What would the next Almighty movie be?
You had Bruce Almighty, where he became God.
Then you had Evan Almighty where he became Noah.
What would the next almighty be, if they ever make one?
You had Bruce Almighty, where he became God.
Then you had Evan Almighty where he became Noah.
What would the next almighty be, if they ever make one?
Have a hard core teenage rapper find out his father is really God and he turns his life around and spreads a message of love and peace.
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They should turn of the Book of Job into a comedy.
Just create a remake, Tom Hiddleston as Bruce Almighty Nolan.
Chris Nolan, Matthew Vaughn or Joss Whedon should direct. :P
"Haha!" - Nelson Muntz... pointing at YOU!
It would probably star Ed Helms in search for world peace or maybe something to do with Vegas!
Its that man again!!