Worst film ever seen

I really saw a lot, a lot of movies but never seen such a really really bad film like this. I really like all the people involved, thats why i watched it, but theres NO scene in this film i would recommand to anybody to watch - not even the credits-musical-sequence is funny. Im so bored and angry - never thought a film like this would be possible in a system which is making movies for an audience and not for stupid religious reasons.


...making movies for an audience and not for stupid religious reasons...

- I believe that a Christian audience would enjoy it, as with "Bruce Almighty" and even "Liar, Liar".

"If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!"


You should say 'have seen' instead of 'saw' in this context.

Also, 'a lot' is wrong with things that are quantifiable. You can say 'a lot of water', but you can't say 'a lot of movies' and be correct. You have to use something like 'many'.

I agree about the movie, almost - it's not the WORST movie I have ever seen (might not be a 'film', byt he way, but I will let that slide for now - people still use words like 'film' and 'record', even though there is NO film involved, NO records were used, etc., and I can't understand why), but it's definitely not even 1% as good as 'Bruce Almighty', and I pretty much hate that movie.

One point I'd like to make that I forgot; so the whole thing is, because God is involved, he must, instead of something NEW and CREATIVE, do something REPETITIVE and BIBLICAL, and force someone into a Bible Character's role.

It's like.. I would say you can't make this up, but someone not only made this up, but thought it was GOOD enough an idea to be made into a movie! HOW?

Also, there must be like 80 000 REALLY, really good, original, wonderful movie ideas, premises, stories and even fully-fledged novels, great fan-fiction, amazing creative writing that NEVER, EVER gets made into a movie, but hollyweird has NO PROBLEM shoveling this crap into our faces.

This is the most frustrating part that I can never understand.. why can't I stumble upon something creative and original when I browse the bargain bins? It's always garbage like this or worse, holy (pun intended) cow.
