Yes Jewish-Bagel, you are correct. The reason why this absurd and unatural situation of always showing women with bush occurs is to HIDE FEMALE GENITALIA. In many cases the female actresses are actually shaved in real-life but they are forced to wear a "merkin patch" (a fake pubic hair patch) to cover the area to prevent any of their genitalia from being seen. It is all due to the corrupt, sexist MPAA that does not allow female genitalia to be shown in R-rated movies. They will allow male genitalia to be shown, but not female genitalia. This is a completely unfair and SEXIST double-standard. A film can show a man's penis and testicles, even in close-up detail, and still be given an R-rating. But if a film shows actual female genitalia, the vulva or anus, it is given an NC-17 rating. NC-17 is box office death since most theaters won't run NC-17 movies. So it is a form of economic censorship.
This is a SEXUALLY DISCRIMINATORY rating policy. Why can the genitalia of one gender be shown in R-rated films but not the other gender? That is sexist and unfair. In the film "Bruno" a close-up of a SEMI-ERECT PENIS was shown wagged in front of the camera and this was still only given an R-rating!! Many R-rated movies have shown penises and testicles, but none have clearly shown a vagina. How come the penis can be shown but not a vagina? Filmakers and the public need to fight this sexist double-standard by filing a class-action LAWSUIT against the MPAA and SUE THEM for having a sexually-discriminatory rating policy. A film's rating should be determined by what is shown, NOT by the gender of who is showing it. If men's penises can be shown, then women's vaginas should be allowed to be be shown too. Genitalia should be given the SAME rating, regardless of whether it is male or female!