Ridiculous ending

Am I the only one who found the ending to be completely contrived, if not nonsensical. This has nothing to do with the fact that she died, and that it was sad. I have no problem with sad endings, when they MAKE SENSE. The thing I don't understand is WHY she had to die? In what way did it help the narrative, the plot, the story, or the lesson to be drawn from it? Here we have a story about a girl, her dream, and her struggle to live out that dream, despite her horrible family, and all the odds being against her, and as she is about to realize even the tiniest portion of that dream: BLAM, you're paralyzed... Why that? To me it seemed like it came TOTALLY out of left-field. It was like Eastwood had this great movie going, had everything worked out perfectly and suddenly realized that it was getting too long and he needed to end it and that's the first thing he could come up with.

It just didn't make sense in relation to the rest of the story. Now some people will say "well that's life, sometimes *beep* happens." And yeah, that is life, but MDB isn't life, it's movie. Her injury seemed totally useless and left me wondering where in the hell Eastwood pulled that idea from.

Mystic River = Eastwood movie with a SAD, SAD, SAD ending, but one that MADE SENSE. Any thoughts?


It's hard these days to watch any Hollywood film without realising you're being propagandised somehow and here's a prime example. Some rich and powerful people want the power of life and death over you and they're using the media as a way to bring the subject of euthanasia up in order to familiarise you with the concept that killing is OK under certain circumstances. I've seen loads of articles recently in the news such as 'The case for killing Granny' and others. Sorry, but killing is killing is killing and thou should not kill. End of. So they serve up the 'exception' to the rule ie. in this case it's a merciful thing to do. But as we all know and especially alcoholics know, the exception to the rule can rapidly become the rule. Before you know it they'll be popping you off for any spurious reason they want just like they pop off unborn babies for free 'cause you don't want the hassle of looking after one. Hell, life is cheap these days didn't you know? Also they brought the Church in on this one to get the Christians on board too. Nothing Hollywood puts out these days is just innocent entertainment. It all has a political message. They want your mind. Apart from anything else these subjects do not make good drama. Maybe the key to realising the propaganda part is when you feel that hollow empty feeling of confusion and boredom arriving suddenly. There are no accidents in Hollywood.


only thing that didnt make sense is why they cut of her leg.


yep the ending sucks, well the ending was something like 30 minutes. Too much One flew over the cuckos nest (soory for the spelling).

didnt like the movie that much, it doesnt feel like a truthworthy story, way too hollywoodish or should i say clintwoodish its all black and white...


I don't see how this makes the ending 'ridiculous'...
why doesn't it make sense? she didn't 'had' to die, she wanted to..
she dind't want to 'live' in a wheelchair. (simply put).

Plus in your critique why are you switching to the accident all of a sudden (?), the fact that she died is a whole different thing than the fact that she got paralyzed. You talk about the 'rest' of the story but her almost making it (in her eyes she did made it)... IS the story....

You are probaly not statisfied because the film doesn't follow the
same old pattern;

person has a problem - after a slow start problem gets solved - things are looking good - all of a sudden a setback - and eventually things work out fine

that wóuld be a whole different kind of movie.....


I think the ending would have been much better if she had have won the fight and then the broken neck incident occured then the movie plays out the same way except the final scene could be clint eastwood going to see his daughter and she lets him in and as the door shuts the movie ends.

Dear Warden, You were right. Salvation lies within.


Actually, that's not a bad ending. It could work either way. Good job.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


Are you kidding me? The accident was what the entire movie was building up to! If you want just a typical boxing movie, watch "Rocky". This is not a boxing movie, it is a drama that happens to be about boxing


She said it herself!

She doesn't regret a thing, she'd do it all over again, even when knowing how it would end. In my opinion, it's about wether you'd live your life as less than nothing, or wether you'd risk it all to get as much from life as you can.

She wanted to risk it, and she'd do it again, but she'd not live on as hopelessly handicapped, unable to move, confined to her bed for the rest of her life, after what she'd been.

Ultimately, the film as I see it, is about life, and the right we all have to make from it what we can, AND, end it if we so desire. Liberty. Achievement. Pride.

GREAT movie. Perhaps Eastwood's finest.


hahah, you are so ignorant... you think movies have to have a lesson to be drawn from?, keep watching those corny movies with happy endings son, true cinema may be too much for a simple minded person like youself.

