MovieChat Forums > Broken Flowers (2005) Discussion > Lolita was naked because....

Lolita was naked because....

This is an awakening self reflection of a lonely man. The outside world sees him as a success, he is rich, has lots of ladies, and is very smart and he is to them Don Johnson, with out the T.

It is only he who realises his life is empty; he sees his neighbours life as full and successful with love and children. It is with his neighbour’s help he goes on a journey of self discovery.

As he walks down memory lane he finds a metaphor of his life played out in stages from youth to death. This walk though his life is a daunting downward spiral into the reality of a lonely life and love lost. This journey is played out in chronological order through each of his five past lovers.

1st Lover: Lolita is the shadow of what was once Sharon Stone. Lolita represents his early stage of life where sexual energy and wanton passion drives his forming of relationships. Youthful feminine beauty, the prospect of easy titillating adventures, propel his search for meaningless sexual liaisons. This leads him down a path in life as a Don Haun.
2nd lover: The once great passions of youth that could have been lovers forever are now lost memories in a life that has becoming sterile, asset building, and functional. The loss of his first and most fond love has been settled for second best in sad quest to avoid loneliness.
3rd lover: Is the denunciation of traditional love to seek desperate refuge in our own idiosyncratic peculiar insanities to the extreme of forming relationships with the absurd. The rejection of being hurt to many times, acceptance that love can only be found in dependable objects and in being cynical of what once was.
4th Lover: represents all the cold brutality that life hits you with in old age, the impossibility of forming new meaningful relationships when you are old. The ugly cruelty of age hits him hard, he is alone.

- Interlude of Flower Shop Girl: She is his caring nurse, almost a reflection on a retirement home, only cares out of pity for him. She nurses him through to death.

5th Lover: She is death.... in the grave….where he laments, alone, and cries.

It is only at the end of his journey, on finding death, that he is sad. But it is only when he thinks hes found his son, does he realise that he is truly lonely.

The biggest irony of this film is actually in these posts. All of you who are visually excited by the nakedness of Lolita, are invariably the ones that will read this post. Which is why I named it “Lolita was naked because.... “
I will suggest be careful because you are loitering around the 1st Lover stage…..


You raise some interesting points. I always took the end to be positive, or at least neutral-positive though.

He thinks he has found his son, who looks like an intelligent attractive and sensible boy who he could be really proud of.

However, upon discovering he isn't, he later sees the other kid in the car who looks a lot like him, with the famous Bill Murray receeded hairline. This kid isn't one you could be so proud of.

After his massive effort to find his son and the mother, he realises, maybe it's best that his search didn't bare fruit. And this is mirrored with the girls he revisits. Sure he could have settled with these girls, but there would be as many benefits as drawbacks.

The way i took it, every route you take in life can have almost as many benefits as cons, so don't stress yourself!


that was fantastic

"...I'm a contradiction"


Brilliant interpretation of the movie, thanks!

Please tell me that you are the writer of the script... :-)

PS: I think you mean "Don Juan" when you said "Don Haun"



Jim Jarmusch wanted me to laugh out loud?

'Cause that's what I did when Lolita walked out starkers.


Hmm, this seems familiar... Or perhaps OP wrote the Wikipedia intro too.

What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today!


Hmm, doesn’t seem familiar to me...hmm, July 2012...

Now how many people can say theyve been plagiarised

…wooohooo! Awesome!


Haha, that made my day. You were *beep* plagiarized, man! Contact Wikipedia and demand compensation, lol.

What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today!


How on earth is that plagiarism??

Do you think you own the text you put into this site? Lol


"Interpretations", my butt. Idiots.


I think you nailed it.

Conservatives believe in helping the helpless and to hell with the clueless. - Dennis Miller
