So this question does not exclusively pertain to this particular film, but to all films showing female frontal nudity in general.

Why do the female actresses who appear nude on camera always have bush? In this film, the girl who appears nude has some bush going on. I feel the general trend for the young women of today is to shave or at least trim their nether-regions. But I have never seen a shaved girl in a non-porn film. I understand that for nudity involving older women/older times a bush would be accurate. But I have never been with a girl during these times that sported a full-on vag beard. Why is this? Is it becasue showing a shaved vag would be to risque? In other words, is the hair necessary becasue showing the actual labia in a mainstream movie would be considered too porn-esque? Anyone have any insight into this?


In fact, the reason this film was rated R for "graphic nudity" is that her labia are rather clearly visible in the scene. (I'm a straight guy, so trust me on this one. )
I thought the scene was to garner laughs.

I totally did.

Though the second time they showed her nude scene as a flashback, I did notice Lolita had a nice butt. Still the situation of Bill Murray's character along with a nude teenager made me laugh and shout "OH NO!"

(I'm a straight guy.)


I'm 90% sure that women going bald tends to shock people more, and thus garner more attention and a higher rating. Although it's not 100% guaranteed to change the rating, it's seen as way racier, which ticks me off. Men can show full frontal, pubis or not, and achieve an R rating, but you never EVER see a woman's actual vagina as often as you do a penis. Women are all over the place shouting gender inequality and that women are overexposed and the men never get naked, yet men are naked onscreen way more often than women are, and often way more exposed.

Just my two cents


Some moviies does contain female humans with shaved and/or trimmed nether regions.

I would suspect you mainly watch movies from pre-2000 to have that opinion. I try to stick to post-2000 as I enjoy the filmography more, and I don't have the opinion that they're always running full-bush.
Of course there's the possibility we just watch different movies.





If you want to see shaved nude women in a mainstream Hollywood film, watch Wolf Of Wall Street.

The real reason Hollywood rarely shows shaved nude women is because to many people, shaved nether regions automatically means...slut. Classy women all have hair down there, often trimmed, but still fairly natural. Now get out there sonny and hunt down some good bush. You've never even really had a woman until you've had bush.
