MovieChat Forums > Broken Flowers (2005) Discussion > Lolita was naked because....

Lolita was naked because....

This is an awakening self reflection of a lonely man. The outside world sees him as a success, he is rich, has lots of ladies, and is very smart and he is to them Don Johnson, with out the T.

It is only he who realises his life is empty; he sees his neighbours life as full and successful with love and children. It is with his neighbour’s help he goes on a journey of self discovery.

As he walks down memory lane he finds a metaphor of his life played out in stages from youth to death. This walk though his life is a daunting downward spiral into the reality of a lonely life and love lost. This journey is played out in chronological order through each of his five past lovers.

1st Lover: Lolita is the shadow of what was once Sharon Stone. Lolita represents his early stage of life where sexual energy and wanton passion drives his forming of relationships. Youthful feminine beauty, the prospect of easy titillating adventures, propel his search for meaningless sexual liaisons. This leads him down a path in life as a Don Haun.
2nd lover: The once great passions of youth that could have been lovers forever are now lost memories in a life that has becoming sterile, asset building, and functional. The loss of his first and most fond love has been settled for second best in sad quest to avoid loneliness.
3rd lover: Is the denunciation of traditional love to seek desperate refuge in our own idiosyncratic peculiar insanities to the extreme of forming relationships with the absurd. The rejection of being hurt to many times, acceptance that love can only be found in dependable objects and in being cynical of what once was.
4th Lover: represents all the cold brutality that life hits you with in old age, the impossibility of forming new meaningful relationships when you are old. The ugly cruelty of age hits him hard, he is alone.

- Interlude of Flower Shop Girl: She is his caring nurse, almost a reflection on a retirement home, only cares out of pity for him. She nurses him through to death.

5th Lover: She is death.... in the grave….where he laments, alone, and cries.

It is only at the end of his journey, on finding death, that he is sad. But it is only when he thinks hes found his son, does he realise that he is truly lonely.

The biggest irony of this film is actually in these posts. All of you who are visually excited by the nakedness of Lolita, are invariably the ones that will read this post. Which is why I named it “Lolita was naked because.... “
I will suggest be careful because you are loitering around the 1st Lover stage…..


Intresting post. You clearly enjoyed the movie
And spent a long time thinking about it.

Lolita was probably naked because the guys making the movie
Wanted to see her that way.

I would of rather seen the girl in the shop Naked
But that's just me. I liked the film
But why was it a big deal that the woman named her dog Winston?
I didn't understand that.

And what makes you believe that the second girl was his favorite of the four?


I just watched the movie and without doubt the second girl was his favorite. I mean think of it, his husband already knew she had an ex-flame named Don and must have told him quite good details that the name stuck to his husband. She is still wearing the pearls he gave her. And the best photo of hers is still the one that he clicked. Her poor husband was never able to give her a happy moment good enough to be captured in a photo and compared to the one Don did.

Every one else later on, severed their ties in a way that they carried bitter memories even after close to 15-20 yrs later.


Thanks for that interpretation. Honestly, I feel like I appreciate the film more now that I can sense some kind of structure to it.


Interesting interpretation. I'm not sure it all clicks 100% or that it was Jarmusch's intention, but I'll be damned if I have a better explanation. And that's what I love about the really forces you to contemplate what was actually going on. It's like poetry on a screen.

"I am Jack's wasted life."


Man I actually found the movie kind of boring but you told it beautifully you should make a remake you would make it better :P


Also I came in this topic wonder what the hell was with her and got the answer right away lol.


Sorry, I stopped reading your comment after the first sentence because I realized you didn't have a clue. Lolita was naked because the director is a guy and he wanted to see the actress naked. That's how it roles in Hollywood and if you believe anything else you're a fool. The casting couch still exists in Hollywood, except now the women are a willing participant.



WOW......sometimes the hurt just pours out


I can see where that poster was coming from, but his reaction was probably a little too harsh.

You provided a good, throrough breakdown of the film. You shed light on a lot of things I missed. You helped me to appreciate the film more, but to better help you understand the previous poster's intentions, allow me to provide my breakdown of yours, as well as your follow up posts.

Coffee Monster, your inconsistencies with capitalization, your typo of "to much," instead of "too much," and your gross misspelling of the word "soul" severely damage your credibility. Obviously a writer on some level, the last of these complaints was enough to make me cringe. Your analysis was both brilliant and boastful. I felt I was in a lecture on the day the graduate assistant covered the professor. When first attacked about your post, which can easily be interpreted as overly verbose and pretentious, your response did little to help. Your grammatical precision was dulled (to say the very least), and your analytical ability came across as biased, defensive, and self-assuring.

Why you feel the need to spend so much time and effort on this topic, without answering the true question which is not taken by all to be a psychological one, shows a need for human connection, reassurance, and respect. Playing mind games with readers in order to draw attention to your interpretation of a film is a cute trick, but no matter how good your interpretation may be, the method by which you go about garnering this attention is says much more about you.

Try to see the poster's frame of reference, even if it contradcts something you spent a great deal of time on. There's no need to psychoanalyze a person for that, which is why I am being intentionally hypocritical to point this out to you.




Congratulations, you found a typo!


Thank you very much Achilles, I mean Akilles, you hit a soft spot that actually got me chuckling.

Harperian, you are right, I was a little nasty and in hind sight I should have posted the following: “Dear X-Ramubay, the Lolita thing is an issue and I understand where you are coming from, but recommend that you read the entire post and then pass judgement.”

Ha my old school teacher. The spelling and bad grammar, its never been a strength. This is the first time pen has been placed to paper, and it’s a damn good thrill to see that people understood the message conveyed, even if they think its rubbish it damn fun!

Anyway, let’s turn that spotlight away from petty personal ambition and beam it onto that delightful little nugget in your post,

Please, please tell, what is the true question that I should be answering?


if the reason for her nudity was so simple as "Lolita was naked because the director is a guy and he wanted to see the actress naked" there would have been other scenes with nudity, right? If he had a pervy little mind capable of only thinking like that surely he would have needed to have that be a focus to the movie rather than 1 nuance, right? Try again....


Lolita was naked because....having a beautiful, naked actress in a film increases its box office appeal.

Next question.


Next question: If there was no symbolism in Lola's nudity, does that imply that there was no symbolism in any of Don's visits and that the whole film was just a guy wandering around the country because his neighbor told him to?

Question after that: Is the sole objective behind any film, book, painting, or other art only about generating income and nothing to do with exploring purpose in life?

Hmmmm.... I'm not so sure.


Oscar Wilde quote: "When bankers get together for dinner, they discuss Art. When artists get together for dinner, they discuss money."


The scene is fundamentally unrealistic. Teenage girls typically categorize any middle aged male who gives them a less than paternalistic glance as a 'perv' and the idea that any teenager would wander naked in front of a middle aged stranger is ludicrous. I'm afraid what we are seeing here is a middle aged director exploring his secret fantasies.


>> Teenage girls typically categorize any middle aged male who gives them a less than paternalistic glance as a 'perv' and the idea that any teenager would wander naked in front of a middle aged stranger is ludicrous. >>

I agree that most teenage girls think this way; however there are some who are exhibitionists and like to think they are arousing a man; any man, especially if they have Daddy issues. A friend of mine ran into this while at a house doing repairs. And I had a friend in high school who got a kick out of exposing herself "accidentally" to neighbors and the like. She thought it made her hot sh*t.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


Exactly, especially in the context of her name being Lolita. That whole mother/daughter relationship was classic.

