the movie. This movie is far better than that joke called Audition.
Of course it's a Horror film, if not Horror then what is it? If not finding a film scary ruled it out of the Horror genre then the genre compromises about 10-15 films in total.