MovieChat Forums > Evan Almighty (2007) Discussion > Did Noah save the fish? (saltwater and f...

Did Noah save the fish? (saltwater and freshwater)

If the world was flooded and noah saved all the land animals, then what about the fish? The salt and freshwater fish would live in a mixed environment clearly hazardous to their health. Can anybody clear this up?


You say that God created the laws of the universe? Then who created the universe? God? If so, then who created God, and who created the one who created God and so on and so forth. It's an answer that I don't know. It's an answer that we're told in my church that we, as mere mortal beings with primitive minds, cannot understand. Which to me, is not so hard to believe. But I sure can't wait to find out.

We can speculate in the beginning that a one cell organism evolved into a two cell organism and then a four cell organism and so on. But then one could argue, but where did that one cell come from? I'm sure the answer is complex and long. I'll have thousands of questions when I get the chance to ask them. In the meantime, we can debate back and forth and challenge each other's beliefs and even laugh at them, but in the end, there's only one real answer.

Not to digress too much, but again, when it comes to The Bible, there's no way it was translated without mistake. There are several versions of the book in fact, every one of them has a different interpretation of some of the books. Believe what you want to believe but don't be too naive about it, men, even men of God, make mistakes and can be corrupted. However, God does not make mistakes and if He breaks even His own laws then He would cease to be God.



Because it never happened


If you believe the story of the flood, then the entity you worship is a monster who would wipe out the planets population on a whim, including innocent children and infants. It's like worshipping Pol Pot.


Apparently, many here are obviously sooo uneducated. I've seen documentaries, archaeological excavations, the works all related to Noah's ark, not just from christian scientists, but also secular (even they admit something did happen). The doubters probably wouldn't believe pyramids existed if they weren't still standing today LOL.

It seems so funny to me how the other posters in this thread state the the bible is just stories and not all true. If God wanted us to interpret the Bible as just stories and not fact, he would have said so. Jesus was a story teller (parables), not God just so you know...

NO (and this has been proven time and time again) other historical book in EXISTENCE has been more accurate than the Bible. PERIOD. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.


To the original poster: Here's an article about the possibilty of fresh water fish surviving during the Flood.


Oh great and powerful God. I see thou art working through thy imperfect vessels trolls. Please give them the wisdom to understand that if they take th current bible as written, then they assume that thine words have not been twisted by translations through the years. The translation from latin to english. Not to mention that the King James version from which many modern bibles have emerged is in fact an amalgamation formed by a council of several of thine sects of Christianity. As for those who say the infants are innocent, do they not know that all babies are in fact demons born from hellfire in the unclean act of lovemaking. This alone makes them unworthy of continued life.

Praise Jebus!


Does it explain how this massive amount of animals + the family were fed?


I guess fish are ok in the flood.
I am more concerned with the plants. In the Bible, it seems that flood is everywhere. How will the plants survive??


Another great plot hole. Not in this movie, that is. :)

"Somebody's about to get a *beep* slap." -Morty.


Ummm...the same way they grow back after being drowned in local floods?


In my opion this was a good movie. But the 1st one with Jim Carry was better. I saw this movie with my GF on 7/21/07 at 4:00pm on a Saturday. We both liked this movie but also agreed that the 1st one was better with Jim. Steve was very good playing his role as Evan. But the part that gets me is in the bible god flooded the whole world how come in the movie they did not do that, cause it was only a path way of water to Evan's job. That is the only part of the movie that I did not get.

Mr. Allen C. Sokolik Jr.


no need to save the fish. they can swim.


Are you telling me that you people actually BELIEVE the story of Noah's Ark? I thought even religious people thought/knew it was just a tale with a moral.


And what is the 'moral'? Be good so you get to escape with a bunch of animals?
Whether you believe the Bible is true or not, the account is presented as a historical fact.
Thus if one were to believe in the Bible they must take it as true, otherwise it is a complete human fabrication.




The moral is, if you are wicked someone will drown you.


From what I saw the particular valley where they lived got flooded and some streets in Washington D.C. Fair enough, he saved his community and the regional wild life. Good deed. But why did God have to bring Zebras, Giraffes, Lions and Tigers to USA? Why not throw in some penguins and sperm wales while he was at it? Gosh what a silly movie...


What, there's no zoo in Virginia/DC?


"Zoologists have recorded 20,000 species of fish, 6,000 species of reptiles, 9,000 birds, 1,000 amphibians, and 15,000 species of mammals. And, although there are a million named species of insects, scientists estimate that there could be another million waiting to be discovered and named!"

And all of those are supposed to have been on a boat together? Christians believe this crap, yet the idea of evolution is illogical?




In any case, God seems to me to be about as good and loving as Charles Manson. Unless I'm missing something, he caused far more atrocities in the bible than the devil himself. All while demanding total obedience. I could make the case that he is by far the most ruthless and egomaniacal dictator that the world has ever seen. Genocide, mass murder, plagues, infanticide, etc. etc...I LOVE you God!!!

"You are a smelly pirate hooker." Ron Burgandy


Maybe he just took fish eggs with him?


If God did not allow all of those people to die in the flood, how do you think the world would be today? You don't know. Those people were evil, and God decided to destroy them to keep the world from getting even worse. If God did not destroy them, then the world today would be a whole lot worse. God knows what he's doing.


I can answer that pretty easily: the bible is fictional. end of story. now everybody stop arguing it. you're all WORSE than the star wars-geeks who write to george lucas and complain that some space explosion in the movie had flawed physics. NOAH AND THE ARC IS NOT A REAL LIFE EVENT! it never happened! some flood might have happened. some guy might have gotten all his pets in a boat and someone noticed it and wrote a story about it. but noah and the arc, and the rest of the bible for that matter, isnt real!

jesus people are stupid.



Oh the irony of using that "Usual Suspects" quote, since the one who said that was the one doing the lying all along.





